A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

My conclusion is Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to archive/save Seasonal Server Characters (if people must). Unlike NEW Servers, Seasonal Servers will not add more Servers onto the Perma list. Seasonal Servers will still offer that “fresh” appeal (not EXACTLY like the NEW Server folks are hoping for, but we all have to make sacrifices. I’m sacrificing even having Seasonal Servers save their progression, at all, but I digress).

Saying That “Most” of the people who want a fresh new server are trying for “Server Firsts” is absolutely nonsense. So you can see how “Most” of us would assume you’re trolling.


Please explain how it’s “nonsense”. Simply stating so doesn’t make it true. I’ll even re-word it and say “some” instead of “most” :slightly_smiling_face:

To think NOBODY advocating for “fresh” anything (doesn’t really matter) aren’t interested in trying to grab that “first” title IS ridiculous! I do think there are candidates out there wanting that “first” title and will abuse (I use this lightly) the “fresh” parade to achieve that :slightly_smiling_face:

Having a different opinion is not “trolling”. I can conduct myself without resorting into ad hominems.

If it wasn’t nonsense you wouldn’t have had to reword your statement… because you know that “Most” Is Most defiantly incorrect.
(Only saying this cause you asked me to explain)

Yup, I doubt anyone would disagree that there is some players interested in getting world/server firsts on fresh servers. It would be foolish to say that nobody would be interested in it.

I called you a troll because in my opinion that was troll statement, I sincerely apologize if I offended you piper!

That’s fine, I appreciate it.

I (also) would like to point out that we don’t necessarily have the data to say either or. And, if I’m “wrong” for having my opinion, than I’m “wrong”, but I’m still going to say it, anyway. I think there’s a lot wanting a “fresh” start to try to grab that “first” title. That’s my opinion, and I’m sticking to it.

Agreed. But, not so much “foolish” to think there’s a large quantity of folks that want the “first” title.

You didn’t offend me. I’m just growing tired having to endure ad hominems after ad hominems, when I’m merely stating my opinion on things.

I do think there’s a large market of players wanting a “fresh” start, to have their chance at the “first” title. I’m sorry, that’s my opinion, and I’m not going to change my mind on that. If you find that to be a “trollish” statement, that’s fine. I’m not going to take back what I said because

I wish you the best of luck with your “Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to archive/save Seasonal Server Characters” dream Piper, you go show blizzard whos boss!

It’s a great idea and I’m sure many people advocating for a fresh tbc server would stand with you. (If you stopped telling them they don’t know what they want)

Best of luck!

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Thanks LOL

I doubt it.

I never said this, at all. The only thing I said was what they’re asking for is not going to fix their issues. That’s the only thing I said.

Along with asking them what’s important to them because we can’t have our cake nor eat it too. As much as I despise the fact to archive/save any Seasonal Character over onto Perma Servers, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for those looking for a “fresh” experience (again, it may not be EXACTLY how some, not all, wanted it, but it’s the closest they’re going to get).


Funny coming from someone who posts constantly. Your obsession with fresh vs. seasonal servers is amusing to watch.

Wonder how many posts you managed to make while I wrote this…


I like to think I post “quality” content. Ofc, you’re probably going to say that I don’t, but it’s a good thing that it’s subjective rather than objective :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s not really an “obsession”. It’s getting the point across. Would you be satisfied with a Seasonal Server option with a Paid Service to archive/save your Progress onto Perma Servers, yes or no?

Or, are we mostly interested in not having foresight regarding NEW Servers because you don’t want to:

  1. Pay to save your progress
  2. The Server you established yourself on to be deleted.

That’s it. Those are the ONLY two reasons why I understand those moreso in favor for NEW Servers would be against my idea. And, then it goes back to what I said about those not being “enough” of a reason to justify creating redundant amounts of Servers, when Perma hits.

This isn’t the only thread I post in. I post in here a lot because folks keep engaging with me, thinking I’m going to change my mind, but I’m not. That and trying to build more post counts for the thread engaging with me, not caring that the quality of the thread doesn’t really work in the thread’s favor.

I’ve been called names, that my input is garbage and no real care from the thread’s concern regarding Perma Servers. Therefore, I (and, IK I’m not alone) don’t take the NEW Server movement, seriously.

Is there a meme for using a troll’s words against them? I googled it, but only got the standard, “Don’t feed the trolls.” meme. :slight_smile:

Nicely done, though.


It’s so funny. You preach so hard about “ignoring trolls”, yet here you are cheering on the sidelines towards those you think “bested” me. So much for “ignoring the troll”, huh?

Also, you keep proving my point how NEW Server advocates want to run away from their problems rather than fix them, directly. You can run, but you can’t hide. You will not be “free” of Gold Buyers, Botters, “sweaty Try Hards”, etc. with your precious NEW Servers. I don’t understand how “slowing them down” is some sort of “victory”. It’s not.

I do have a lot more respect for people that talk to me directly rather than indirectly.

Very cowardly tactic. No, I’m not calling you (specifically) a “coward”. I think the action is “cowardly”.

You’re welcome.

EDIT: Before, some (not all) want to drag me through for “not posting on my main”:

  1. I don’t want to.
  2. I’ve expressed (numerously) what Faction, Race, Class and Server I play on, numerously. It’s not hard to figure out.

After ignoring most of Piper’s posts, I agree with her conclusion. I would love to see seasonal servers. Give them a life-span of like 18- 24 months, enough time to play the game to its fullest and then do it all over again.


Appreciate it :rofl:

Yes they did.

Those threads were ususally full of people telling other people how they wanted there version of fresh and that was going to be THE way that people should play TBC.

I can recount the various ideas things people were talking about.

  • Fresh Only TBC
  • Fresh and Progression
  • Fresh Only 58
  • Fresh only level 1 for everyone

This list goes on of people talking about it BEFORE the announcement came. Since the blizzcon came and went with no talk of a New Server or more of a discounting of wanting to make new servers people put voice to wanting it.

You can argue that its a minority but if we continue with that logic we wouldnt have Classic at all, RP servers, Language servers. All things that blizzard said would not be popular and … well seem to be fairly popular.

Seasonal server setup is something i think would work though i think the idea of “serason” as it relates to wow is far different. If i had to guess, blizzard wants this too as a way to make money from people. What i think blizzard wants to do is set up a way for each version of the game to be its own thing that people can continue to while holding a containment server for people that want to sit in that world forever. So a Fresh Classic comes up with whatever new changes we get then goes into TBC or stay on that server. I would find it intersting to see a realm fresh in phase 6 and see how long it takes for people to clear Naxx.


It could be nice if we can have an answer from Blizzard this thread have what 1.3k reply, its time to answer !


I have a feeling that Blizzard is going to want to wait to see just how the populations of the current servers work out with TBC Classic before they would consider new ones. While this thread is highly rated and liked, I believe Blizzard has concerns over low population servers and probably feels that adding new ones might contribute to that issue.

Still, would be good to get an official response one way or the other though. I agree. :slight_smile:


Piper, that’s nothing like what New server people are asking for. You can’t keep pushing the same arguments while refusing to respond to anyone elses or people will, rightly, accuse you of trolling.

You keep asking for valid arguments for new servers; everyone gets that you don’t want new servers by now. I don’t agree with your reasoning, but I do understand what you’re saying.
I gave you a list of issues that a new server would address, and your only argument was that none of it mattered because you don’t want new servers.

Also…your posts are an absolute mission to reply to mate…maybe it’s just me but holy moly :joy:

You may be right, unfortunately. If they do that it defeats the entire purpose. By that point everyone that wanted a fresh realm with no boosts or transfers will have either moved on to a different game or begrudgingly put down roots on an existing server.

Returning/new players that can’t afford a buckle or a silver rod will not have a pleasant experience.


If they open a New Server day of people are going to go to it. What will be most intersting is to see what happens if there are pop isues for servers a week in. Are you going to reroll then? If they open a new server and make it a transfer target there would be no reason to leave your server really. On the other hand i wonder how many people WOULD reroll a week in. If it was a New server no transfers i probably would.


Blizzard doesn’t want FNB servers bro… They know that everyone will flock. They know that those playboys on the retail will be sparse on theirs. They know FNB servers will be full, and plump. An OG paradise.

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