A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Finding joy in seeing others unhappy speaks to some very deep problems. You might want to get that looked at.

You’re probably right, but I hope Blizzard sees that releasing them after the fact defeats the entire purpose. At that point they will fail and that failure will be used as justification by Blizz and others as to why they never should have happened.


Posting once again as a reminder to Blizzard that there are many people out there that would very much like fresh servers with the launch, or pre-patch of TBC. I hope that our continued voice will push you to change your mind on the timing of releasing these.

Thanks to all who have posted and continue to post constructive feedback in this thread.


Nah it’s ok, I’m happy with myself as a person. Don’t need WoW forum therapy advice.

I’m going to watch some skateboard fail vids now.

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Why would it matter when they’re released? They’re fresh, a complete start over where you have nothing at all- fresh today or fresh in july is the same, you have nothing going into it.

Players to explain why fresh, which everyone knows will fail, failed not because of interest but because… some reason.

You don’t even have fresh and you’re already concocting reasons why it would fail. It’s going to fail if it happens, but it’s going to fail because the fresh group is small and undedicated to the game.

And Blizz knows this- because there’s a handful of dead servers where you can do a community driven FRESH, but there’s just not any players willing to do that.

Which is another thing- Blizz isn’t going to want to release new servers while half their servers are dead. The best chance you have for FRESH, and I really do mean this- is that so many come back for TBC that every server goes back to being full and Blizz’s only option is to make new servers.

I can answer your question for you, quite easily. I mean, by now it’s extremely obvious you’re either a troll or you’re intentionally pretending to not understand that other people exist as separate entities with their own thoughts and feelings, but still, for others with more genuine intentions I shall explain.

Question: Why does it matter when the servers are released?
Answer: It matters because there are different levels of hype surrounding the game around the launch of an expansion and the middle of an expansion. Currently, with TBC Pre-Patch drawing a great deal of attention from existing players, prior players, and potential new players, and with TBC launch itself drawing even greater levels of attention, the announcement and release of new, clean, boost-free & cash shop-free servers (to which players cannot transfer existing characters) will never have greater appeal and reach. At least not until WotLK Pre-Patch and Launch, when the same circumstances shall once again arise.

Should Blizzard launch new servers, meeting the above criteria, with the release of Pre-Patch or with TBC’s launch, those servers seem poised to garner dramatic attention from the playerbase. Should they be announced in advance, that level of attention is likely to only increase as players make plans with friends, family, and other gamers to join those servers and form communities.

Should Blizzard launch new servers, meeting the above criteria, some undisclosed time after the launch of TBC, players will no longer be paying such heightened levels of attention to the game and to the server options. As such, they will garner only limited attention from the playerbase, and will therefore fill at a significantly reduced rate. The odds of them ever reaching the levels of activity expected of fresh servers at Pre-Patch or Launch are negligible.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that existing, but dead, servers are as good as new, clean, fresh servers. Or again, perhaps you’re just trolling. But objectively speaking, an existing server has been around for some period of time already, with players already at max level, whether or not there are only a small number of them. Some of these servers you consider ‘dead’ are simply ‘dead’ for one side alone, while the other side is alive and thriving.

Moreover, these existing servers will have boosts, and will have cash shops. Transfers to them are also allowed.

Beyond any of that, it would take a massive concerted effort by the players interested in new servers to reach out to others who are likewise interested, in order to organize a mass migration to a single ‘dead’ server in order to create a pseudo fresh server. Again, to which transfers would be allowed. It would then be on those players to somehow manage the playerbase to follow a set of player constructed rules despite having zero administrative privileges. Simply put, it’s impossible. Even if they managed to get a large numbers of players to revitalize a dead server, they could not manage to keep it functionally operational as a fresh server. It would not evolve as a fresh server. It would not offer anywhere remotely near the same experience as an actual, real, fresh server.

AND, that’s not even looking at the idea of doing a fresh ‘Classic’ server, instead of a pseudo fresh server for TBC. Over the patches we have gotten throughout the two years of Classic’s existence, there have been some changes matching with the progression of patches during Vanilla from years back which cannot be undone by player willpower. They can’t pretend away the different loot tables. They can’t pretend away the different drop rates. They can’t pretend away the different NPCs and mobs.

Granted, I haven’t heard much of a call for fresh Classic servers, starting the progression over from scratch. That demand no doubt exists, as evidenced by private servers having operated in a seasonal format for somewhere around a decade now. But at present, and in this thread, the demand appears to be for fresh servers for TBC purposes. For going into TBC clean.

Lastly. You comment that the players who desire fresh servers are limited in number and are not dedicated to the game. Where are you drawing such absurd conclusions from? Overwhelmingly the responses to this thread in support of fresh servers appear to be coming from players who are extremely dedicated to this game. They have multiple 60s. They’ve been playing for more than a decade, many since Vanilla. They enjoy being a part of a vibrant gaming community. They don’t want to take the ‘easy’ route of having boosts and cash shops available to them. These are hardly players who could be labeled ‘undedicated’. And with the massive number of responses to this thread, and likes, their numbers can hardly be called ‘small’. It’s extremely common that when there is one person who takes the time to make their opinion heard, there are many others who share that opinion who remain silent.


I will echo this sentiment.

Well said by the way, Gesade.

I’ll add my two cents here as well… Many players are in favor of fresh. Blizzard surely wants their boost money. If fresh servers are released late after the TBC launch then they may get some extra boost money from the people who would prefer fresh. But those people may not hang around as long. More importantly, the players may not want to start over again after boosting and leveling a boosted character - at this point some of them may feel vested in that server and become upset.

As Gesade said, there are many of us, even if we are a minority we are not a small group of players. I know several players who do not have voices on the forums because they are not subscribed. Some are waiting until TBC launches - some are waiting to see if there are fresh TBC servers or not and claim they will not resubscribe unless there are.


“The best time for blizz to release a fresh server without any of the ways to make money they’re adding to make money , would be right when they hype up tbc to make money on those features! Can’t you see! This will surely happen!”

I see rope store stocks still soaring in this thread.

People still delusional with a fresh isolated server for the people that couldn’t cut in classic and want to have a chance to not cut in again in TBC classic?

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Oh my, it’s almost like you don’t recognize that they make money off of… wait for it… subscriptions!

But wait! THEY DO!

The people who don’t like the boosts, and don’t like the cash shop being added to Classic, are not going to use the boosts, and are not going to use the cash shop. Instead, they are likely to unsubscribe entirely (if they were even subscribed still to begin with).

So, let’s do a little bit of basic logic and math here, shall we?

No New Servers: $0 from the people who want fresh servers with no boosting, no cash shop, and no transfers.

New Servers: $15/month from the people who want fresh servers with no boosting, no cash shop, and no transfers.

Let’s say there are around 3,100 players per new server (will probably be more, because there ARE a few extremely low pop servers, as has been pointed out above). Let’s say there are two new servers per main geographic locations, and add another two for the less populated locations. We’re up to 8 new servers now.

8 x 3100 x 15 = $372,000 in subs, per month.

Now, I’ll admit, I don’t know how much Blizzard is spending per month to keep Classic WoW (and later, Classic TBC) servers running. BUT, looking around online for estimates, even 50,000 concurrent players in an MMO would theoretically cost something like $1500 (apparently) per month, meaning 8 servers at $1500 = $12,000/month. Blizzard also doesn’t seem to have to devote that many employees to each server, to eat up the remaining $360k.

In other words, fresh servers which will draw in players who otherwise would have no interest should result in easy money that they otherwise would not get.

Of course, the real difference in profits between adding the servers and not adding the servers is likely to be negligible as far as Activision is concerned, with an annual revenue of greater than $8b.

But, looking at it from that angle as well, it seems unlikely that the profits they will earn from adding the boosting and the cash shop to Classic/TBC will be anything but negligible to them, either.

So why not make the players happy and make a bit of extra money while they’re at it?


Bargaining. Seems we’re still a ways off from acceptance.

Yes, very well said (or typed in this instance).

Unfortunately, I feel it will fall on blind eyes and deaf ears to the fanatics and “authorized unofficial Blizzard representatives” on the forums. A very nice cogent and lucid explanation though. :smiley:


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I wouldn’t re-roll a fresh server because I am already too invested in my characters and guild from Classic. However, it would be a good experiment just to see how much interest there is in the concept - like maybe try one fresh server per region to see how it goes population-wise. However, I think Blizzard should roll some of the existing dead servers into others before opening new servers.

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so much money on the table

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whats that mean?

Nothing. She is a first class troll and fanatic who is against anyone who has not whole-heartedly embraced the boost and cash shop. She is massively against the RPG crowd getting some new fresh servers with no cash shop conveniences on them. For reasons only she knows, the subject angers her to no end and forces her to lash out against anyone who is for some new RPG TBC Classic servers.

Fair warning. :smiley:



Fresh servers with no boosts lets go baby


oh look another sub 60 wanting new servers because they didn’t hit 60 in the 2 years given.




not only do i have a sixty in classic, i have a 47 holy pally, a 41 hunter, a 39 mage, a 44 warlock, a 31 druid and a 27 priest. and not only do i want fresh no boost/no transfer server for 2 draenei i want to roll, but i also wanted a blizz boost for my 27 priest since i’d have a draenei priest also and didnt want to level 2 of them thru old world content

so you’re incorrecto on every assumption you made. :grin: