A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Fresh servers are a bad idea. No I will not elaborate. I hope my irrelevant opinion in the ocean of irrelevance has served you well.


Your very fist post is a troll post? Well, at least you will fit in well with many others on these forums. :confused:


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There is nothing wrong with a marginal amount of levity. I was being honest with my opinion but I found no desire or need to argue my position as it’s a trivial matter and subsequently I perceive other opinions on the matter and the matter itself irrelevant. Further, Blizzard will remain inflexible on introducing fresh servers, rendering it a mere pipe dream for those who want it.

You are just the worst. You’re only here to piss people off. There are diehard fans asking for fresh & to be such a jerk here only shows what poor job your parent did.


I always love this outlook from people since they are playing the contradiction to that statement though the mobilization of players pressing them to bring about the Classic in the first place.


Yes, unfortunately a great many people tend to skip out on that whole “Lessons of History” class. :smiley:

I am more amazed at just how many authorized representatives Blizzard has on the forums. It must be so awesome for them to have SO many people who know exactly what they will and will not do and be able to speak on their behalf. Sure saves on the number of blue posts necessary, eh? :wink:



History? What’s that? Sounds boring. I, as an expert opinion crafter, shall craft my own opinions based upon nothing whatsoever. And then, grandly, I shall spew them forth upon thee with the weight of ten thousand Blizzard employees. A man pile of epic proportions. Wait, no, no, I’m getting off track. There shall be no new servers! For no one, not one single, solitary, individual, desires even so much as a single new server. It is known. There can be no truth but this truth. I have spoken.

You are most welcome.


So, yeah. I’m still waiting for that Blizz response on new servers. I think I’ve changed my opinion from ‘probably playing even without them, albeit likely for a relatively short duration’, to ‘I doubt I’m going to come back any time soon unless there are new servers–preferably with pre-patch’.

It should be an easy decision for Blizzard to make, but the problem is they haven’t been the same Blizzard since Activision bought them up and turned them into a pale imitation of their former self. WoW’s been on a downward spiral with idiotic decision after idiotic decision since halfway through WotLK. The best choice they’ve made since then, at least in the Warcraft universe, has been to launch Classic WoW. And now they’re messing that one up as they transition into TBC–although it’s not like they haven’t made more than a few questionable decisions (or non-decisions) in Classic’s so-far two-year lifespan. You’d think they’d have learned from the private servers, and yet they seemingly have not.


Still hoping to hear some kinda blue response to this.
Hard to believe they have not addressed it yet. I understand their reluctance from a PR standpoint.
However, it would be good to get an official response, finally…
eyes blizzard expectantly


Felstriker? 6 Alliance guilds have cleared Naxx and 0 Horde, sounds like a dead server to me…

Classic was a proven concept because of the pservers. Fresh servers are not proven to work.

Doing fresh does not give significant profit. They said they want to prioritise a stable launch. There will likely be fresh servers after launch. We have to wait and see if TBC is received well.

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true but theyre playing with fire pissing off so many players for such a low expense feature, as well as possible player drop off due to the inevitability of an awful launch (massive layers, botters, exploiting leveling techniques, boosts, huge lag and cluster in hellfire and at the dark portal, inflated economies, etc). I was of the opinion that I was super excited for tbc until seeing how far classic wow fell off the cliff in the last 6 months of it in terms of botting/gold buying. So I will likely come back to tbc for the launch if they dont offer fresh servers but can easily see a reality where i hardly play it or only make it a few levels when I realize all the same sht is going on that is making the current version of classic so residentsleeper. I assume that are a ton of people in the same boat as me judging by more former guilds, RL friends who kind of all reached that same point with classic and forsight into TBC

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A fair assumption. I have several friends myself that are waiting to re-sub or not based on Blizzard’s official response to fresh servers. I suspect some of them may re-sub anyway, but the subs will be shorter lived on the current servers than they would be on fresh, non-boosted servers. That much I am quite sure of.


I would die laughing if there is a blue post that basically says

“Nope not happening”.

It kind of has the retail vibe of player numbers skyrocketing on launch and dropping off 50% within 3-6 months if things arent policed/changed

I think if blizz let them happen they should monitor these server very heavily along with the players. If the moderation and players work togethar to keep it free of the disease that has plagued out of classic then the server will be extraordinary.


pretty sure everytime a fresh server was announced there was a massive hype. Not sure if you where around at that time, but I sure was and it was insane hype for fresh servers.


Hype for Light’s hope was insane After Nost died, i think a lot of people who talk about P server day’s came After Nost and that’s the problem most don’t remember 09-13 etc.

Promises, promises… :smiley:


Blizzard will likely address this - there is no way they could not have seen it.

I suspect we will get fresh TBC servers. I am not sure if they would commit to the non-boosting/cash shop - which is a pretty important aspect of the fresh TBC server request.

I would not put it past Blizzard to wait until after official TBC launch to make the announcement as they would want to try to get as much of the boosting income as they could before potentially splitting that part of the playerbase.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. First and foremost Blizzard are a company, and will make decisions based around income.

I can also see them waiting until after launch just to gauge how people still feel about fresh servers, personally I think that’s a foolish choice, but when has that ever stopped Blizzard from making dumb decisions in the past.

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