A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Wheres your main bro?

QQ I want fresh QQ

/cracks knuckles

i’ll have you know i levelled this char the old fashioned way. you didnt. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Uhm? What in order to get your first 60 you have to do it the old fashion way you bot.

We can all level ours the old fashioned way.

On Fresh TBC :tada:


That wont happen LOL, already announced

/wiggles eyebrows
i’m not a bot but you might be. :scream:

The business model for doing fresh for people who didnt level makes 0 sense, because your sub doesn’t last long.

I look forward to the craziness of the beginner zones and making new friends.


You make 0 sense I bet 1000 dollars you’re like 50 years old

LMAO the games been out for two years you shouldve made plenty of friends

Dang this person is getting frustrated.

Thanks for adding thread activity :heart:

60+ years old :grin:

Yeah I figured lol

Woohoo, thread Grandma!

Do your kids or grandkids play WoW with you?

this was popular when i was a teenager


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I saw him first in the Labyrinth.

Good movie.

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my son and daughter and hubby all have played off and on. daughter and her boyfriend played when classic came out. they’re on horde.

Alright boomers, well I will see yall in tbc WITHOUT new servers, or maybe… I wont :wink: cya nerds

ah! i have never been called a nerd. thank you for the experience!

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