A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Vanilla was something we could not experience, period, in game- there was no option either Blizz or player directed.

There are however dead classic servers, so FRESH is something players can do for themselves. Which is why FRESH won’t and shouldn’t happen. As long as the players who want this to happen are able to do so, Blizz should leave this to players to handle it, that’s what player agency is about and it was central to early versions of WoW.

The problem is, so few players actually want FRESH, so any attempts for it don’t work. That’s not something Blizz can do anything about.

There’s a significant difference- if there were a group of hundreds of thousands of players who decided to pick a dead server and reroll there, you could easily say ‘you think you do but you don’t’ is wrong, the door is open to prove me wrong. That’s what pservers proved- they had massive amounts of players showing that the demand is there, WITH ZERO ASSISTANCE FROM BLIZZARD.

Tell me, what is the FRESH crowd doing? Are they proving ‘they think they do, and they actually do’ by showing up with their numbers? No, there’s a dozen people asking for it again and again but nobody actually making it a reality.

Why would Blizz care about a dozen players demanding their own unique rules server?

Easy enough. RP-PvP servers…

When World of Warcraft first launched, there were no such things as RP-PvP servers. Plenty of “dead” servers, as you call them, and plenty of RP, PvP, and PvE servers. But there weren’t any RP-PvP servers at launch. All RP servers were PvE.

But after enough people asked for them, Blizzard introduced the RP-PvP ruleset servers in patch 1.8. I am sure many of those people could have just rolled on one of the lesser populated servers. But it wasn’t server population that was the issue, it was the ruleset of the servers. That’s what made the difference.

In my case, I play on the Oceanic servers. There are currently only 3 PvP servers and 1 PvE server to chose from. Since I don’t want to play on a PvP server, which “dead” server am I supposed to re-roll on? It’s not like I have a grand amount of choices here. But again, you are missing the point. The point is not about the population of the servers, it is about setting up some RPG servers that have no cash shop conveniences on them for us “old school” gamers who still enjoy playing an MMORPG.

And I don’t think it’s as few of players as you would like to think. This post has 5.7K likes with 605 of those being on the first post alone. I haven’t seen that sort of response on any of the pro-boost posts yet. And I am certain that there are more people who like and prefer to use the cash shop conveniences than there are those that don’t. We may not be the majority any more but I definitely think there are more than just “one or two” of us who would like to play on a fresh, new TBC Classic server with no cash shop conveniences on them. :smiley:



I can count them on one hand, this is also blizzards fault for not releasing enough on launch. The majority however are doing well.

you mean the thousands who have liked this thread and thousands who are playing on private tbc servers?


Sorry to burst your bubble but I’m not a Dad and I’ve got 5 lvl60 characters who are set. I still would prefer fresh.


Sure, as soon as they turn off the “retail features” on these servers as well, and boot any characters who aren’t level one at the changeover to “normal retail like” servers.


Another Bump for Fresh Servers

They will force WoW Tokens on us, please let us have a fresh server to play on to recreate the “new player” experience to TBC all those years ago when we played on new servers as noobs!


Since fresh exists already, is the economy fresh on existing servers?


Don’t feed the Troll my friend, all emotion, no facts on that person’s end.

If you were to roll on Alliance Stalagg right now- there’s 0 items on the AH, so yes, the economy is dead- there’s about 5-10 players on during peak times, no dungeons or raids are run.

Roll on AR/Felstriker and you’re on servers with effectively 0 players. If you want fresh that badly, prove it.

But we all know it won’t happen because basically nobody wants fresh.

10/10 for hyperbole!! Always love people who use hyperbole in their arguments. It’s basically like grasping for straws but on a much larger scale. :smiley:



Yah, everyone saying there’s a large audience for fresh is completely hyperbole- after all the number of players who are turning dead servers into fresh is zero, proving there’s no interest.

Basically- good point, you’ve just sold Blizz on why FRESH should never happen because you’re all grasping for straws pretending there’s enough players to warrant dedicating unique servers to it, grats. :smiley:


10/10 for an interesting twist on my words. :wink:

0/10 for reading comprehension.

Good try though!! :smiley:



0/10 for never getting your fresh servers. :wink:

10/10 for your obnoxious way of writing. :smiley:

Enjoy both not getting fresh and not having anyone willing to use this opportunity to make your own fresh happen. :smirk:


Yeah, I know. My writing is a bit above the average comprehension level. It does tend to annoy people who are unaccustomed to logic and reasoning and I have a very high vocabulary as well.

I would normally try to explain further but upon reading your past posts it appears you only troll forums with your hyperbole and your insistence that you are somehow an “authorized” representative of Blizzard entertainment and fully speak for them.

I highly suggest you start with a dictionary and then work your way up to a Thesaurus. It will help you greatly with both your reading comprehension skills and your reliance upon hyperbole to advance your arguments. :smiley:



?? some of the biggest reasons people want fresh is:

  • no boost (everyone starts on a level playing field, no fast tracking bots, and no free transmute alts)
  • a reset to the economy (The economy is iffy right now, for many reasons)

neither of these things are solved by playing on a “dead server”

noone in the fresh crowd wants to ruin your fun. They just want to play the game in a way they feel isn’t broken


Please start new servers.


Damn still no Blizzard response.

Blizzard can we please get Fresh servers? 2 per region? Hell, 1 per region would be incredible. Please just give us a Yes or No.


There are no dead Oceanic PVP servers but thanks for your input.

You’re either a troll or out of your mind.

Why discriminate? Can’t they be both? :wink:


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