A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

well you’ve told us how the gold was obtained but why is it bad? I feel like we always get to the same points in these discussions

There is exploited gold
It was exploited by rule breakers
the economy is broken

but no one ever explains why the economy is broken and what difference a fresh server will make to the fact that gold is freely paid for, if the economy is inflated 50x on regular servers, that means 20g = 1000g, they’ll just sell the 20g instead, same spending power in a non inflated environment

People who are behind now have always been behind and will be behind on next fresh anyway, you won’t become a wow mogul overnight, if you have nothing now in this turbo inflated environment idk how that will ever change

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A lot of this was already answered in the thread.

Control + F will open the search function for you.

You really need me to explain why everyone having thousands of gold is bad?
Value for all items goes through the roof, anyone who didn’t partake in these GDKP runs will be unable to purchase anything like materials or potions etc for fair prices.

That much gold furthers the GDKP meta which is just a bad way to play and shouldn’t be used. All things that should be impressive feats, like getting your epic mount, are no longer impressive, its just obvious.

Next you’ll argue how does someone have an epic mount affect you? The answer is not someone having it, its everyone having it. An epic mount suddenly just became not epic.
MMO’s and gearing up in them need to have scarcity, it needs to have only the best dedicated people getting the best gear etc, it needs to all be earned not purchased from a guy in a trench coat in a back alley.
Old Blizz has said this themselves in videos during old TBC launch/announcements.

The biggest problem is it ruins the experience for ALL new players that have 0 gold that want to play. It creates an experience only the rich can enjoy at the top level. No new players is a bad thing.

Anyone who wants to level up a new race and didn’t stockpile or purchase gold form gold sellers can’t partake in buying anything from the AH.
Level 18 blue drop from a dungeon: 50 gold

This economy is fine for those who have mass gold banks, its terrible for everyone else.

Its not something I want to deal with. If you are fine with it that’s your prerogative

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I already control+f’d economy, the posters are

A level 29 retail dwarf hunter
A level 60 blood elf hunter
A level 60 kultiran paladin saying the stuff i said he would say and not explaining it further
your own post that just says “i would like to avoid this economy entirely”
a level 52 void elf warlock who says it would “relieve the stress on the game economy” but doesn’t go into any other detail
you again talking about economies, no more detail
you again
daxjin disagreeing with you
a 51 blood elf hunter “hoping for fresh servers”

this is just all you agreeing with yourself and people that don’t play this game

Based on all the Q&As out there, they do not appear to be planning fresh servers before TBC launch.

Hoping that changes, but we shall see.


More gold in the economy benefits new players more than anyone, they can farm gold at 5x the rates we could in early vanilla and almost nothing u can buy is expensive, if everything is expensive then…the new players can just farm insane amounts of gold in no time at all because there are a thousand whales waiting to pay 1000g for a primal fire according to you

Level 18 blue drop from a dungeon: 50 gold is a big give away that you don’t play this game, u can buy level 18 weapons for 2g right now. No one uses them at all because everyone boosts their characters so they don’t follow inflation

There is a reason why retail has like 83746153 billion gold on it and no one cares and new players do just fine and can afford anything they want, inflation also inflates the price of items you sell, so assuming you do something that isn’t sell to vendors and buy something off the auction house, you’ll be mostly the same

I personally have little issue with my own gold farming. By the time my first character was level 40, I had 800 gold. By the time I was 60, I was able to buy two epic mounts with some left over.

There is going to be natural knowledge that lets these succeed: Knowing which items are worth selling, which mats are worth farming, item stats worth flipping, mats/items needed for content push, etc.

There is plenty fine with player generated gold, and it will be different due to such knowledge.

What I am personally sour on, is the abuse of old mechanics, abuse of ‘warts and all’ that never made it into future patches/expansions.

Mages power boosting people through dungeons? I personally dislike that meta, but if it was paid with player farmed gold, no big problem. Except its not. It encouraged gold buying, and mage boosting is a FAVORITE for gold farmers. Magically every mage has broken english and you see mage bots running in and out of instances 24/7.

The same for GDKP. Its a fine concept with player generated gold. Again, except its not. It encourages RMT and suddenly this ‘cut’ of dirty gold is flowing back into the economy.

I do not like how they let Classic run wild and free with the abuse and I am glad they were able to collect that unfortunate data to safeguard future Classic Releases.

While avoiding that is a part of my wish, I also want the community experience of a fresh server with fresh starts.

And to note, anyone who belittles someone’s comment based on their chosen posting avatar automatically loses my respect.

I’m not belittling them, I’m simply pointing out a fact that a gigantic majority of people who agree with you are people who don’t seem to currently play classic and that they have ulterior motives behind the economy argument that’s less “the economy is broken” and more “i’m behind and don’t want to be behind”

I know all of what you said and I think fresh servers would be a good thing (and i support them) . If people want to play fresh I’m fine with that new communities, starting over, leveling experience, whatever, it doesn’t hurt me at all. I just find the economic reasons to be extremely dubious. Its a parroted argument that doesn’t hold up imo.

I whole heartedly agree with this. I believe the number of servers will be a lot lower than that. like maybe a PVE and PVP for US, eu, oceanic. I truely believe 80% of the playerbase really wants the ADHD version of classic we have. The Pserver crew asked for no changes and then changed it themselves. There is only one reason they wanted that. So they could steamroll over new/casual players.

Now that they are moving on to steamroll the next expansion, it is our time to experience the game that WE wanted. They got theirs. That’s fine, nothing against them. I had my own fun as well. But it’s our time now to get some good clean fun

Of course, there needs to be rules. This is the part that I think the #nochanges crew will really avoid, aside from being behind the cutting edge. They hate rules. I don’t think there needs to be a bunch, just a few, so Blizz doesnt have to pay a bunch of GM’s. Naming rules and dungeon caps in particular. 1 dungeon RESET per 2 hours. Imagine. Dungeon farming is a plague to the world community.

Then, we address the bot problem. Creating characters needs some resistance. A bot shouldn’t be able to create an account or a character. The players WILL accept a higher friction character creation if they know it’s stopping the bots, or slowing the bots from destroying our community.

REQUIRE 2FA through phone number verification. Only one account/phone number on these servers. Will the bots get new phone numbers? Yes, they do it on Twitter too. Will some people be able to bypass that? Yea, But… it’s friction.

That’s just some ideas. I have more about trade/gold restrictions but… Not holding my breath, that’s for sure. :wink:

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Boosts are available for those who do not reach 60 in time. Unless someone is in Naxx gear, the beginning quests and dungeons will replace whatever they are wearing quick enough, so I do not see that reasoning.

Also, I think its okay to be upset with botting and RMT. If bringing in fresh servers harms no one, and we all get to enjoy TBC on our servers, then I don’t see the need to fuss.

There should be more action taken against gold sellers, gold buyers, and botters. I think everyone agrees on that. (Except those who buy gold, of course.)

when i meant “behind” i meant behind on gold, the gear is largely irrelevant really for the majority of people, and yeah if there is one thing I could request it would be to destroy all the gold sellers/buyers bots goldfarmers people flying under the map etc because I see fresh servers as a little bit pointless without tightening of the rules, it would just be a bandaid

Also i think its pretty unlikely there’d be any alliance population on a fresh so that might be a problem down the line

Fresh tbc realms would be cool. I might try it out.

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Well… as for gold… if someone is bad at making gold, they’re going to bad at it wherever they go. There’s little we or Blizzard can do about that. (Disabilities excluded from this.)

From the responses I’ve seen here I’d like to say many want the community experience mainly.

I would love fresh servers for TBC, I left shadowlands because of the massive amounts of bots and run sellers and the lack of community. Seeing as how I don’t have the amount of gold alot of people accumulated it would be nice to be on even playing ground with others and level alongside them. What I’m not happy with is the amount of toxicity from players on here and reddit for people wanting fresh servers alongside progression servers and not just saying hey I don’t want that but your welcome to ask for it. Each person’s playstyle is different the only change now is the culture where people want max level without the hours put into it. Massive amounts of gold without actually farming it. And putting cheats and hacks into games to get the best items or levels without working on it themselves. This is not what the original classic and BC atmosphere was about, was just people getting together for the love of the game to do content they enjoyed and if they failed just try again the next time, respect for their community and love of their server.

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I am hoping everyone on every server strengthens their community by seriously cracking down on bot reports and being more vocal about how it is harming the health of the game.

I personally enjoy collecting the “Thank you for your report!” success mail from Blizzard.

It speaks to deeper problems, but I won’t get into that. To put it simply they don’t want the mass migration away from their servers that they know they caused.


Players so brutally against fresh TBC servers are the ones that cant live without controlling the AH with their dirty mage abuse gold. Go solo ZG like the clowns you are.


All the disdain for fresh servers seems like it’s coming from individuals who want new players to be forced into their already developed servers, so that they can just have more control over more people in regards to the economy and pre established guild hierarchies. It really shows some of who the classic players are and reaffirms my belief that fresh servers would cut out those toxic personalities.


All the hype for fresh servers seems to be coming from individuals who are not classic players at all and are trying to pretend like they care about something else that isn’t "i’m behind and that’s unfair :frowning: " these forums have had a giant influx of you guys recently, see: this thread, retail toon x1000 and level 30 classic chars


Because endgame classic is booooooooring my child. Your world buff meta is boooooring. Parse is not fun. We want TBC end game, no world buff & take a hike with your discord taking turns repeating jokes they found on reddit in monotone voices. That sniveling crowd of man children and “cool dads” that WoW classic became is a community we would rather not associate with, my child.