A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I can only hope it’s 30 minutes and not 8 hours, I hope they use layering to their advantage for launch for far better stability.

And i also agree, I would rather wait than have retail garbage in classic, It does nothing for the game.

A lot of people would rather start over fresh(myself included) on a brand new server to avoid the issues of players having gold cap on multiple characters and the overall wave of bots that will spawn because of the boost.


There’s just no way Blizzard as a company can turn a blind eye to the demand for Fresh TBC pre-patch or Fresh TBC servers on or shortly after launch.
The demand is e v e r y w h e r e
The populations for these servers would be huge, guaranteed.
We would need several fresh servers for sure, per region.

It is quite odd how Blizzard has clearly avoided discussing TBC fresh servers much at all, FULLY and INTENTIONALLY AVOIDING any question about it in ANY Q&A
That’s quite weird isn’t it? Makes you wonder why. Do they avoid it because they haven’t made a decision on it yet? So people will stay subbed with high hopes?
I don’t really know, I personally feel whatever the reason they have, that reason is stupid. The demand is massive. They should absolutely let us know their plans for Fresh TBC servers, launch is only a few months away isn’t it?

My prediction is we will see fresh TBC servers some time AFTER TBC launch, even though I think that’s the wrong decision, I’d be happy as long as we get fresh TBC.
We don’t need Fresh Classic servers, not for a long time, and not unless they are Classic+ servers i.e with improvements.
I’d rather they announce Fresh TBC servers launching at the same time as TBC official launch, or during TBC pre-patch. I think most people who are interested in rolling fresh would also prefer this.

Regardless, my optimism is high because Blizzard would honestly be absolute clowns if they don’t release fresh TBC servers. It’s actually madness if they don’t.
Like so completely illogical and self destructive, as well as bad business.
There will be a far more influx of subs and population with fresh TBC servers than there ever would be with people playing due to the level 58 boost, and a large amount of people who only play due to a 58 boost will FOR SURE quit the game unwilling to do the massive amount of grinding and attunements TBC has.
People that play on Fresh TBC servers would be far more “sticky” in that they stay subbed for far longer than anyone introduced due to a level 58 boost.
The level 58 boost is such a joke.
It’s to bring new players in who didn’t want to play Classic but want to play TBC right? Then why can EVERY account use it, even if you already have a level 60? Checkmate.

Fresh TBC servers with no boost would be hugely popular for this reason alone: no level 58 boost. They’d become the paradise that the majority of the Classic population want because that’s why we’re choosing Classic over current WoW, to go through the leveling process, to earn everything.
They would of course also be popular due to the benefits of Fresh: the fun of everyone leveling on par with each other, a new unbroken economy, etc.

so TLDR; imo chances are high we will get TBC Fresh servers but not until after launch. If we don’t then Blizzard are total and complete clowns that would rather shoot themselves in the foot by introducing cash shop type transactions to the Classic Community rather than stay true to the Classic Philosophy.



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this is why i cancel my sub
going to wait for a fresh clean server , corrupt tcb classic no thank


They’ll probably have NEW Servers…but they’re not turning off that Level 58 Feature.

That would just defeat the purpose of a fresh server(granted this is blizzard), I hope they actually announce fresh TBC servers for pre-patch or even launch and not after the launch of TBC classic.


no thx Level 58 Feature this is not classic

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I think the Level 58 Boost feature ruins the integrity of BC, but I digress. It’s still “fresh”.

I agree!

They’re going to be slipping in as much cash shop as they can. Meager subscriptions just don’t sate them anymore.

Honestly though, vanity cash shops are successful. It doesn’t interrupt the gameplay or community.

Which is why I foresee NEW Servers, but the Level 58 Boost Feature will still be turned on and not off.

EDIT: As much as I don’t want NEW Servers…I see them happening before they provide any Server that doesn’t have the Level 58 Boost turned on.

I think now would be a good time for them to experiment with community driven servers.

Let the population dictate what is on or off by popular vote— but that is a lot of work. Much easier to just soak cash shop options, probably.


I don’t think it’s a lot of work. Blizz is very capable of providing what we all want. I just think they want their moneyZ, so why would they turn off the Level 58 Boost?

EDIT: Reason why IK it’s not a lot of work is because I’ve been told too much copying and pasting would be “too much” work, yet here we are with Cloning (then again, they milked that, too, for more moneyZ). Also, all of us being told Classic is “too much” work, yet, here we are with Classic. I think Classic was being watched to see what they can milk us out for, in the future.

Yes Please.

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I agree here, unfortunately. I don’t foresee Blizz wanting to exclude a chance for more profits on these servers.

However, when we do see fresh servers, I hope they at least add some period of time where boosts are not allowed, even if it’s just a month or two.


Boosts or transfers on Day 1 would not make sense at all. Its a silly dream to hope for a server to be free of that permanently, though.

I’m curious… Clearly there’s a demand for fresh servers. Let’s humor the idea that Blizzard actually comes through and rolls out a server or two. Also, let’s take it a step further and assume they prevent people from boosting toons or from transferring (which is unlikely.) Many players have acknowledged that it’ll likely be just a few months before the economy is trashed. Mages will print money. Bots will set up shop. Dungeon boosts will be a thing. None of that’s gonna change.

Then what?

The last thing Blizzard wants is a bunch of dead servers. The last thing players want are merged realms or cross-realm zones.

bump for a good cause!!


If new servers become a thing, we should definitely take the initiative to be more thorough with identifying and reporting bots.

Mage AoE cap becomes a thing. It takes more concentration to pull off AoE (Rank 1 Blizzard and Flamestrike). Hopefully this makes botting/boosting way more cumbersome.

I personally proposed an exp nerf for dungeon boosting in another thread. It would nip that in the bud and push gold farmers to go elsewhere without hurting classes that can AoE farm.


One should also report anyone selling boosts, high level mages in ZF and high level rogues in BRD.

Only to a degree. Sure, you’re capped at the number of targets. The spells will hit A LOT harder, however. Mages will still be going into ZF and obliterating smaller packs at a time. Since they hit harder, it won’t slow them down much, if at all.

AoE grinding of mobs in the open world will change a bit. You won’t see mages rounding up everything in a given area. You’ll see smaller packs that’ll get bursted down quickly.

AoE farming is as much a problem as any other.