A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I don’t think it’s likely we see seasonal TBC servers before we see fresh TBC servers.

But time will tell. Hope they do the awesome thing and introduce fresh TBC servers at prepatch.

Still haven’t heard a good reason not to.



As long as Server Identity retains, than I agree with you. I’m never changing my opinion on that.

You may not like my answer, but it’s still a good reason. It effects me but again, IK the likes of you don’t really care about that, therefore IDC what happens to you, either. So, again, just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not a “good” reason. Why can’t you wish me the best luck, like I have done, to you? Why don’t you care about my quest to retain Server Identity? That’s right! Because you don’t really care what affects other people (or even what they want), as long as you get what you want.

You’ll never see nor understand my position, on that, and that’s OK. At least have the decency to respect it (even if you don’t agree with it).

Because fresh TBCC servers would be quite popular and blizzard would lose out on allot of money because boosting wouldn’t be a thing imo…

Or they’re just lazy and don’t give af… there is always that.

Hi Piper

To be clear ('cause you’re one of those people that’s very much in favor for Seasonal Servers), when you say “fresh” BC Servers, do you mean NEW Servers or Seasonal Servers?

I agree about Seasonal Servers being “popular”, in its own right, but I don’t think NEW Servers would receive that same treatment.

The Level 58 Boost Feature is its own thing. They can remove it from the Progression Servers, and this statement you said would probably ring true for that, as well. I’m not going to say either or :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That’s fair, too.

Hello :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: Aight, I have to go and “have a life”, now. Talk to everyone, later. See ya :wave:

I do actually care. I do care that players get choices, I do care that players can play in vanilla era realms or TBC, I do care that players can progress their characters into TBCC. I’m extremely happy that Blizz has found ways to make many players happy. I just want them to find a way to make the players that want fresh servers at prepatch happy.

I understand you will not be supporting the fresh servers, but that is what this thread is for, to support fresh servers. I am here to voice my opinion and my support.


I’m just talking about a few new servers for the launch of TBCC, seasonal or not.

I just want a brand new fresh server for prepatch. If it’s a seasonal… great! :slight_smile:

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I honestly wouldn’t mind a seasonal server either. It would, in all reality, provide a similar enough experience, for me.

Though, if it goes the way Piper is suggesting, I’m not sure I’d like having to pay to keep my characters.

I think the idea behind that is it gives blizzard a reason to do seasonal.
Right now they would only get our sub fee… which obviously isn’t enough for them because they’ve introduced boosting / paid character copy to TBC.

That makes sense.

I still think adding a fresh server (non-seasonal) would be good for those players that like TBC and Wrath.

For me, a seasonal server would be fine, but I’m not sure how much of the player base would like that, right now.

The blizzard rep who is watching this topic is doing one of two things:

Either thinking “Oh my poor sweet summer children, if only I could tell you there is no fresh server coming but my hands are tied. We’ve been told not to talk about it so those hopefuls who are still subbed stay subbed, and it might be something explored months after TBC launch”


“Oh I wish I could tell them when we ARE doing fresh servers but it hasn’t been finalized yet :slight_smile: we’re still deciding if we should make fresh servers on the TBC prepatch, or time it for launch, or after launch. But fresh servers ARE coming, guaranteed! We just can’t say anything until we know when we will launch them”



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Aight, life happened, now I’m back to tormenting myself :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Like I said, as much as I want to support NEW Servers, I can’t. I explained why and looking for support, as well, so I can support the cause. Considering, nobody really cares, I have no desire to care back.

There is a difference between NEW Servers and Seasonal which is why I asked.

I would prefer Seasonal over NEW Servers, definitely. I don’t think they’ll be avail come Launch, though.

I prefer it that way because I mentioned how I don’t want Perma Servers to be used as a “dump site” for Seasonal Characters, as Seasonal Servers self delete. I think you should pay for leveling on a Seasonal Server as opposed to the stale ones. Call me “harsh”, IDC.

That, and how Blizz likes the moneyz, anyway :woman_shrugging:

Which is probably why Blizz isn’t doing them “right now”. That’s assuming their version of “fresh” is Seasonal and not NEW Servers. It lines up right if it’s Seasonal.

Interesting :thinking:

On the flipside, there has yet to be a good reason for them to launch fresh ones if theyre not needed because population on current servers demand it

The good reason to have them is players want them.

To Blizzard, this has proven to be a good enough reason to provide several things. RP servers, classic, TBC Classic, getting rid of batching etc etc.

Either way, I believe Blizz plans to do fresh servers in the future. How those servers operate (whether it’s seasonal or just becomes another progression server), is where I think it may still be up in the air.

Time will tell.


As much as I’d love to see fresh servers. I’m beginning to think they won’t come for a while. I predict Blizzard will launch Classic (not TBC) servers first, some time after tbc launches. I think we’ll eventually get seasonal or fresh servers, but I don’t think it’s likely to happen any time soon.

This thread will be here until we get a solid answer. :slight_smile:


Indeed we want answer !!! i hope soon


Best time to tell the players would be before the pre-patch starts, that or bring one up at the pre-patch.

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The year is 2039, Classic Wow 3 the re-relaunch is slated for release in 10 days. Piper returns to this thread to post another 6 page long thesis about “seasonal servers”.


No, it’s not.

You just proved why it’s not. When I said I want “dead servers”, you were not OK with that.

Better yet, I don’t want NEW Servers, so we have to determine the value of said “want”. Simply “wanting” it isn’t enough.

No, they needed more reasons than just “I want it”. They need actual population numbers that share the same philosphy. Which is why “fresh” is the minority. There’s not enough interest to warrant its existence.

Which isn’t doing so well compared to other servers. And could be the reason why we’re not getting NEW Servers. Because, when they were provided, they didn’t do so well. So, why would Blizz create more dead servers? That doesn’t make sense.

Is different than asking for more dead servers. We’re asking for different games, here.

Is different than asking for more dead servers. This is a unified stance compared to progression vs “fresh”.

Agreed. My money is on Seasonal.

You mean more to your liking?

It’s “not right now”. Which means not at launch of BC. “Maybe in the future” means after BC (most likely). And, it sounds like they’re talking about Seasonal. It’s the only way that answer makes sense.

BUT, I will say, I think Blizz (and the community) should be more specific, when they use the word “fresh”, since it’s used interchangeably between both NEW Servers and Seasonal.

I’ll even concede and say, Blizz may not even refer to NEW Servers as “fresh” and may provide NEW Servers (I wish they wouldn’t but here we are), anyway (unannounced). It doesn’t make sense to say “we might add NEW Servers in the future”, unless they’re refering to Seasonal.

They’ve made changes before without actually telling anybody. Who knows? Maybe Blizz doesn’t refer NEW Servers as “fresh” and only Seasonal. Who knows? Maybe they will create some NEW Servers unannounced…though, I wish they wouldn’t, but Blizz is already messing with Legacy Servers, I have no idea what they’ll be doing, at this point.

There’s nothing wrong with Seasonal Servers, though. Even other (not all) members of this thread agree with Seasonal Servers.