A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Well at least your guild actually raids, more than I can say about others.

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mine does too hehe

Every 4 months when their “fresh” server is overrun with bots bloating their economy just like so many others itll be

“moAr FreSh pLz”


I’m sorry you feel that way, but how will our ‘dead servers’ effect your gameplay on your server?

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no boosts either. so ramparts wont be a priest’s worst nightmare of people who dont know how to use their characters yet hehe

Hey as long as there is no on and off of this server Im ok with it. But i forsee crying threads of “please let us xfer off” and thats a big ol hell no. As i said above any hope of xferring on and off these realms would be horrendous for the overall health of the game

yeah GL on that one. Why would they create catered servers that dont have that cash cow tied to it at some point?

There are many servers that feel dead already, especially on off-raid nights. Even if only 20% of the current populations on servers reroll, they will feel even more dead.

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Most new servers have a transfer restriction for x set of time then open it. I would assume once the servers were old enough then they would enable boosts/transfers so friends could pair up.

same reason they kept the cash shop off vanilla classic’s ui. :smiley:

And thats a death sentence for other servers. Only way id ever get behind “fresh” would be if they assured me that fresh realms could never xfer off. That they were perma stuck there

But Blizzard loves money.

You’re trying to say those that want Fresh realms with no stockpiled gold brought in via character transfers, and no lvl 58 boosts, want or need catch ups?

Did you read what you were typing?
Come on now.

Its obvious why people want Fresh, and we’re all echoing the same sentiment.
Start from level 1, everyone levels up at their own pace. No pressure to go fast, make new guilds, meet new friends, overcome challenge together, establish yourself in the new economy.

You can stay on your server and continue, why feel the need to try to convince others they don’t want what they want?
Someone said that before, and they were very very wrong.


I mean if thats such a lucrative thing why isnt it in the game now

Yes, we just want the same experience of classic launch


Wait, there won’t be fresh servers? I have no interest in playing without fresh servers.


I completely forgot about Summoning Stones. I can’t wait to use those again.

Those also made World PvP spicy.

(Watching Q&A)

Id also like to throw my name behind this idea, I don’t want to take away from anyone else wanting to transfer their characters over I’d just like the option to start from zero once again. I wouldn’t even mind if it got opened up later say after the second bc tier has been downed or something, then make it a normal server.

I would add that I’d rather have any possible fresh servers go live at BC release instead of at BC pre-patch because pre patches usually last a month + and by that time most ppl starting there would’ve hit 60 by that point so Hellfire will be just as clogged as elsewhere. Still even if they came out with pre-patch I’d like it.


Also given what just happened in the Q&A rip :cry: no fresh servers confirmed for the launch.

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Answer: No current intention to release fresh until they see a successful TBC launch. A good sign so far.

This thread will continue to remain to push for PrePatch fresh as we still have months to wait.

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Thankfully for Holly. NO fresh servers confirmed. We can stop asking for nonsense now.