A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

IK that, but that doesn’t mean they won’t, either.

NEW Server requests SPECULATE the “good” it’s going to do.

I’m not playing “semantics”. You said (earlier):

When Seasonal Servers ARE a “fresh” experience.

No, it’s not that they want their characters reset. They want the Phases reset. Seasonal Servers is the ONLY way for that to happen.

Which is why I offered the Paid Service to help have archive of said characters.

You still have those friendships and communities though! Just because you and your community no longer share the same server doesn’t mean you’re no longer friends nor a community!

No, I don’t agree with that, at all.

Sort of. But stagnated (existing?) servers also have these issues that aren’t an issue on new servers.

It’s interesting how you call them “issues” because I don’t find them to be “issues”. Though, that was the experience I had, when I began in BC and continued playing WoW up until WoD, and I’m back for Classic. It wasn’t any of those things, that you listed, that made me quit the current iteration of WoW.

I suppose its good you don’t speak for everyone.

You speak for you, stick with it.

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Neither do you.

Back at ya.

That’s playing semantics. It might be “a” fresh experience, but it’s not the fresh experience we’re talking about.

What is a server community if you’re not on the same server?? That’s the main difference classic has over all the connected realms crap. If you’re not on the same server, you can’t play together.

My thread is full of ‘in my opinion’, ‘I personally’, and I live and let live.

I don’t shove my ideologies down your throat and I’m keeping to the topic thread. And I’m happy to say this thread has strong traction.

It’s really ironic, people not wanting others to play the way they play come in here and be toxic. So ironic.

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Good for you. Please continue to enjoy playing on your existing server.

I would like a new server because I do consider them to be issues.

No, it’s not. “Fresh” is “fresh” no matter how you slice and dice it.

Right, exactly what I’ve been saying that there’s TWO different types of “fresh” people. NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers. IK that there’s a difference between the two. That’s why I’m against one and not the other.

EXACTLY! Insert Connected Realm here.

Until it reaches Classic Era Type.

Unless Blizz inserts Connected Realms on the Classic Era Type of Server.

Come on, work with me, at least a little bit. We’re not going to get what we want 100%, so let’s try to work together to reach a compromise for goodness sake! That requires a little bit of sacrifice!

I accept the Perma Classic Servers will have less of a population than the BC Servers (at the time). I just don’t want the Perma Classic Servers to be used a dump site, either, and I think Blizz doesn’t either.

You sure about that? :thinking:

You don’t see me speaking for other people, do you?

Yes, you are. The moment I’m not completely 100% in alignment with you screaming “OMG YAS, do eet!”, I’m being hounded on for dare straying!

So am I. I answered the question “how does it affect you?”. I’m sorry that you don’t like my answer in how it does. Instead of being antagonistic towards me about it. Let’s work together to reach a solution, that benefits BOTH of us.

I’m happy, too. I’d like to actually reach a compromise instead of fighting each other for believing what we believe.

  1. I’m not, that would be the people responding to me.
  2. Such beautiful projection!

I’m trying, but I have people like you trying to ruin it :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand that, but it’s affecting me, so how can we reach a compromise? What is the solution?

Context is everything. A seasonal server is not the same as a normal server, therefore the audience/playerbase will be different, therefore the experience will be different.

Are you now advocating connected realms…?

How am I, a returning player, going to ruin your experience on a server that I have never played on, by rolling on a new server?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but your main issue seems to be that people will leave your server for new servers, and then both your server and the new server will eventually be left with low pop in the future, and you’re worried that Blizzard will bring in connected realms to make them both playable.

If I’m understanding that correctly, I fail to see how seasonal servers would offer a better end result. You would still split existing server pops, both old and new server pops will still dwindle over time, with the only difference being that people have to pay to transfer off which would further fracture the communities you want to protect from connected realm tech.

It also wouldn’t provide a solution for the issues I’ve stated earlier in my case, because I wouldn’t want to roll on a server and get involved in a community that I know I’m going to have to transfer off, therefore they’re not a compromise at all.
That said, I’ve got no problem whatsoever with seasonal servers existing, but they’re not what I want.

Hahahaha wow.

I do hope the quarantine is treating you well. Please consider a healthier hobby.

Correct. But, “fresh” is still “fresh” no matter how you slice and dice the context. NEW Servers are “fresh” and so are Seasonal Servers. Both are “fresh”. Remember that talk about:

Guess it’s “relevant” now, isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I agree that Seasonal Servers are not the same as NEW Servers.

Yes. We’re not going to get EXACTLY what we want out of this. You gotta pick what’s more important to you and roll with it. Just like Classic wasn’t exactly Vanilla, either. And neither is BC. It’s all different.


I already explained it, and you called my explanation a “conspiracy” (which isn’t an argument, BTW). You couldn’t even counter my argument without attacking it. My issue with NEW Servers is it creates too many servers for the Classic Era Type of Servers to house. It just creates too many “dead realms” forcing Blizz’s hand to “connect them” (though, I have no issue with Server Merges, Blizz does, though which is important), and they’re probably going to connect them through the means of Connected Realms killing off any Server Identities for the Classic Era Type Servers.

But, I get it. You don’t really care about the Classic Era Type Servers. You only care about what you want. I’m looking for a solution for EVERYONE (as much as I can!) IK you’re not going to like this, but that’s why I suggested Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to archive Seasonal Server Characters, so players can experience “fresh” (doesn’t matter the context, “fresh” is “fresh”) and plowing through the phases all over again. While not utilizing the Stagnated Servers as a dumping ground, for it all.

IDC if players leave my Server or not. That’s not the point.


There’s no NEW Servers, in this hypothetical. Only already existing Servers and Seasonal Servers. There’s no “dwindling down” of Seasonal Servers because those Servers are going to be “wiped” and not continue to stagnate with the already existing stagnated servers.

No because the communities on stagnated servers are still there because that’s the community not interested in the “fresh” concept. We can refrain from creating NEW Servers that forces Blizz’s hand to insert the Connected Realms Feature because the Perma Server players are split across all of these Servers. The Seasonal Servers will pay to transfer to already existing servers, as their servers will be wiped and not be connected, at all.

Not fully, no, but it’s still a “fresh” experience. Not exactly what YOU (in particular) hope for, but it’s still “fresh”.

Why not bring those communities with you and compromise which stagnated server you want to further build up your friendships and/or communities on? That stuff requires work more on us than on Blizz.

Understandable. I don’t really want either NEW Servers nor Seasonal. But, Seasonal with a Paid Service to archive Seasonal Characters is the best solution. I don’t agree having to pay to clone all of my progressed characters to play both BC and Classic, but I’m happy that option is available compared to not having it, at all.

Talking about me about who I am as a person doesn’t strengthen your argument. Try again.



This guy is just mad



I would love fresh servers. “Classic” WoW turned out not to be so classic, but we made it through! Now we can see the glaring issues, and above all else for me is GDKP. It is said that GDKP would exist whether you took the gold buyers and botters away or not. So GDKP is also its own problem, as toxic as gold buying or botting, and would still be there despite the other two… Because it is its own problem: buying raid items for gold, which would spawn botting and gold buying and whatever methods required to attain that gold as soon as they are removed. If you take the GDKP out, the other agents are greatly weakened. If you take botting and gold buying out, they naturally come back because people want to buy gold and raid items easy, and there is a sucker born every second and many people would gladly trade “warcraft gold” for cold hard cash. You can weaken gold buying, by eliminating GDKP. But if you take the botting and gold buying out, for instance, and leave the GDKP, people will naturally want to compete and use whatever methods–to include botting and gold buying–to do so. GDKP, I’d argue, might be even worse than either botting OR gold buying right now, due to these facts. It is like a tree. You could take away the branches, but they’d just regrow. Cut down this tree and you get less branches: the obvious botting and gold buying. The GDKP tree currently exists as a way to launder gold, because bots and gold buying currently do exist, which like I said make it potentially as bad or worse than the other two. Let’s make TBC servers fresh and eliminate this pest of a tree that is totally unnecessary and make it punitive. If you feel GDKP is the most wonderful tree in all of WoWdom then good for you! Don’t play FRESH TBC. I am all for preserving our economy, and “Classic” not turning out to be so “Classic” has certainly taught us some lessons. Again, if you feel like GDKP didn’t involve and promote RMT, don’t play on FRESH TBC servers and have at–but when there are more GDKP runs then pug runs or even guild runs, I consider that a real golden problem. Let’s leave that in the past. Classic is about over. This could be an opportunity to make TBC the Classic that many of us wish “Classic Vanilla” was. Transferring gold over to TBC servers would be so very devastating. GDKP would continue, and the same GDKP moguls would simply move their operations into TBC content, very much promoting more and more RMT. It is getting to the point that GDKP is just as bad as RMT, more rampant, selective and cancerous. There were many GDKPs in Classic that cleared content before organized guilds. In TBC, at this rate, you will have GDKPs at the very top of progression. It would be a joke. Please take into account the toxicity of GDKPs and at least make that organization of gold laundering illegal under the terms. So many people have such incredible amounts of gold made from GDKPs that the game would be ruined days if not hours into the game. GDKPs have been roughly about either who you know or how much gold you have, and I do not believe that should be a method of clearing cutting edge content. I’d like to have gear transferred personally, but GDKP has ruined the prospect of that so badly that I’d rather just start new than risk people transferring over with ill gotten gain. Let’s make FRESH TBC happen, with rules that are enforced! A little research can also help eliminate exploits and reduce the amount of botting, but GDKPs can be directly and swiftly dealt with considering the copious amounts of gold being thrown around that is clearly, at least to some degree, being purchased from RMT. If full gold transfers are made and GDKPs continue, the pay-to-play style that is now plaguing “Classic Vanilla” would certainly cause me to quit. I can’t keep up with clear RMT. And it is so very clear I don’t feel I need to point it out.


I’ve heard of walls of text before but holy hell


TL;DR All for TBC FRESH SERVERS. Get rid of GDKP and GDKP moguls and transfers that would allow them to carry over tens if not hundreds of thousands of gold. Make GDKP punitive. Removal of botting and RMT, if possible, would only cause them to come back; GDKP removal weakens botting and RMT transactions. Enforce terms and characters who are cancerous: botters, RMT buyers, GDKP runners. Fresh TBC There you go.

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I don’t think we’re going to get any special accommodations like that.

At best, I think we’ll get limitations on transfers and, if we’re extraordinarily lucky, no paid boosts.

there are some hardcore advocates out there totally against fresh tbc servers. why are they so against fresh, if they still get to keep their progression servers? this does not affect them.