A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Tomorrow is one month since this thread started with no response from Blizzard.

Fresh TBC servers with no transfers no boosts please.
Give those of us that want it an option to get away from the current realms economy issues and issues boosted characters will bring, as well as just the ability to start a new adventure going into TBC because that reason alone should be enough.


I hope the people in the beta (whenever that happens) start to ask for it as well


I look forward to level again from scratch, to start a new adventure with like minded individuals.


blizz wants to pretend business as usual.

We have to bomb the streamers when they are paid to promote the beta.

get their opinions on in and force their hand


Most of the streamers seem to want Fresh as well. Just blizzard and some people on other servers that are worried about spreading population. Overall pops seem either in line with how they were in Vanilla to TBC originally outside a few really dead PVP servers or some servers that are way over poped because of blizzard wanting to push more people into one server.

  1. a fresh server, each region, each type (selfishly, Oceanic PvE)
  2. no boost service for a period of time
  3. no server transfers for a period of time
  4. per-faction login queues

I’m still holding my candle.


Then what?

Yup it will happen. But we get “just a few months” of glorious community and gameplay. I’d pay extra to access that experience.

:thinking: maybe that’s how we sell it to Blizzard -> please charge me $60 for access to a fresh server.


The truth of it all is, if Blizzard doesn’t capitalize on a fresh TBC server, someone else will.


They just gave a CEO a $200 million bonus, unfortunately I don’t think they can afford more fresh servers guys :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

But ya I’d also pay extra for Fresh TBC, but with no option of boost ever, and no transfers for 6+ months


You’re taking that comment serious? Bless yer heart!

I look forward to seeing what the shareholders vote for his compensation package next time.

Yeah, must be awesome to earn that much money for doing nothing to add value to your company other than terminating enough employees to help post a profit…



Like I’ve been saying, none of us, are getting what we want, out of this. At best, NEW Servers will be released, but the Level 58 Boost Feature will still be available on said servers.

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That would be :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Fresh servers with no boost is the clear answer. Imagine being a company that ignores its community that they are making the “Classic” games for on this topic.


I was hoping for no Level 58 Boost Feature for the non-“fresh” type of servers, as well, but that didn’t happen. They’re not going to create servers without that feature not being turned on. So, don’t be surprised, when NEW Servers happen, but the Level 58 Boost Feature is still turned on.

NONE of us are getting what we want out of this situation.

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Still here asserting “facts” with absolutely no proof eh Piper? :stuck_out_tongue:

What class are you rerolling on the new fresh servers with us?

improved it a little bit for ya

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  • 1 month old
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I second this. I would much rather play a fresh TBC server rather than an inflated market on my current server.


It just takes a little common sense to know this.

You want 2 different things: NEW Servers + Level 58 Boost Feature to be turned off.

Those of us wanting to not have NEW Servers but would like the Level 58 Boost Feature to be turned off, as well…

What is the likelihood that NEW Servers won’t have the Level 58 Boost Feature?

NONE of us (including myself) are NOT getting what we want out of this.

As much as I would like Blizz to remove the Level 58 Boost Feature, myself, that likelihood of that happening is slim to none. It’s even to the point that they’ll alter the way it works by making it avail to Belves and Draenei, unlimited Boosts with Professions, at some later point.

The likelihood of both us having the Level 58 Boost Feature being turned off for non-NEW Servers and NEW Servers is slim to none.

We’re (including myself) NOT going to get what we want out of this. With the recent Survey out asking about altering Perma Servers (this includes Classic), they’re not going to be same games, anymore.

NOBODY (including myself) is getting what they want from this.

IDK if I’m going to play on a NEW Server or not. Depends on if an RP (not RP-PvP, just RP) Server will be created or not. I have been wanting a PST one, for awhile 'cause I’m PST. Instead, I’m stuck with EST. 'Cause the only avail RP Server is EST. That’d be the only reason I would ask for a NEW Server, but I only want one to have a PST version of an RP Server instead of just the one being on EST.

That being said, I’m still going to be a Mage just a Belf one, where the Level 58 Boost Feature cannot be used on…for now…