A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

You do just fine on your own.


That’s why people like you continue to chime in, right?

You (specifically) provide nothing but talking about my character. You can’t argue against any points, so you resort to focusing on me, as a character. That’s all you ever do when responding to me. You provide nothing productive in any topic nor discussion, if it doesn’t involve resorting to tearing down another individual.

EDIT: We can discuss who I am as a person, some other time. It holds no relevancy to the discussion, at hand, though.

EDIT 2: And, once again, just because some (not all) believe me to be “a mockery” doesn’t mean that my conclusions are “false” in NEW Servers being “a waste of time”, and that if we’re going to do “fresh” anything, they should be Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to archive/save any Seasonal Server Progress (if people must). That’s the best compromise to avoid having a redundant amount of useless servers, when they turn Perma while still providing some “fresh” appeal. It may not be EXACTLY the way most (in this thread) want it, but at least there’s still an option to roll “fresh” through the means of “fresh” Seasonal Servers. There’s no point in creating more servers to stale out, when they become Perma.

You are still here?
Lol, you have too much free time my friend, i understand that some people like attention but clearly this thread is not for you. some people want what you don’t and that is fine.

You can make your own thread and discuss all the differences between fresh, seasonal and everything else you want.

Maybe you could finish leveling your character for tbc, just saying there are better ways to spend your time that to annoy people with the same things over and over,

So please stop disrupting this thread.


But seriously, are you preparing for a debate tournament or something piper?


A formal request should be done in a hand written letter, have some class.

Some people just can’t take a compliment.

Seems crazy if they don’t at least create one server of each type. They give us boosts to skip Classic. By that same logic they should let us skip the inherent mess that will come about as players transfer their toons over.

There was something like 20 servers added right around TBC’s release. How can Blizz not do one for Classic TBC. The demand is clearly here. The population will warrant it.


As long as people keep replying, I’m going to respond.

Considering the state of the world…

That’s cute. Doesn’t take away from point.

Threads are for anyone willing to post in them and stay on topic, and I am.

And, I understand that. This is how I knew we’re (yes, I’m lumping members of this thread and myself here) are in the minority here. These threads didn’t start popping up until after the BC announcement. Before, it was announced, I was one of the few commenting about a “fresh” BC release. Just like you guys, I was met with hostility and anger.

Nobody agreed with me. I kept explaining over and over, again how BC and Classic are two different games. Again, nobody listened to me. It’s not that far fetch to assume that we’re in the minority here. It makes no sense to slap NEW Server after NEW Server to create so many BC Servers by the time BC becomes Perma.

Objectively speaking, what you want is not a solution to your problems. You’re not going to have some Utopian Server free of Gold Buyers, Botters, “sweaty Try Hards”, etc. It’s not worth having a redundant amount of Servers that splits the community so thin by the time perma comes just to have 4 weeks of “fun”. That doesn’t seem logical, at all.

Again, I already have:

I can’t make a Belf Mage, yet :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m not. People like you not only keep responding to me but are equally repeating the same jargon, over and over again, too. So stop responding to me and repeating yourselves equally as much.

  1. Again, stop replying to me and repeating yourselves, equally as much.


No. Why?

Oh please, that wasn’t a “compliment”.

Because there’s no reason to have redundant servers by the time they become Perma.

She would actually get laughed at a debate tournament. She relies too much on using logical fallacies (most prominently, the fallacy of quoting out of context) for her arguments. She would do well with the Republican Party, however. :wink:

I am always amazed at people who think that people who want a fresh new server are trying for “server firsts”. All of the “first” achievements happened over ten years ago for this content. It is good for a laugh though to see people posting their "First!" achievements for Classic. I am guessing no one told them that this is a re-launch of the original game from back in 2004. :smiley:




You’re projecting. You rely very heavily on the fallacy fallacy argument. Because you think I’m using a fallacy, you think my conclusions are false. That’s a fallacy in and of itself, my friend.

I’m not going to go there lol

I wouldn’t say “all” but “most” :slightly_smiling_face:

IDC if it was achieved ten years ago or recently. Nobody really cares all that much about “firsts”, anyway.

Agreed. For anyone bragging about “first”, in general.

That doesn’t matter to them. What matters is “being first” :roll_eyes:

You’re welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

While I agree she is trolling the thread, I find it best to just ignore her and remind myself that at least she is contributing to the post count. :smiley:


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Hey, a bump is a bump.


I’m not.

That’s why you keep making comments about me? Because you’re “ignoring me”? Lol

I’m doing more than that. I’m actually contributing to the conversation.

You’re welcome!

Quality over quantity :wink:

Let me say this in a way Blizzard can understand.

We want F🤑R🤑E🤑S🤑H🤑


That won’t do it. Try this:
Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to archive/save Seasonal Server Characters :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Blizzard, we want fresh TBC servers, cmon already


The question becomes, why not at least ONE for each region, similar to the rpvp concept? There’s practically zero argument against it. If it’s truly a DiSaSter, people will just quit. But I think it can reveal an amazing take on TBC to be honest.

The actual point of concern may be what one constitutes as FRESH. I personally don’t want to level from 1 to 60 with oldschool xp requirements and I suspect there isn’t a substantial amount of people that have the tenacity to do this, let alone have the ability to level alts. I believe this will echo historical issues in the past with raider drought and attuning / gear players.

As someone who took WEEKS off to level in classic and loved it, this is the real “you think you do but you don’t”. You’re going to have a guild clearing the first tier of TBC BEFORE a MAJORITY of players are 60 and it’s going to make a substantial amount of people quit. While you can say that “but rag was killed in week one” in classic its different, because that was the only content, and no classic was so much more important to people than just Molten Core. I promise you, you’re going to have a majority of players in the level 40 range immediately lose interest when a guild finds a way to zoom through. Yes you will keep a very, very, very CORE group of players, but not in a sustainable level like on classic.

On the flip side, I can’t bother to waste my time playing on a “non-fresh” classicTBC server, where a healthy part of the community is walking around in BiS with gear that makes the first tier a bigger joke than it already is, and some items even carrying forward past the first tiers.

The very fact they’ve made a SOCIAL change of paladin seals to me is an endpoint to this discussion, they should be open to at least one server.

TLDR Fresh should be an absolute, I just want to give a caution on how many players you’re going to lose before they even hit 70.


Yup, 100% confirmed trolling. :upside_down_face:

Great idea! But this is asking allot from blizzard… Why don’t we start with baby steps and try something simple like… FRESH TBC SERVERS!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I’d be willing to bet money that blizzard would make a fresh server before a seasonal server.

Again I’m not against seasonal servers… but asking for them before tbc comes out is seems ridiculous… That’s like asking for TBC+ when Classic TBC hasn’t even been released

Can’t wait for you to break this post into 18 quotes!

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Think about what happens, when the Servers become Perma :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s two groups: “fresh” NEW Server People and “fresh” Seasonal Server People.

Then, those two groups branch off into other sub-groups like OK with “fresh” NEW Server or Seasonal (doesn’t matter), some may want the features to remain. Others want certain features to be turned off. In this thread’s case…they want the Level 58 Boost feature to be disabled while being a NEW Server type of “fresh”.

My caution is the amount of dead servers going to be left, when Perma BC hits.

Oh yeah 'cause having my own opinion constitutes as “trolling” despite me agreeing with the rest of your post :roll_eyes:

No, it’s not. They’re providing us with a Paid Service Copy Feature between Classic and BC. It’s not that far fetch to assume they’d do the same, when it applies to Seasonal Servers.

Because that’s more problematic than my suggestion. Seasonal Servers don’t add an influx of dead servers, when Perma Servers hit.

I’m hoping they don’t, and I’ll continue to address my concerns. Maybe NEW Servers will be “first” than Seasonal Servers, who knows? I much prefer Seasonal Servers, though. As they don’t spread the community so thinly, once Perma hits.

No, if you’ve actually read my reasonings in why I’m against NEW Servers vs Seasonal Servers, you would understand I have a fear of them destroying the community, now that we have additional servers added into the mix, when Perma hits.

NP! :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree with your points that there is more than just “FRESH”, this is a far more complicated concept than just simply adding a brand new classic wow server with TBC enabled .

Overall I hope these conversations help the community discuss these differences to better understand what is actually feasible.

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