A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I didn’t say that.

They told the “fresh” minority group “not right now but maybe in the future”. There’s no doubt in my mind Seasonal Servers are coming. They just have to wait their turn.

Sure, I will go look it up, when I feel like it, but I have feeling you just gave credit to my “PvP Servers suck” point :slight_smile:

With the exception of Grobb and DD, but you didn’t mention anything about PvE Servers, I can only assume, they’re doing well, otherwise you would’ve mentioned, them, too. BTW, there are NO RP Servers on the Language Servers.

Sure. So far, I kind of support their decisions, just not how they’re handeling Perma Classic Servers, ATM, if they’re thinking about applying changes to it, I don’t agree with it, at all.


Once again, I’m not telling other people how to play the game. I’m merely pointing out the effects of how people want to play are affecting me, so I would like to reach some sort of compromise, where we’re not affecting each other. I’ve been saying this, over and over, again.


I’m worried about the part that will be connected, yes.

Not yet.

Like I said, please try to follow me, here. If Blizz doesn’t implement Connected Realms and/or CRZ, we’re good. Have as many NEW Servers, as you’d like. It’s a very simple stance.

And my stance is new servers do not effect your server identity any more than the existing number of servers do. It’s very simple to understand.

If they do connected realms (which is not CRZ) it shouldn’t matter if they connect 2 realms or 10. They will be connected, so connected is connected. So, it shouldn’t matter if they add new servers.

If they don’t do connected realms, then it shouldn’t matter if they add new servers because they won’t be connected.

Edit: I said they are doomed, which means they are likely to have an unfavorable outcome. I didn’t say that the server identities were already ruined.

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They do. They add more into the problem that causes Blizz to Connect Realm/CRZ or w/e it is that they do that causes Server Identities to be lost.

It does matter, because NEW Servers are adding more Servers to cause more Realms to be Connected. It’s really not that difficult to understand.


I’m talking about Server Identities. “Unforgiveable outcome” could mean “dead servers” which IK the Majority doesn’t want, but I (personally) don’t mind “dead servers” because the Server Identity is still in tact. Once again, I already know I’m in the Minority pool, on that one.

So, again, keep the Server Identities in tact, and you’ll have my support for NEW Servers. If they’re not in tact, I don’t support NEW Servers. Very simple.

I see no reason why 2 connected realms is any different to 10 connected realms. If you dislike seeing any player with a server name at the end of their name (I’m assuming if it’s your own server name it would be fine) then it shouldn’t matter if the server name is ‘Atiesh’ or ‘Westall’.

Because the 2 realms connected lost their server identity or 10. When you spread the population so thinly, and it calls for something to “fix” it, and they turn on Connected Realms, that Server Identity is gone. Period.

It does matter because of what I said earlier:

I’ll even add on Connected Realms doesn’t give me that sense, either because well…Atiesh is not Westfall and vice versa.

You’re not going to change my mind on this, ever.

Now, you can agree to disagree with me, or we can keep having this back and forth. What do you want to do? Because I’m not going to recant my statement. IK you’re not either.

I would say you dont need to read into everythings as something i was referring to you as saying but somes times i do just put my view out there in some instances. Was not attributing them to you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I want fresh servers launched at pre-patch.

Hoping Blizz will give us a PVP server and a PVE server in NA, I don’t even care if it’s East or West. Either one would be fine by me.

Looking forward to that fresh server feel, whenever they are launched.


Slightly fair, but I can’t possibly know that, unless you tell me, but you just did so :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ll probably forget, though because you and I don’t interact often. IK who you are and seen you posting about, but we hardly hold conversations with one another. Don’t expect me to remember this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And, I understand that, and I disagree for all things I already stated.

Which goes back to my original point of providing Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to archive/save Seasonal Characters onto their respective Perma Server types as a “compromise”. Again, IK full and well, it’s not EXACTLY what NEW Server advocates are hoping for, but I feel it’s the best thing to do that won’t add more problems onto the Perma Servers regardless if they’re Classic, BC or otherwise, doesn’t matter. And, “fresh” folks can still get their “fresh” experience, if they really want to.

If we can retain Server Identities, I’m all for NEW Servers, have as many as you’d like. Until then, my answer is “no, thank you”. Has been that way and will always be that way. Good luck to us all :+1:

As long as the fresh servers aren’t released too long after TBCC launch it would be ok.

However, launching them at prepatch would still be preferred.


I wish us all the best of luck :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully, Server Identities will still remain…doubt it, though :frowning:

It was fun while it lasted, everyone :hugs:

Unfortunately, I don’t think server identity will remain the same. However, a new identity will be born from the server connections. I know it’s not the same, but it’s a lose / lose for players (as a whole) here.

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I agree with you which is why I think Seasonal Servers is highly likely with a Paid Service to archive/save Seasonal Characters onto Perma Servers.

I would prefer NOT to save any Seasonal Character and the Perma Servers used as a dump site, but it is what it is :woman_shrugging:

EDIT: Which is why I keep asking everybody, what’s most important to them.

EDIT 2: Am I alone, on my crusade for saving Server Identities? Do people really care more about saving their names than protecting Server Identities? I just want to know.

EDIT 3: I won’t be angry if the answers are opposite of mine, I just want to know, so I can better prepare myself, just like I did with BC. Which is the majority want to progress rather than start over despite me wanting a “fresh” BC.

It’s like what others have said. It’s not just the names… if you can’t reliably get a raid team together (or even if you are the 41st person on the raid team) some players would rather have connected realms at that point.

My preference would have been for them to establish a limited number of classic vanilla era servers and people could transfer their toons there. I recognize issues with that, but at least this would have consolidated the player base without technically merging or using connected realms.

Edit: Server identities are also going to be crushed—not destroyed entirely though— when new Classic expansions are released. So many people will migrate to the next expansion. Some may pay to keep both, some won’t.

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Not unless the Servers are properly Merged together that’s not Connected Realms.

I agree with you.

No, they won’t. As long as they are not Connected Realmed/CRZ’d, the Server Identities are still in tact. I said this ages ago, even if I’m the only person playing on that realm, the Server Identity is still there.

I have a feeling your definition of Server Identity differs from mine, and that’s OK. There’s a reason why I’m OK with playing a “dead server”. Again, IK a lot aren’t. IK that. The only thing against proper Server Merges are Names. What you said about “proper” Raid Teams, doesn’t make any sense.

EDIT: So, again, what’s more important? Names? Or, Server Identities? Can you (I don’t mean you specifically, I’m stating a general “you”) handle changing your name?

EDIT 2: Or, I’ll do you one better, “Connected Realms” to avoid “Dead Servers”? I’m cool with that answer because I get it. It’s OK if players don’t like “Dead Servers”. It’s perfectly OK. I get it. I understand why most (not all) wouldn’t want to play on a “Dead Server”.

EDIT 3: Just make a choice and tell me what matters most to you.

Its not a big deal overall if you do in the future. Seems to be your response style which is fine with me.

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Appreciate that :slightly_smiling_face:

Blizzard has never merged servers… they use their PR positive term of ‘connected realms’.

And you are in the extreme minority if you would be fine being the only player on a server. So much so that I doubt Blizzard would cater to that.

It’s fine if that’s what you want, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. Blizz would be more likely to simply delete the server at that point, in my opinion.

Yes, IK this. I’ve said this, over and over, again. Which is why I do not want all of these redundant servers by the time Perma hits. We’re just going in circles, here. And just repeating ourselves. I get it, you disagree with me so just leave it, at that. I will not recant anything I’ve said.

Yes, IK this. I’ve said this MANY times. It’s like you’re not even reading what I’m saying :roll_eyes:

Kind of like the NEW Server advocates? :thinking:

See, I think there’s more Seasonal Server advocates than there are NEW Server advocates. No, I don’t have the “evidence” nor “proof”. Just a theory based off of deductive reasoning and my own experience in talking with the WoW populace :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

LIkewise with you :slightly_smiling_face:

Probably, but they did say at their Round Table that Perma Classic Servers would remain “until the end of time” :woman_shrugging:

Yes, perma Classic will remain for a long time, but probably on one connected realm formed from all current realms… so I’m not sure what your point was?

And, as you have said ‘again and again’ blizzard shouldn’t cater to the minority, right?

Lastly, as you have said, Blizzards response to fresh servers was not “No, never going to happen” it was, “Not right now”. I infer that means we will, at some point, have fresh servers.

Congrats on 1400 posts guys! Hopefully we get an updated response ‘soon’. /s


*'til the end of time (allegedly)


To point out that before they mentioned anything about Connected Realms, that they said it would remain “until the end of time” making your point moot about them deleting said Server(s).

Nope, I never said that they shouldn’t cater to the minority. Never said that at all.

And, I agree with you. The type of “fresh” that it is, is another question. My money is on Seasonal Servers and not NEW Servers.

The answer is already there:
“Not right now but maybe in the future”.

But, what type of “fresh” could that be, though? What if it’s Seasonal and not NEW Servers? :thinking: