A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Heck yeah, TBC Classic!




Why are people so up in arms against a few fresh servers? Even if they do “fail”, which I highly doubt, so what? How does that affect anybody else? As far as I know they don’t have GM’s anymore to pay and servers costs are a drop in the bucket for Activision-Blizzard.


I sincerely hope they have fresh servers with no transferred characters. I will most likely not bother playing if they let people transfer all their gold over. It will be impossible to get any profession resources with all the people having epic flying already. The profession consumables will most likely be extremely expensive too since the economies will already be inflated big time. Its going to be a disaster that Id rather not be part of.


Many YouTube videos of what items to farm in preparation and when to sell for max profits. They’ve already confirmed no gold cap, which I sort of get. They kinda let it get too far out of control so they’ve probably set Classic Vanilla as a lesson for the future. (I hope)

Also, Mechagnomes creep me ouuuuut. :fearful:


The problem is people wont even need to farm in TBC since theyre already farming for it now. This announcement of no gold reset is just gonna have those players putting in overtime now. I can imagine all the gold botter and sellers popping up all over the place to farm as much as possible for TBC release.


There will be no “transfer” to Burning Crusade. Your realm will be progressed to Burning Crusade. Why would be a gold cap for it?

Instead of wasting time on forums, you should go and get level 60.

It is not players’ fault that you have no gold at all.

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I tried telling them this they literally dont listen


Thank you for the assumption and thanks for the bump. :wink:


There is no need to further dilute the population with fresh servers. There’s plenty of low pop/almost dead servers you can play on.

The “ruined” economy argument is funny. Whenever I ask what is so ruined about the economy (hint: it’s not, it’s simple economics with inflation/deflation), I never get a clear answer. The answers I get are purely selfish/jealous answers such as : well some people will be able to buy their epic flyer right away and I won’t, because I couldn’t be bothered to play Classic.

Furthermore, fresh caters to people that don’t stay subbed. They whine about wanting fresh, fall behind, whine again. This is not a healthy way to run an MMORPG and I’m very encouraged that Blizzard realized this and did not announce fresh servers.

To those that say “this doesn’t affect you”. It does, it reduces the communities of existing servers for no reason.

Thank you blizzard for not listening to this irrelevant minority and not releasing any fresh servers. You can get started on your new “fresh” character now on Arcanite Reaper. They need help.

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Yep, totally agree. Good post

I’m going to echo the sentiment a few in this thread have had. I don’t see the point of fresh TBC servers without a serious effort by blizzard to also tackle the bot problem and curb the player behaviors (e.g. GDKP) that drive gold buying/botting.

All the benefits you described for fresh servers would evaporate within a few weeks. Nobody likes fresh servers more than gold buyers, sellers and botters, and I don’t believe blizz will have these problems worked out by the time TBC launches. Within a few weeks, the first GDKP groups will form and before you know it, the fresh TBC servers have the same problems as the non-fresh ones.

Fresh TBC at this point is imo the most optimal way to experience TBC, but until there’s some serious effort shown by blizz that they will actually tackle all these problems, all it is going to achieve is fracturing the community for little gain. I’d be more interested in fresh TBC if it launches mid classic TBC, with some progress shown by blizz that they have the protections in place to make sure the fresh servers don’t become classic 2.0.

I’ve mentioned this bot argument, and its funny because people just shrug it off like it isnt real

They’ve already stated that those who fall behind can have their fancy smancy Boost.

I appreciate your constructive feedback and I am sure there are plenty who do this, but many of us in this server do not fall into that category.

I personally do not like how Classic was exploited and wish to avoid that result by a new TBC server. The few changes they are intending for TBC are showing they are aware of how different then and now is, and I hope they take botting/exploits more seriously for all server types going forward.


They wont tho bots have literally been in the game since 2004…

But we’re the minority remember?

Those of us who leave for fresh servers will be replaced by all the new players who buy boosts.


As long as Blizzard does little to curb these, yes, any server eventually becomes this. Us as players have little control over that result outside of tossing out reports.

What we can control is what community we wish to be in. Those of us who enjoy the new rush of a server, new races, experiencing new zones on a fresh server.

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You really are, if you quit all that happens is when wrath comes around you cry for more changes and make up systems because you slacked.

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Unfortunately your new fresh server will be worse than existing ones. You will be beaten to 70 by people that are more committed as well as by bots . Your economy would be worse as these people would dominate your market. Most people will fall behind and quit. This makes no financial sense for blizzard .

Trust me the boost was the lesser of two evils and I’m glad they chose it over fresh

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i’m not even gonna play fresh. i worked hard on my elfkin and want to retain her efforts but i will opt to leave her on classic. i have arthritis so bad in my hands, it looks like my fingers are all broken and facing in unnatural directions. so an hour of work for a young whippersnapper (hehe) is 2 hours of work for me!