A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

My guess is the world BoEs got oversaturated due to easy mage script bots and FFA dungeon boosting letting the 4 people vacuum the loot. If dungeon boosting became no longer a good exp, mages would be back to solo farming and limited by their own bag space.

Bots and gold farmers are a huge problem. We could try to get an informative thread pinned on the server page for bot identification, bot spots, BRD Rogues, instance bot farmers, etc.

More active and proactive community out in the world could constantly help counter bots trying to return after getting banned.

Wishful thinking, anyway.

During phase 1, mages did a great job clearing out entire areas of mobs, and collected their pay. Once they hit 60, they moved on to ZF. Early on, they had way more money than others. This will exist again on the “fresh server.” An AoE cap will change how it works, but it’ll still be an issue.

Yeah, this is a tougher problem.

Always. Prot Paladins will be able to farm well, too.

We’ll have to be vigilant and keep pushing the tide back. All we can do, really.

I recall leveling my paladin after my druid (pally became my main, though.) A mage from my guild was farming the ZF graves while I was questing in Tanaris. He invited me and another guildie in for some XP. I was curious, so I went for a couple runs. After collecting about 20% of a level in XP, I felt bad and bowed out. It felt like I was cheating, and not something I wanted to continue. From what I could tell, he was getting 10’s of gold per run. This probably translated to 100’s of gold per day. At the time, his mage was an alt that he made specifically for farming gold. His gear was all greens and blues. I can only imagine how much more efficient someone in T2 equivalent or better could be.


Fresh servers are needed. Blizzard actually banning bots is needed even more.

It’s funny certain pe :robot:ple are lobbying so hard against fresh servers that shouldn’t affect them… unless of course they have a vested interest in keeping people on the same servers… I think we found the botters :robot:.


If this were ever going to happen, it would have happened by now. :frowning:


Sadly I think you’re right, blizzard has handled bots in the most piss poor way I’ve ever seen, nothing pisses me off more than reporting the same bot for weeks only to see it doing the same thing still with zero consequences.


What’s even worse is when you read about companies that actually deal with bots rather than just compromising their own games to try to undercut the bot’s profits. Maybe Blizzard should talk to some of the peeps from Final Fantasy XIV for some tips on how to spot and ban bots. :wink:


I haven’t read all the posts, but I’ve read several. From what I can tell, the folks who’re “against” these servers are more concerned about creating too many servers, with not enough players. This will cause servers to either be merged or some sort of cross-real nonsense… which will impact many players. The last time I checked, mergers and CRZ’s were not too popular with players.

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Fresh :slight_smile:


Well, I think they’d have to prove the character was indeed a bot. I know a few players who’re always in the same place doing the same things for weeks at a time. I don’t know how they do it, but they do.

So I quit retail for FFXIV

Bots are everywhere. It’s just that games far harder to break with bots.

Squenix also does regular ban reports/waves instead of once every 6 months

Yes, I am hoping that Blizzard improves for TBC Classic as it has always been my favorite expansion of the game. However, if they keep towards their laissez-faire attitude with respect to ToS violations and continue to push TBC Classic more towards the Retail Cash Shop, I will also have to find another MMORPG. Am taking a good look at Final Fantasy XIV myself. :smiley:


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+1 for a fresh oceanic TBC server please.

Two years of unchecked botting and gold buying has ruined the economy, no thanks.

I’d hazard a guess that most of the anti-fresh people in here are the ones botting and buying/selling gold and don’t want their investment undermined by a fresh server.


Right here, Nezo - Kirtonos, 7/9 tier 3, deathsting, maexna fang, nerub xbow, just waiting on 5 or 6 pieces for Full vanilla BIS. Have no plans to move to TBC.

The community on the new servers will have to be very viligant or we’ll end up in the same spot.

But these servers will be clean of Classic Mage abuse and the GDKPs cuts that went with it. I am not sure what mess is going to be ‘discovered’ in TBC but I know its coming.

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I’m on a very low pop horde server. The core raiding groups are established - I would have to transfer to another server to find a new guild OR I could start fresh with 30k people and create a new experience in TBC!


Its coming. Just not right away. It makes sense for Bliz to open new servers when there is a lull in content.

Fresh no boost server :sunglasses:


I am hoping they announce before official release. Some people have to request off time from work way ahead of time.

Many of us would like to know :smiley: