A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

It’s funny because this keeps being said, but it’s not being explained. I’ve done the research in what some (not all) classify “fresh” to mean. It is objectively true that there are two different “fresh” groups. One is for NEW Servers and the other is for Seasonal Servers. One makes sense, and the other does not.

Please explain how NEW Servers make sense? Again, from the mouths of the players here (in this very thread), y’all know you are “infected-free” for a little bit of time. What then? What happens, after these NEW Servers are no longer “enjoyable”? Do you cry for more NEW Servers, again and repeat the cycle?

I’m not for that. I think that’s ridiculous! Which is why Seasonal Servers is the way to go!

So is everyone else. Y’all (the ones for NEW Servers) are speculating on what NEW Servers will do, though IK it won’t be what you think it will be. Just look at how Classic Servers turned out. They were “fresh” and became the “garbage” that you (not you, specifically, a general “you”) hate. Do you really think NEW Servers are going to be any different?

Actually address my points instead of dodging them, please. And stop focusing on what I don’t nor do know. That couldn’t be any less relevant. Though, the point of this thread is to talk about NEW Servers and to help those who aren’t all on par with it, to understand. Not to alienate them simply because they don’t.

This right here is a summary of just how blind you are of to what people are really asking for. Starting fresh is the “change” people want. Ever hear the expression, “It’s about the journey, not the destination”? Fresh TBC servers are literally the embodiment of this sentiment so many people want to experience.

You’re one and only argument is that you don’t want to “clog” server lists and oh boy, I sure hope you didn’t play vanilla TBC and even Wrath with the explosion of new servers required for population.

If you don’t want it, fine. Why rob the potential thousands that do? I see at least a dozen posts within the last day inquiring about it and at least 2 open/public polls overwhelmingly in support of it.

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If only we all had a crystal ball eh?

After the servers are no longer ‘fresh’ we…keep playing on them because we built a community on them. The first several months of classic were far and away my favorite part of the game. As long as there are enough people to populate a fresh realm to Vanilla like levels (and I believe there is) I don’t think Blizzard would lose money on that endeavor.

Though, probably ask for fresh again with Wrath.

Given Blizzard is already planning on creating a few dozen dead classic era realms when TBC launches… I don’t see how adding a couple servers hurts anything.

Additionally, Blizzard hinted that they would implement their connected realm tech for the dead classic era realms.


I think classic servers right now are exactly how they were right before original TBC launch. What is your point here? I still find enjoyment doing classic raids and playing alts, not everyone is so pessimistic…

As for new servers. Absolutely yes. It gives everyone a chance for an even playing field. What more needs to be explained here?

Also before you go on a tyrant, “oh people will leave and server will die, blah blah” Guess what? Shouldn’t matter to you in the first place if you don’t plan on rolling fresh to begin with.

No, the OP explicitly stated they want some utopian stagnated server with their version of “fresh” NEW Servers. They’re hoping to dissolve the infestation of Bots, GDKP, players with mountains of gold, etc. I’ll quote for you, so you don’t think I’m lying:

The OP’s words, NOT mine. I won’t lump you (Claire, specifically) in with the OP’s desires. CLEARLY that is what the OP is hoping for, but it’s just NOT going to happen. Regardless of how many NEW Servers you implement.

I can see this for Seasonal Servers. And, I really hate to break it to you, but there’s a reason why Blizz didn’t create NEW Servers. 'Cause there’s not as “many of you”, that you’re claiming there are. Blizz’s main priority (and they said this) is the community in favor of PROGRESSION. Because there’s more of them than there are of “fresh”.

Oh boy, Blizz is on an “#somechanges” stance. Their “solution” to counter the “population” problem is LAYERING! Not to mention, they’ve provided a Level 58 Boost, something that wasn’t even around then. Why bother making more Servers (to split the community further) just to have them become dead AFTER the NEW Server crowd gets their jollies in:

When, in the future, Blizz is going to implement Connected Realms (because they don’t want to do Server Merges), by the time these Servers become Classic Era Type Servers. And, the Classic Era Type Servers lose their Server Identities because of it. See, how that became full circle?

Because it will force Blizzard’s hand to implement Connected Realms, as the Classic Era Type Servers begin to dwindle, and those Servers lose Server Identities. I get it, it’s Blizz’s solution to counteract against “dead realms”, but why create more “dead realms”? When we can work together to maybe counteract the Connected Realm implementation? Because I don’t want that. I want Server Identities still, within the Classic Era Type Servers.

How is this any different from the already established servers?

It hurts the fact that the Classic Era Type of Servers will lose their Server identities and suffer the penalty of Connected Realms thanks to all of these “NEW” Servers being implemented and splitting up the Classic Era Types off forcing Blizz’s hand to implement Connected Realms. A feature I dread.

That the OP’s reasons for “fresh” is to do away with all of that. Like I’ve been saying.

An “even playing field” of what, exactly? If the Classic Servers, as they are, going into BC, how is not an “even playing field”? When these Classic Servers (as they are) are going into BC, and they started “fresh”, so they are already an “even playing field”.

I get it, I (too) view BC as an entirely different game than Classic and didn’t oppose a “fresh” experience. But, that stance is the minority stance, so you have to accept that and take the L. That being said, IK Seasonal Servers are coming. And, I hope Blizz offers a Paid Service to archive/save Seasonal Server Characters onto stagnated servers. And think that’ll be the great compromise between NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers. Along with Classic Era Types avoiding the Connected Realm situation, if we can.

EDIT: I mentioned this, too, in a thread I made talking about it because not enough are talking about it.

It’s different in that we get the fresh experience… which is what we want?

Will it become like the rest of the servers? Yes, but only after we get the experience… which won’t be taken away.


Things they do change:

  • amount of characters at level 60 prior to tbc launch.
  • overall server population
  • amount of players levelling during pre-patch and launch.
  • gold in circulation at launch
  • average gearing level of 60’s at launch
  • increased community interaction for new/returning players
  • staggered entry of players into Outland as opposed to several thousand geared 60’s all hitting hellfire the minute it opens
  • amount of sweaty’s who will get epic flying within days of launch
  • amount of characters with max level professions

The above changes drastically change the experience during pre-patch, launch and for at least several months following. That different experience is what people are after. What happens 6 months to a year down the track is irrelevant.


Actually, it is VERY relevant especially since the NEW Server crowd keeps spewing “why should it affect you?” because later on down the line, we have all of these servers that will (most likely) become Connected Realms, when those of us wanting to stay and play in Perma versions of the Game will now suffer through and lose their Server Identities.

SO! That being said, I’m AGAINST NEW Servers, but I’m in favor for Seasonal Servers because with the Seasonal Servers, they’re not clogging up anything and adding an endless amount of servers to add into the Connected Realm feature.

That’s how NEW Servers affect me!

I will NEVER be for them! Take that what you will.

TBC servers that are new, starting at 2.4.3 patch means all of the Classic exploits are gone.

No mage boost gold farming.

No mage boost AFK levelers.

Blizzard goes bye-bye. The new method will take much more tact to learn if they keep it in (Rank 1 Blizzard and Flamestrike). To be honest, they should obliterate any exp in the party if a much higher level or level cap is present.

Everyone who bought gold will be staying on progression servers to preserve their assets.

Bots will be back, they’ll always be back. They’re in every game in existence. But they’ll have to bot with TBC methods, and if #somechanges continue, I look forward to it.

Yup, I hate GDKP. It encourages RMT. I personally wish they would disable it. GDKP was included as part of how awful Classic exploits and metas turned out.

GDKP on paper is fine, but its not clean gold that people farmed themselves. Its polluted with gold buyers.

That’s fine, keep bumping the thread, we appreciate it. :+1:


That’s completely fair. However, ALL servers will eventually have to be merged or connected at some point, in my opinion.

I do not foresee enough people playing each ‘era’ of WoW to fill several dozen servers after each ‘era’ has been in their final phases for some time.

LOL no they won’t. You’ll still have Gold Buying on any NEW Server, including Seasonal.

Thank you.

I would hope Blizz caves and actually DOES do merging because I’m fine with that. I don’t want them being cheap and just Connect Realm us all, and we lose our Server Identities.

I do agree with that which is why I’m hesitant in creating NEW Servers because it further divides the community onto different servers, but they still want to keep their names, and Blizz wants to do that by replicating already existing servers, in order to that.

I don’t want to derail the thread talking about NEW Servers. I’m just letting you know that NEW Servers do affect someone like me, and I’m trying my best to avoid it.

Which is why I think Seasonal Servers are the way to go, personally. With a Paid Service for anyone wanting to archive/save their progress onto stagnated servers. That way NEW Server players get their “fresh” experience. Seasonal Server advocates get to go through the Phases, again. And, Perma Classic Era Type players can maybe (keyword) keep their Server Identities and try to avoid being Connected Realmed.

Says you. So basically, stuff what the rest of us want because you have a conspiracy theory that years down the track Blizzard is going to implement a feature they haven’t announced, to combat server population issues that you have no way of accurately predicting.

Good on ya.

Says reality :woman_shrugging:

It’s not a conspiracy. I gave logic and reason as to how I got there. You can equally counter my argument, if you utilize logic and reason instead of ad hominems which doesn’t strengthen your arguments, BTW.

But, it’s interesting how you don’t care to help alleviate what I want but expect me to help alleviate what you want. How hypocritical :roll_eyes:

Likewise :slightly_smiling_face:

So don’t divide the community, but also transfer characters people want to keep to completely different communities.

This is not the fresh server experience at all. What you’re proposing is a server full of people who only care about server firsts and speedrunning, that you have to pay to transfer off if you want to keep your character.

I’m not.

Seasonal Servers ARE a “fresh” experience. And, there’s nothing wrong with paying for the transfer. It’s to help alleviate the stagnate servers from being a dump site of all of these Seasonal Server Characters.

You can advocate for seasonal servers all you want mate. I personally wouldn’t play on one but I’m not going to lift a finger to stop you. If you get enough people to support the idea and Blizzard goes for it - great.

You can claim logic and reason all you want but the facts are that Blizzard hasn’t said anything about connecting realms and the server population issues you’re worried about are speculation only.

This just shows that you don’t understand a big part of the reasoning here. Seasonal servers don’t allow for lasting friendships and communities to be built for anyone other than those who specifically want their progress to be reset every x amount of time.

They did. Check out my thread, I typed out what they said:

That doesn’t matter. As long as Blizz is thinking about it, that’s enough for me to stand against it and let my voice be known and heard.

Also, the likes of you pushing for NEW Servers is speculation, as well. So, let’s stop using the word “speculation” as some way to “defeat” the opponents argument because it doesn’t. EVERYTHING on these forums are NOTHING but speculation. It’s why we compare notes.

Seasonal Servers are “fresh”, no matter how you slice and dice it.

Yes, they do :thinking:

This is still achievable on stagnated servers. There’s no “doom and gloom” on stagnated servers, as much as some (not all) are making it out to be.

“probably have something similar to our Connected Realms” is not the same as “We’re going to implement Connected Realms”

New servers are a request, not speculation.

Playing semantics is just avoiding the point I was making. Seasonal servers cater to a niche type of player who wants their character reset every so often. If you don’t want your character to be reset, those servers would not offer the fresh experience that the new servers being proposed here would in terms of building friendships and communities because you would have to transfer off the server to avoid your character being reset.
Surely we can agree that transferring off a server is fairly detrimental to wow-based friendships if that’s a character you intend to keep playing.