A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

You tell him :stuck_out_tongue:

I am seeing a ton of people in the TBC beta hoping for fresh servers actually… obviously some are streamers but a lot are just normal players too. No way Blizzard doesn’t pull some attempt at fresh servers. I just hope it is not a half-assed, or scuffed effort.


Not sure why so many gatekeepers are coming out of the wood work to tell people asking for new servers they are wrong for asking and should feel bad. They remind me a lot of those people who were retail players saying that Classic should never be made.

Disappointing that the only person that was actually interesting to talk to from the other side in this topic was piper. While all the others just toss some hackneyed phrase or call people delusional for requesting and making an argument for a topic.


For real, why would anyone CARE if fresh servers opened? It’s not like they have to play on one or have anything to do with anyone who does.

What IS the problem??


Oh look. Another insecure, adolescent male talking out his backside.


Fresh servers would be sweet.


Yes to fresh servers, take my money!


Lol nice… I would literally pay a second pay-wall or sub fee for fresh… but that is just me.

I’d pay the price of a boost to have 1 character slot on a fresh server lol.

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Sums it up the best. This is another tactic I have seen used against the request for fresh, new TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences. Just like I supposedly want them because I am just another greedy Mage player who wants to make more gold boosting even though I have never specced my character for AoE farming and have never abused pathing exploits for personal gain. It’s called an ad hominem (against the person) fallacy when someone who doesn’t actually have a cogent argument against something instead attempts a personal attack against the person making it.

The funniest ones I laugh at come from the posters who use low level characters (so their main characters won’t be recognized on their servers) to make such suppositions. :rofl:

Just take it as a sign you have won the argument and be happy. :smiley:


innocent until proven guilty. and no boost slander until 60

I literally reactivated just to approve this message because I can’t with a deactivated account.


further exemplifying that there are more people in favor and that want this but they do not have a voice.

As I mentioned before I have several friends who are not subscribed yet (by several, I literally mean close to a dozen, lol)

Some say they are just waiting for a date, others say they won’t subscribe unless there are fresh servers… I cannot say whether or not for sure they will or won’t subscribe - I just know there are plenty of voiceless people who agree with this request.


You sir (or madam) are deserving of more than one like. Unfortunately, I can only give the one. :smiley:

A nice example to Blizzard that they will most likely increase their player base with the addition of some fresh, new TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences on them. I knew there would be more RPG fans who would come back for such an opportunity. :slight_smile:


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I’ve explained it, so many times. But, nobody wants to listen nor care about the opposition. You’ll only listen and/or hear me, as long I’m parroting “‘fresh’ servers, no boosts, no transfers” like a mindless drone. NEWSFLASH! I’m not! I THINK. And, I’m asking for the opposition of my position which is against NEW Servers, to THINK.

It harms the future of Perma Servers.

No, it doesn’t. I’d like an option where Perma Servers don’t become so dead (even though, I personally don’t mind it, but IK others don’t share this same view) thanks to all of these NEW Servers we hand out, as a band-aid solution for a “fresh” appeal which is only temporary. Whereas Perma is not.

You still can and no, there won’t be any “fresh” economy, “fresh” community nor “fresh” server completely free of Bots/bought Gold, etc. You can only “fresh” yourself, and yourself, only.

But, NO! Just because I DARE stray off the message “‘fresh’ servers, no boosts, no transfers”, suddenly I’M the “bad guy” merely for pointing out such potential issues that NONE of you want to address!

So, I’ll continue to spread my message of Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to save/archive Seasonal Characters onto Perma Servers. That is my compromise. You’ll have to accept you’re not going to get EXACTLY what you want out of this.

I assure you, there’s going to be NEW Servers, BUT you will endure the Level Boosts and Transfers. Sorry :woman_shrugging:


Creating endless amounts of redundant Servers is a problem for Perma Servers, in the end. Spreading the Era so thinly and making dead servers more dead, than they have to be. But, let’s just sweep that under the rug.

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Pretty sure no one, or at least a very small margin of the voices in this thread are asking for seasonal fresh servers, or even occasional ones.

We want a fresh start with a fresh expansion… The next time I would ever ask for another consideration of fresh servers is with the release of Wrath of the Lich King…

I know we will get fresh servers - but I am hoping that Blizzard acknowledges the requests of so many and dismisses or at least delays the cash shop/boosts on these brand new servers.

Bots will still be present, you are right about that too… But the community itself, which is comprised of a type of player willing to give up weeks, or months of their played time to start fresh is also going to be less willing to foster to gold sellers or mage boosting. If there is less demand for gold buying the bots themselves become inconsequential. Will it fully solve the problem? Nope! But it will alleviate the issue and promote the longevity of a healthy economy and ecology of the server.


IK that. My point is creating a bunch of redundant (non-self deleting) Servers is a problem for Perma Servers. Seasonal Servers wouldn’t be a problem for Perma Servers, since they will be self-deleted.

Yes, I get it, you want NEW Servers (which is a problem for Perma Servers, like I’ve been saying) that will never self-delete and just continue to add more Servers onto the Perma Server List which is a problem.

False! The incentive is merely having things in the game that requires Gold via the AH, Spell Training, Mount Training, etc. If I were to buy gold (not that I would), I would buy gold for these things.

Gold isn’t used just for GDKP, Dungeon Boosting, putting the AH in a “fixed” state, etc. Also, Botting isn’t just for farming, either. Ever heard of a Leveling Bot?


No, it won’t. Because ALL of the Classic Servers, today, WERE “fresh”, and we’re STILL in the same problem. I refuse to believe that just creating NEW Server, after NEW Server, after NEW Server is the solution here.

I won’t be able to reply for much longer, if you have to be subbed to use this forum, but… I’m 100% on board with Blizzard merging servers as necessary to deal with ‘dead’ servers. Or even linking them, and not merging them.

It’s entirely possible to support both: Blizzard finding a solution for dead servers, AND Blizzard adding fresh servers with a new expansion.

I’ll even go further and say that I would happily support seasonal servers as well. Season ends, server shuts down, characters go into limbo, you choose where to send them. New seasonal server starts up.

Private servers have proven that people want the seasonal format for WoW. They’ve also proven that people like fresh servers. More than a decade of retail WoW has proven that people like permanent servers as well. So, ultimately, it will come down to Blizzard/Activision’s ability to recognize potentials for profit and to act upon it. A dead server isn’t bringing them in all that much money, now is it? So I find it unlikely they’ll just leave dead servers to rot indefinitely.


That I agree with. Will Blizzard do that, though? I don’t think they will. Considering, how their solution about Name Reserves and just slapping Server Names next to those names, so players can keep their names, as Classic becomes Perma.

That’s the problem, I (personally) don’t want them linked which causes Server Identity to be lost, IMO.

I agree with that but not many (in this thread, in particular) seem to be on par with that. I want to find a solution for BOTH, but HOW do we do that? Yet, NOBODY wants to talk about that. I get called a “Troll” and put on ignore. Like that’s helpful :roll_eyes:

I disagree about those characters be saved/archived in “limbo”. As the Servers self delete, the characters should be deleted, as well. The point of Perma is to have all progress saved. And not allow for these Seasonal Servers to perform the same function. I think to have more “fairness” between the Servers is to pay to save/archive Seasonal Characters onto Perma ones, and Seasonal Servers self-delete (characters and all). New one starts up, and everybody starts at level 1, once again.

I’m hoping for more of Server Merges rather than just Connected Realms, Virtual Realms, CRZ Realms, etc. I don’t want Server Names attached to our names and making me all confused who’s actually on my Server, and who’s not.

That’s precisely it. The servers were new and the entire playerbase was new as well. The hardcore, casuals, gold buyers, non-gold buyers, etc… all balled into this new (really old/classic) iteration of World of Warcraft.

Now, the expansion looms over head. That is good, more people will join in. Some who want to experience all of it, and not feel as though they are immediately handed the short straw from the start.
And there are a great many willing to give up their time investment of weeks, or months, for a fresh start. Whereas people who spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on buying gold are a little more vested into the servers financially. Unless they are in a situation where money is entirely a non-issue then they will be more likely to stay where they are.

Thus, the community will be less receptive to gold sellers. Not entirely immune. I am a cynic. I wish the problem would go away entirely but I know better. However, there will be a lower response to the bots in terms of buyers. Thus the server economy and ecology will be better preserved.

You cannot make the comparison saying that they were ALL fresh at one point because it was brand new and all the playerbases were squashed together into their defined realms… You had pvper (those who bought gold and those who did not), roleplayers (once again, those who bought and those who did not) and pve players (you guessed it, who bought and who did not)…

I do not speak for everyone but I do speak for myself and a great many others when I say - the players willing to give it all up would be taking a higher stance of self reservation and willfulness against gold buying/selling. This helps to mute the bots without requiring (or hoping) for Blizzard to totally police the issue themselves. Boy, that would be grand if they did though… At either rate, It will help to alleviate the issue. I am not saying it will be completely fixed. But it will be a far cry better - especially without the instant access to gold farming positions provided by a convenient character boost.


Yes it will, the economies we have right now are the product of 20 months of metagaming and bot infested servers, it will take the entirety of TBC and maybe even more to make fresh servers as bad as the current ones are right now seeing as TBC duration is shorter than vanilla.

Yes, Fresh servers will have bots, so? they will still be healthier servers than the current ones for the whole expansion. Would they be perfect? No, but they will still be better.

You can refuse to believe all you want, blizzard wont do anything about bots, it’s been 15 years and it has only gotten worse, a perfect solution is not possible.

Even taking all that aside, the horrible state of the current servers is not the only reason people want fresh ones, even if we had perfectly healthy servers I and many others would still prefer fresh.

PD: I’m expecting your usual answer via deconstruction of my entire post in 10 different parts or however many you need to take everything out of context and feel superior with your “counter arguments”.
So just letting you know now, don’t bother I wont read it.