A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Why even give it what it wants: attention? Just ignore and move on.

Anyway, here’s to the hope for fresh! It really is in Blizzard’s best interest to give this option.


He thinks this is all for serious, and when someone laughs and says the equivalent of “haha u suck XD” he goes ballistic and starts writing 10 page essays, all the while saying “oh your feelings are hurt”.

Super soft as a person and super cringe to read on forums imo, takes himself way too seriously.


Never gonna happen! Blizzard hates it’s customers


You type very well for a toddler!

That’s like my #1 wish to play TBC.
I played Classic till level 40…but if I was going to start now, I will be at a massive disadvantage.

I am really not looking forward to “LFM RAMPRATS FULL TIER2+ ONLY”

People complain how retail has a pretty defined meta, but classic is so much worse.


Blizzard get this done, we want fresh TBC servers.


Sure, Chad. Whatever you say, Chad. Right away, Chad.

How does a new server fix any of this though? People will still ask for gear or have some sort of check.

Yup, still hoping for a fresh TBC server or two with no frills. Sorry classic players, but y’all peed in the pool and we don’t want to swim in it.


Yes. They will, but it will be reasonable, as everyone will be somewhat equal.
Retail - M15 - you got 220 in queue and you got 210 in queue. 210 can time all 15’s without any issues, but because there are 220+ everywhere, why would you take a 210?

Same logic - why take outland leveling geared person when you could find yourself T3 folks.

+1 for Fresh server. All it needs to be is one new server, without boosts or transfers for one month or so.

I enjoy leveling and world pvp with so many people in the same zones. Starting to see the same people of the other faction every zone.

I know several people who are just waiting for a fresh TBC server to start playing.


This didn’t age well:

I don’t need Blizz to announce, anything to reach the conclusion Perma Servers will become “connected” through the use of “Connected Realms”.

Seems all of my “conspiracy theories” were right on the money. Which is why I don’t understand the NEW Server movement’s “points”, as they’re all moot by the time Connected Realms enter the picture.

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Honest truth is, if you create a fresh server, it will dry the other servers into wastelands.

You divide the population, because most of the population wants to start F R E S H. Not to get to end first, but to enjoy the journey it takes getting there. My best vivid memories was of Nostalrius, and Elysium, and Lightshope, where a F R E S H came after the last, and i would gladly level from the start again, because each and every time I get to see an even bigger pop in the world. Till classic came out, and layers ruined the mega server experience I loved being a part of.

What I came to notice was each F R E S H killed the previous realm. Why? Because no one wants to play on a realm thats already been progressed.

If they do release a F R E S H, it will be the most populated realm by far, and I hope it stays that way. I would like a megaserver where the main hub of TBC playerbase plays on. The greatest thing would be that honor can be farmed at the start and not being gate-kept till phase 2 or whatever bs happened in classic. No layers this time, and no pop limits would be amazing.

Im all for a F R E S H. Make WoW GREAT AGAIN!!


I’d pull back a bit on saying ‘everyone wants’ or ‘no one wants’…but mostly I agree. I think a fresh server in the short term will be one of, if not the most, populated server. In the long term probably settle into the Pagle or Mankrik type population, though hopefully more faction balanced…which it will be if Blizz creates a single pvp and single pve server.

With only one of each type, everyone would have to play there. Therefore we don’t get a horde dominated server and an alliance dominated server, which is what tends to happen.

Anyway, yes the demand is massive. It’s surprising Blizz has said nothing on the issue.


Most likely because they are aware of the implications it will cause. They wanna ride that boosted money cow for the first 2 weeks of pre-patch before they consider making anything F R E S H. Otherwise no one would boost if they know they can start on a F R E S H. Thus ActiVi$ion will lose the potential profit to be made.

That is the only monetary reason I could think of why they dont address it.

Aside from that, the population on every other servers will be completely dead. People FLOCK to the highest populated server. If they see a new server becoming lively and popular like the streamer server, they will all wanna get on it. Some people dont like huge crowds and wanna play on dead realms, but most people want to know they will run into people every 5 feet away so theyll never have to wait for any dungeon or questline.

Also, the best memories are that of traveling across that bridge or outpost at level 21 in the night elf area, and getting the first taste of PVP. Which ends up attracting more people to jump in to help and you get a fun 5v6 pvp battle blocking the crosswalk. Or when you reach STVietnam and no place is safe. Except this time people WILL attack you unlike in classic which stopping to kill someone is taking away from your leveling process, as there were no rewards for it. Because honor didnt come out till everyone was already in their 50s or 60s.

A F R E S H would be hella fun. Mainly for the PvP along the way.
But it will kill all the other servers. Not at launch, but a week or two later, people will start switching because they will see their server dying of pop to move to F R E S H and they will follow to make their new character based on the class they wanted for TBC.

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I giggled here. Love the reference. PTSD over STV.

I genuinely don’t think a fresh server initiative would KILL every other server, but I am confident it would be very popular if blizz does not wait too long. This way they can preserve more subs in the long run.

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Anne will you go on a date with me?

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Blizzard has shown nothing but contempt for its customers for a very, very long time. Totally ignoring a huge chunk of them can be viewed as nothing else.


I would point out that one realm was left off the list.

3, the RP Servers. Doesn’t make me “wrong” in my assessment that they would “Connect Realm” Perma Servers.