A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

No, that’s NOT it. The point of playing Classic (for me, anyway) is NOT to play for some “fresh” appeal. It was to play the game, as it was then. I can’t play old world (pre-Deathwing destruction) in Retail. I can ONLY play that in Classic.

I can’t utilize the Professions and/or Questing in the same way in Retail, like I can in Classic. In order to surpass certain Profession Skills required you to visit certain Trainers in certain areas. It’s not this way, in Retail.

How am I “immediately” handed the “short straw from the start”, though? Like, I don’t get it :woman_shrugging:

I started late in Classic. I haven’t Raided Naxx nor AQ. Only Raids I’ve touched are MC, Ony and ZG. I’ve dabbled into BWL.

I have three characters at 60. One 60 at max Professions (Herb/Alch). One 60 is max Ench. Another 60 is max Mining and sits at 276 BS. I like working on the Professions, the Classic way than the Retail way.

And, I’m willing to do that. I’m doing that, as BC arrives.

They have nothing to do with me.

Either way, are there a ton of them on Low Pop Servers, though? 'Cause it may not be there, on that first initial push, but it will as the Server stales out. It’s not a solution but a setback.

No, it won’t. Again, ALL of the Classic Servers were “fresh” once, before. And, (according to you) are now “garbage”. You don’t think it will be, again?

Yes, I can.

No, they probably looked for more define realms to buy their Gold on.

And “freshers” who will do the same thing. Don’t think just because people are “freshers” they won’t buy gold. In fact, I would think it would give them MORE of an incentive, too. 'Cause “fresh” start, let me try to “cheat” and get ahead of said community and control them, duh! :roll_eyes:

Correct, you do not.

Just speak for yourself, and those who agree with you will say so.

I disagree with that, wholeheartedly LOL

Anyone willing to “fresh” is just as susceptible to Gold Buying as anyone else. Gold Buying isn’t exclusive to just one group.

No, it won’t.

Correct, it won’t.

Only in the beginning. I don’t think it’s worth damaging the Perma Servers just to have a small moment of peace.

A Server can still be “fresh” even with a Boost.

No, it won’t.

It was damaged A LOT sooner than that. People (some, not all) are going to metagame and bot and infest servers. There are low populated servers that aren’t as bad, but we don’t care to help populate those, but I digress. Instead, what you want to do is create a problem for the Perma Servers just for that “fresh” appeal.

Nope. Any popular and/or populated server is going to “suffer” from “damages” (depending on what is “damage” to somebody). Again, there are Low Pop Servers out there, that aren’t “as bad”, but NOPE! Nobody wants to level out on those.

So, if the point is to “get away” from them, I don’t see the point in making them, if bots are going to be there, anyway. How is that helpful?

No, they won’t. You’re going to run into the EXACT same problems. Done EXACTLY the same way and hurting the Perma Servers, in the process. But, you don’t care about that. You only care about what YOU want, instead of looking at the bigger picture here.

You can, too.

They have, even if you refuse to believe that. I’ve seen some crazy accusations in what is a Bot, and it’s no wonder some (not all) believe this Game is just infested with Bots LOL

I think the “better” solution is what I’ve BEEN saying Seasonal Servers with a paid service to save/archive Seasonal Characters onto Perma ones.

First of all, those who think they speak for EVERYONE need to stop because you don’t. If you get down to it, all of you blindly hearting each other, have your own individual interests and desires in the “fresh” project, if you get down into it. Ultimately, in the end, y’all will be severely disappointed, in the result in the “fresh” that Blizz provides because you can’t be CLEAR in what you want.

Second of all, I agree I want “fresh” BC not because some (not all) think the Server is “unhealthy”. But, that’s not what we got, so I accept that and will continue to fight and protect Perma Servers.

They’re not. I’m responding in accordance to what you’re saying.

I’m not but continue to believe so. Talk about “taking things out of context”.

Then why bother responding? Talk about “feeling superior with your counter argument” LOL

That’s fine if you won’t. I’m going to show you what you’re actually saying. You just proved you’re not interested in a conclusion for anyone’s problems, but your own. How do you expect anybody to join forces with you, if you don’t hear their concerns?

Not surprised. So typical :roll_eyes:

Not sure whether you play on a pvp or pve server but starting in a brand new expansion which you loved, behind players who have been max level and have top tier gear and pvp consumes, etc is far, far below just starting at level 1 when another player is a new level 60.

Like it or not, agree with it or not, there are some who would prefer the fresh tbc server simply due to being an avid pvp-centric person who does not want to feel so great a disparity. I get it, new gear in the outlands, yeah - yeah. That is how some would feel immediately short-changed. Not arguing that their point is incredibly valid…

After all, everyone had the opportunity to play classic and achieve that status. I am not among that crowd I have geared toons and gold for epic fliers, consumes, transmute mats, and profession mats filling bank-alts right now… But this answers your question of how some would feel short-changed.

I will be as well, at least with some characters - but; once again, on the pvp servers where competition is consented at all times intentionally limiting yourself by adding artificial inhibitions such as a fresh start would be adverse to your ability to compete right away with those who do not limit themselves. A fresh server places everyone on even footing.

Probably one of the driving forces that would help police the botting - you shrug off right here. The community would be holding itself to a higher standard. You have your reasons, I have mine. Everyone has their own reasoning for why they may want a fresh start. For some it may just be a start as TBC was what made them decide to come back.

Low population servers is a potential solution, but they are already rife with bots, even if more of the bots are dormant. More importantly, they have the same character transfer options. So the “big dogs” who paid or built their advantages up on another server - whether individual, small contengents or entire guilds could decide to transfer over to this server and entirely change the dichotomy of the server.

First, I do not recall calling any server state “garbage.”
Second, I will follow up on a quote:

I am not calling you a troll, nor am I discrediting your arguments. I am debating with you in a respectful way that reflects that I do care about the opposition. However, your narrow minded viewpoint that all servers were “fresh” when it was an entirely new thing versus a separation of more RPG-focused, old-school, or hardcore mindset simply cannot be two differing entities is ignorant. I would hardly consider a reset of 20 months of damage to be a “bandaid fix.”
And your unwillingness to recognize the potential that the players gathered into these fresh servers is comprised of a set of players who are willing to sacrifice for an attempt to put together a community that is less willing to foster to the gold sellers and bots - or for that matter your unwillingness to consider any logical debate that does not mindlessly parrot your own argument may be part of the reason why people prefer not to listen to, or hear you out.

Allow me to point out a couple quick examples:

You see, whether we like it or not all of these debates are based on personal bias and speculation.
I address your points and offer a counter. You often simply hold a hand up and offer something akin to “Nope.” without any real justification or realization that both sides are built on speculation. In your mind yours is simply the truth. Only you are right.
“It is known.”

I have been, and I am careful to admit that I do not speak for everyone.
People have been speaking out in agreement, but you gloss over them just as carelessly.

Either way, I hope we get our fresh servers. You can opt to play with us there, or choose to stay wherever it is that you are :slight_smile:


The people who constantly push back on fresh servers are going to crumble like blizzard servers on a launch day when they realize that the fresh bois are coming to town


I play on an RP Server. If there were no RP Servers, then I would play on a PvE Server. Seeing, as how there’s only one single non-PvP RP Server, needless to say, I don’t play on any PvP type of Servers including RP-PvP Servers.

I disagree with that because I began my WoW journey back in BC. Which, to use your words, is “far, far below”, when I (personally) don’t feel that way. Please explain how it’s “far, far below”. “Far, far below” of what, exactly?

Blizz recognizes in not wanting players to feel “far, far below” (whatever that means) which is why they’re offering the Level 58 Boost Feature, in the first place!

And, “like it or not, or agree with it or not” there some (not all) who would prefer Perma Servers NOT to be damaged thanks to multitudes of NEW Servers, after NEW Servers, after NEW Servers, etc., gets implemented because of those some (not all) wanting that “fresh” appeal.

I get it, I freaking get and understand that some (not all) want apple pie instead of chocolate cake. I get it. It’s been said, numerously, over and over, again. What hasn’t been discussed in how that apple pie is causing an allergic reaction to those trying to peacefully eat their chocolate cake. I get it, we all like different things, that’s NOT my argument nor ever was my argument, in the first place.

My argument is the damage NEW Servers will cause towards Perma Servers, something that I (personally and maybe some others, I cannot speak for them, but it’s ludicrous to think and/or believe that I’m the ONLY one, who feels this way) am fighting to keep in tact, here, but NOBODY is talking about that. You’re (a general “you”, not you, specifically) all more concerned in what you feel, and what you want, as a means to make me feel bad or guilt trip me into saying “yeah, ‘fresh’ servers, no boosts, no transfers”, and you blatantly DISREGARD everything else I’ve said, in regards to Perma Servers, and the effect NEW Servers will cause. NOPE, nobody wants to talk about that!

It’s not my argument, at all!

“Short-changed” because some (not all) are “ahead of me” in some way, shape or form? That’s ALWAYS going to happen. No matter if it’s “fresh” or not. Those who level faster than me, are going to hit level cap LONG, before I do. Those with more time on their hands is going to have more “free-time” to dedicate into Raids and/or BGS/Arenas.

Just because somebody has “more than you” doesn’t mean you’re massively behind, somehow, whatever that means. And, AGAIN, this is PRECISELY why the Level 58 Boost was added, so that players won’t FEEL (keyword) they’re so “far behind”, and a chance to play out in Outlands, with the rest of the 60s, that played out in Classic. You’re just feeding MORE reasons, as to WHY the Level 58 Boost Feature EXISTS!

This is a “PvP” thing? And, “fresh” doesn’t put people on an “equal” footing. Again, one person who can only play for an hour vs somebody who can play for 3 hours. No amount of “fresh” “evens” out, anything. A LOT of factors are involved, when it comes to “equal footing”. Besides, my argument isn’t even about that. Once again, it’s about how it’ll effect Perma Servers. I don’t find what some (not all) find “good” and “healthy” about “fresh”, when it pertains to Perma. Sure, you’ll have fun for the first 5 minutes (exaggerating for emphasis) but now Perma is suffering from a plethora of Servers, thanks to so many crying about NEW SERVERS, NEW SERVERS, NEW SERVERS!!! And, now, we have all of these Servers to deal with, now that the “hype” crowd has moved onto the next Progression Server and leaving behind the Perma ones like “not our problem, next!”

I don’t just “shrug off” anybody cheating. If I detect something shady, I report it and move on. I don’t dwell on cheating individuals that choose to cheat. That’s not my problem, that’s Blizz’s. IDC if somebody cheats (doesn’t mean I don’t report them). It has NOTHING to do with me. Am I going to get banned because somebody ELSE is cheating? NO! Ofc not! Why would it bother me, that somebody ELSE chooses to cheat? It’s not MY account that’ll get actioned. It’s not ME who’s going to get into trouble. I report and move on.

Again, I get it, some like apples and some like oranges. I’m not hating on you for liking “fresh”. I’m disappointed, that my points aren’t being taken seriously and rather I’m being looked at as “not worth the time”, “not smart enough” or even “you’re not with us, you’re against us!” :roll_eyes:

What we like DOESN’T MATTER, in the argument that I’m making. How can we make NEW Servers work with Perma? Can we get to that point? Or, are we just going to continue regurgitating the same 'ol talking points, over and over, again without finding a solution to the Perma Server problem?

EXACTLY my point! Even if the Bots are “dormant”, you do NOT want to go to those Servers! You’re saying “fresh” won’t exterminate the Bots, COMPLETELY, yet I suggest Low Pop servers, and you shrug that off because “well, there’s SOME Bot presence” which is EXACTLY what “fresh” Servers will have, in the first place! Like really?

Here we go, AGAIN!

You’re NOT going to get a Level 58 Boost free NOR Server Transfer free Server, EVER! NEVER EVER! That’s NOT going to happen! NEW Servers? Yes. But to have them completely free of the Level 58 Boost or Server Transfers? Nope, nope, nope, nope, NOPE!

Since, you’re assuming that this thread is in alignment with you, those in this thread who are in alignment with you, some (not all) of them have stated such. Since, you are here DEFENDING the position, you are (therefore) defending THEIR position in using such a word.

You haven’t really “discredited” anything without resorting to ad hominems but moving on.

Calling me “ignorant” (later on, in your post) is not respectful. You can EXPLAIN how I’m wrong, but if you can’t do that without ad hominems, then it is not “respectful” but moving on.

“Narrow minded” and “ignorant”, yep totally “respectful” :roll_eyes:

Not ONCE, did I (personally) go there, with you. There’s NO refuting that these Servers were (in fact) “fresh”. The Standard Game hasn’t been “fresh”, at all, yet it holds more Player Count than Classic. I doubt there’s a high market value in the words “I’m so far behind”! Especially, when Blizz does EVERYTHING in its power to allow so many “catch up” mechanics to avoid all of that.

It is. I still don’t know what “damage” everyone is talking about, though :woman_shrugging:

I’m not “unwilling”. That is a PERSONAL OPINION based on how heated this conversation is that I’m (more or less) being IGNORED, than anything else and not being taken seriously merely because I’m being (personally) judged (which you have a right to do, I’m just pointing it out) by such a small interaction of who I am as a person merely because I may or may not be doing something somebody else may or may not like.

If anything, I think the “unwillingness” would be YOU (as in those who keep ignoring me) people merely because I hold my own position, on the subject matter. I’ve said, over and over (again), that I’d be more than willing to be on the NEW Server train, IF (KEYWORD) it wouldn’t have any effect on the Perma Servers. I WANT to find THAT solution! NOBODY wants to talk about THAT solution with me!

Y’all (again, general, not specific) just want to nitpick a part my opinions regarding how nonsensical I think y’all’s arguments are (and, I’m entitled to feel that way), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get NEW Servers. I’m ONLY concerned about the effects NEW Servers have on Perma Servers, PERIOD!

Nitpick examples, but go on.

It’s funny, I get accused of “quoting out of context”. Here’s the REST of that Post EXPLAINING that “Nope” position:

These didn’t need anymore context and only needed a DIRECT response. There’s MUCH more context that NOBODY seems to care about. Only the parts that “irritated” them :roll_eyes:

Again, they explained their point, and I explained mine, that you (purposefully) didn’t quote, to provide context. Here’s the rest of THAT explanation:

Here’s the thing, I ABSOLUTELY agree with this STATEMENT!

No, you didn’t. You threw ad hominems at me and thinking that some form of an argumet. It’s not. You haven’t really explained, anything. I didn’t throw any ad hominems around.

Nope. You just read that word and cut out the rest of my explanations. Also, I’ve repeated the same explanation OVER and OVER, again. I’m NOT new to this thread.

I can express my experience in this thread elsewhere because I cannot fully discuss those matters, here on these forums because it’s against the rules.


Is NOT “speaking for yourself”. That’s assuming “a great many others” share your same “speculation”. It’s why I (personally) don’t say that statement, AT ALL! I WILL say “some (not all)” or “it’s silly to think I’m the ONLY one to think this way”.

I don’t disagree that some (not all) agree with your position. The EXACT same way I don’t think I’m the ONLY one who thinks this way.


No, I do not. It is YOU (again, general “you”, not YOU, specifically) that gloss over me, “carelessly”. Again, I am not new to this thread. I’ve been in this thread, for awhile. I’ve held the SAME position, for awhile, now. The same talking points have been made, and NO ONE has addressed the Perma Server issue. Absolutely NO ONE. THAT’S “glossing over”, but I digress.

Like I’ve said, MANY times throughout this thread, there WILL be NEW Servers. They’re just not going to be free from the Level 58 Boost Feature nor Server Transfers. It’s NOT going to happen!

If they make another RP Server (that’s NOT RP-PvP) and hopefully PST instead of the one and only EST RP Server than sure. If not, I’m staying where I am.

It’s funny because you’re the same one who thinks NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers are the same thing when MULTIPLE times throughout this thread, Seasonal Servers is NOT what is being asked here. And, some (not all) think I’M “glossing over” people’s statements LOL

To get from 1 to 60 is a time investment… No one is going to argue that… but to go from 60 to a geared 60 in tier 2, 2.5, or even tier 3 is a far greater amount of time… hence: why they are far, far below… it is not only about the level. The gear disparity is a significantly greater time sink.

If the argument becomes: we cannot offer new servers despite new content or new throngs of players coming into the game because we are afraid we may hurt the current servers - that alone speaks to what a failure it is… What you are not getting is despite fresh/new servers - some, very possibly many, new players will be joining the current existing servers as well… It is not only a detraction.
Some people will go with their gut, some like the name better, some have friends there, etc… Some people will chase the shiny new server, and some will replace those who left.

Please forgive me if this, in any way, sounds condescending because I do not intend for it to but I also do not know a way to say it any less blunt than I am about to.

Since you are not a competitive pvper, I totally understand your arguments that “starting fresh” is a personal choice and the rest has no impact… Everyone should be okay with that. But on the servers where players are automatically consented to pvp in all forms at all times the competitive edge means a lot. A fresh start is meaningful.

You keep stating this - generally with generous use of caps - and I am not against the boost. I am actually PRO-boost because the boost will bring in new blood to the game and that is a good thing for the classic project as a whole… meaning classic, tbc, and wrath eventually…
However, the same boost stands to pose a massive threat by empowering the bots that are already undeniably a huge issue. That is the buy-in-large part of the reason I would rather play on a fresh server without boosts/cash shop (at least for an extended period of time).

I do not want the boost removed, though there are plenty that do… I want it to stay. But at the same time I do not wish to be subjected to the bots that will abuse it.

No it is not. This is a liesure thing. My wife and several friends are not as big into pvp as most of our gang is… So I will have characters I start fresh and play with them far more casually - when they have the time to play and we can all chill and enjoy together.
The primary characters will be continuing on as they are - unless there are fresh servers announced, in which case the gang and I will be rolling there:
Partly to alleviate the botting issue
Partly to hide from the abuse that is sure to happen with the boost - generally from bots and people who have a ton of active accounts, 5 boxers, 10 boxers, etc…
Partly to set a new meeting point for the parts of the gang who split to other servers when Incendius was offered free transfers and became overwhelmingly Alliance (99% or more there on average now are alliance - check for yourself if wish)
Partly to enjoy the journey again.
And partly for the new players who will come on board. Even I would rather give up my progress to start on even footing with them as opposed to being so much higher up. I know, I could technically do that anywhere but it is a personal choice.

Since you play on a pve server, it should not. Frankly, it does not very greatly affect you. The market is the only way it really affects you unless you opt into pvp.

I certainly do not think you are not smart enough. If anything you are extremely intelligent. Not worth the time - I am sitting here spending hours replying to you as opposed to playing the tbc beta right now. I’d say that you are worth the time. You are not “just against us” or “trolling” which is why I opt to reply to you in the first place. It comes from a place of respect - even if not agreement.

Blizzard can spin up or down the server resources as needed. It is not like it was back in '04 when it was physical server blades with dynamic hardware specifications.

Some people will be displeased but Blizzard should actively merge servers together - attempting to keep the factions balanced - especially on pvp servers. Many of the current servers would benefit from absorption or mergers. Thing is, after launch the servers may become too high in population - so it is a fine line. When do you do the merger? I personally feel like any servers that are not able to maintain a medium-high pop (lower end of high) should go ahead and be merged. If the population becomes too great and queue times form after tbc launch then simply spin up more layers and resources.

The new servers can be announced/launched with TBC live-launch, or even pre-patch… Blizzard is cautious - understandably so… So begin with 1 pvp/pve server for each region and guage growth. I am confident they will do well. Try not to inundate the world with tons of new fresh servers, but spin some up to satisfy the playerbase that may not return otherwise…

More importantly, the bots there already have a cache. They are already in prime farming positions, gear, level etc… Any player initiative - especially on a pvp server is going to meet with grief from that small group of players who find joy in others’ grief. A player initialized fresh start server is absolutely no exception… It is sad to admit, but there would likely be some people that bring over beefy, geared up toons, just to grief those who would prefer a fresh start. This would not be an option on legitimately fresh servers. Likewise, these low-pop fresh servers, as I stated earlier, will be at the mercy of the boosts, and will be at the mercy of any changing playerbase dichotomy due to server transfers.

I know the word has a negative connotation now, but ignorance is not an adjective synonymous with disrespect. If I were to, instead, call you a fool - or stupid, that would be disrespectful and derogatory. Ignorance simply means you lack some key information.
Same is true of the term narrow-minded. It is not intended as disrespectful though, generally speaking, people today are quick to become defensive and upset when critiqued.
Narrow minded simply means stubborn, or unwilling to listen - or even bias toward a specific viewpoint - usually your own and being less likely to tolerate the alternatives. I called you narrow-minded. Not dumb because you are anything but dumb - as I said earlier you are actually quite intelligent. However, you take these debates as personal beratement and that is not very conducive to a constructive debate. So many people are quick to immediately assume or accuse ad hominem and the moment this is assumed or accused any constructive debate has ended.

Please forgive me if I did not reply to everything. I am rather tired right now. Hope this sheds a little light - even if it is only to express a little benign intent in the discussion.

Even if we do not agree with one another on some, or most of these topics, I still look forward to reading your responses and attempting to better understand your position. I appreciate that you try to do the same. Thanks for that.

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Good gawd you two get a room

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I would also agree that most RPG’ers consider gold buying/selling an anathema. My wife and I were considering just actually stopping playing WoW Classic altogether if the economy got so wrecked due to excessive gold that we could no longer afford anything in the game. We would much rather do that than buy gold.

I also believe having so many people starting fresh would help with the bot reporting as there would be more “boots on the ground” to spot them out in the open world. Of course, that doesn’t affect the ones that farm instances but since Blizzard will not allow reporting of those from the search menu, there is little I can do about that particular issue other than hope Blizzard actually get more attentive one day.

I actually see the opening of fresh, new servers with no cash shop conveniences to be a win/win situation for all concerned. The min/max, Retail tourist, and hard-core PvP Arena crowd get to keep the things they like about the game and the RPG’ers get new servers with rulesets on them that they like. Blizzard is more than likely going to add additional subscriptions for both the boost AND any new servers with no cash shop conveniences on them. The solution offers more options for people to play, just as the RP, RP-PvP, PvE, and PvP ruleset servers do.

As for the detractors… Since this issue really will not affect them (as they will just remain on the servers with the options they like), I really cannot say where a lot of their vehemence comes from. It would probably take someone with more psychological training and insight than I have to actually get to the root of those feelings. :slight_smile:



It appears some thread-goers don’t grasp (or have left behind in their zeal) the broad appeal of a fresh server. It makes a great difference in PvE play, not just PvP, and not just in the economy in both places.

Early in a server’s life, it is impossible to buy one’s way out of a challenge, and it is rare to find anyone who out-gears that challenge who also wants to run it. The money hasn’t been created yet, and the advanced gear doesn’t exist. Dungeon groups have to be more careful and play better. Then the same occurs in raid progression. At the individual level, questing is harder. Even the health potions one wants may be rare and beyond budget.

Past a certain point, unless one finds a group of five, twenty, or forty who are deliberately or casually less geared (those claiming this is simple–I do not believe you), it becomes impossible to find a fully challenging Stratholme run. Then UBRS. Then MC.

Fresh servers mean a reset to the challenge level.

Along comes server maturity, naturally, and even without bots to influence the economy, game play changes. Yes, for you, too. Some players enjoy a mature server, an easier time getting the epic mount, and raid or dungeon carries. Others miss the earlier struggle. Some don’t seem to care. A few argue that, since it isn’t so important to them, it isn’t so important.

It is, however, different. ISTR someone above already has explained that a fresh server is different from a dead one and a transfer.

Some people want fresh TBC servers, and the above may relate to their reasons. I return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


As much as i enjoy reading some of the discussion. Not going to read some of the TED talks that are going on here.


That’s odd. I am a parent. I would love a fresh server that also offered zero real-money paid options for boosting or other services and banned bots both quickly and continuously as frequently as possible. I don’t mind slow levelling or using in-game provided means. Perhaps I am in the minority? Or perhaps you are trolling with the nonsense. Most parents with kids are on a budget unless they are living in their parents house or receiving other types of assistance. I cannot afford to toss money away but do enjoy taking my time to build up resources and level. I would love a playing field where time spent in-game is important even if I couldn’t RAID regularly. I enjoy seeing some who actually earned their special mounts and gear or titles even if my gear on my 60s tends to be pre-BiS at best with a couple lesser epics from ZG.

I came back to classic to experience it. I know it’s not the same as it was originally in vanilla but the spirit came close. Now along comes real-money boosts and ever-more bots and I would love for both of them to be prevented.

But, here we are.


Like your LFG messages are any better?

You don’t even know what a seasonal server is

Then explain it to me. Don’t just make the claim and not explain it to me. I can’t learn if you don’t explain it. Besides, other individuals asking for NEW Servers have blatantly expressed, they don’t want Seasonal Servers, either. I’m assuming, they’re under the same “delusion”, as I am, since we both don’t equate NEW Servers with Seasonal Servers :roll_eyes:

What exactly have you guys got against fresh servers?
This ploy of trying to save us disappointment, or perhaps defend the company from expenditures is just silly. Are they afraid of losing players on TBC classic? They type of people who wish for fresh aren’t likely to play with the cutting edge gogogo players anyhow.
What is it that makes them so against this that they will keep posting this nonsense? Is it just to be contrary and argumentative? Because it feels like that.


I’m all for fresh servers, provided they have both demand and cannot be accomplished by the community itself.

Problem is- there’s no shown demand, because fresh can be accomplished on the dead servers if there truly were demand. If every single of the 40 servers were active right now, fresh is a perfectly fine thing to ask for since it can’t be done otherwise.

As long as the community has the ability to organize and accomplish something in game though, Blizz needs to stay hands off- and you have the ability, you have your loud proponents of it.

I’ve said many times I’m all for you people making your own FRESH- so why aren’t any of you? This isn’t retail, it’s not for the lazy and beggers who want Blizz to hold their hands. I’m not going to side with any players that enter classic with the intent of being lazy- that means you freshers, you boosters, and those who want mergers to fix realms they intentionally broke their own communities on.

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They are asking for another rule set than on current servers. No boosts, transfers, no extra frill.
From the amount of input I’ve seen, a pvp and a pve server could be a good place to start. If they were created at patch, the levelers there would be caught up to the progressive servers so no need to work out phases.
You must realize that eventually all servers will die. Once wrath is over they will all be static.

Again, they want a different rule set on boosting transfers etc. you do this on an existing server and there is no difference. Why must they prove they can level again. They’ve already done this at least once. So you’d have them go on a dead server, build a community to be be able to start yet again on a fresh server? That is crazy.


I agree.

I’ll have to move this more in depth conversation, elsewhere. If that person is willing to. I can say more things elsewhere, than I can here.

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The individuals that are against fresh servers are smarter than they act. They have spent nearly 2 years buying/farming gold in anticipation of TBC and are ready to take Outland by storm. They have piles of gold, mountains of mats, and multiple transmute/tailor CDs available. THey even have money put away to buy some more.

The problem is that they know fresh servers will be far and away the most popular. All the returning players will play there. All the streamers will play there. All the private server folks will play there. The people against fresh servers see the writing on the wall.

They know their mountain of wealth and wealth producing accessories will be irrelevant if the only people left on their server have just as much as they do. They will be forced to choose between maintaining their irrelevant investment or starting over on a fresh server where everyone starts on the same page (and they don’t want to do that).

I hope that sums it up.


If that is what you prefer, sure.

Not 100% sure I agree with all of that entirely but I do believe they will be popular and I do believe that is the reason some of the people are in here arguing against it.

I don’t feel that is why everyone here is arguing against it.

I look forward to the fresh servers and the new rule-set.

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Really…who cares why the trolls object to the idea? They don’t matter. But Blizzard does, and hopefully after their condescending attitude towards Vanilla servers for years made them look like fools when it had the kind of success it did, they’ve learned to listen to the playerbase.

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