A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

all the demand for there to be no fresh is from dadgamers who are too heavily invested with their credit cards to fathom starting over lol


I think you got it backwards, those without time “dadgamers” wont be playing a fresh server if they can just pay to get 58 and avoid a weeks worth of leveling. People who don’t have time don’t want fresh because even for them the attractiveness of a fresh server is too much.

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Hate to be “that guy” because I have seen it done plenty before but here we go -

First off: this post is originating from a retail gnome monk… Hard to take it seriously when we are not sure if you have experienced any of the classic experience at all. No, this is not an attempt to shame you for playing retail - more power to ya.

Second, the dads who quit are likely to have less time and a lot more cash - I could see them being some of the players that are most okay with boosting.

Third - I am not against the boost. I am glad for it and I do not want it to be removed. The boosts will draw in more players and that is a good thing. It is a win for the classic project as a whole. More players is a good thing.
However, I strongly advocate for fresh TBC servers without boosts or cash shops - even if it is just 1 pve/pvp server per region. The demand is strong and I feel the reasoning is valid.

Many have expressed their desires for it.
Many have made idle threats saying they will not play without it.
Some have made legitimate threats saying they will not play without it.
Some have not or will not resub until fresh classic tbc servers are announced/made - right now their voices are mute since they cannot post as they are unsubbed. I know a couple from this category personally.


That’s a lot of words in response to a pretty obvious troll.


Finding trolls on the forums is like trying to find a real woman in 2021…

This is an easy to sum up topic.

Problem- Significant number of players want a fresh server

Solution- Players start brand new characters, for free, on one of the many utterly dead servers and ban doing certain activities like BWL, AQ for a set period of time.

Reason it doesn’t work- Nobody actually wants fresh servers, they just like meming.

Way to prove me wrong- Actually go and make a fresh server out of a dead server

This is why Blizz won’t give fresh servers, when players can accomplish something on their own then Blizz leaves the community to sort itself out. They know two things-

a- players can solve this on their own
b- players are not, meaning the actual ‘fresh’ crowd is loud but tiny

If you actually, truly, genuinely want ‘fresh’- prove it.

But you don’t, you won’t- and thus, you will never get fresh.

this is like so dumb on such a deep fallacy level its not even possible to respond to it, but the sad part is when you clicked the submit button you had a grin on your face as if you had a the perfect checkmate response


It’s nobody’s fault but your own that you are too lazy to get your fresh servers you want- the option is there, it’s been shown how you can do it, the ball is in your court.

Your refusal to actually do your fresh reroll is all the proof Blizz needs that fresh isn’t actually needed. You have the opportunity to prove it and you are choosing not to- that’s on you.

I think the disagreement comes from the fact that you view the word “fresh” in the light of a stores clearance rack lol


You want an empty server (there are many) to play Vanilla on from level one. You have what you want, you can do fresh at any time with all the other freshers.

If you want the experience, you can have it- if you want Blizz to put a sticker on it and give you a pat on the head telling you its fresh then you didn’t really want fresh at all, you just wanted corporate validation for your ultra niche playstyle you feel deserves its specialized server for.

And that’s the issue- none of you people want a fresh server experience, you want daddy Kotick’s approval.

once again youre speaking from the perspective of the bobby bootlicker not us. not sure why so many trolls are defending a billion dollar corporation that up to this point has been an exercise in futility; nearly every game they’ve patched over the past 5 years has been reverted to a classic mode due to outreach from its community. they are successful due to insanely valuable IP dispite shooting themselves in the foot 99/100 times.

If the solution is to organize a worldwide mission to flock to these servers, take up arms on reddit/fb/forums and start a giant movement when they can just click a button and say “hey fresh servers go live on X day” then you are either too much an activist or dont understand consumerism supply and demand at all


You have an option and are refusing to take it, that shows your true character. You want to show a corporation what you want, do it.

Yes, it’s an ultra niche group that wants FRESH, but it’s also a group that’s extremely non-casual and would band together to do something like this if they actually wanted it. Frankly, anyone who isn’t on reddit/pservers doesn’t have a clue what fresh even is as that’s where that meme came from.

I understand it entirely- if this group is as massive as you people say it is, you had the power to make it happen- you’re trying to pretend the consumer is conflated 100x more than it is.

Reality is, the ‘fresh’ consumers have no power, because they’re a drop in an ocean.

And this has been proven beyond any doubt- because if you had the numbers and drive for FRESH your group pretends they do, you would be out there making your dream a reality, not on the forums constantly crying to Bobby to throw you his scraps.

This isn’t a hard battle for you to win- you only need to do one thing, prove your fresh group exists by using an empty server to do your fresh dream. At that point I’m wrong and you’re right.

But we all know I’m right, and that’s why instead of proving me wrong, you’re going to sit here all day proving me 100% correct.

Yeah, but responding to trolls can be fun. I know, I know… You really shouldn’t feed them, but it doesn’t hurt to at least try to guide their poor, narrow view of the world towards a better outlook. :smiley:


you clearly don’t remember when they initially polled how to do TBC - the 4 options they gave were 1. continue over like we are 2. continue over and keep a character in classic. 3. boosts to 58 4. fresh servers completely. Im 99% convinced they are going to release a few fresh servers given the high demand, Im just frustrated and so are others that they havent announced it yet so we can plan forward. I also like the idea too that you are omniscient and can prove immediately what we do and dont do. I have rolled on and leveled new characters on 3-4 servers with RL friends/for fun just to kill time since the end game and current state of classic is just so bad unless reset. Unfortunately im not going to gather people on reddit and forums over the next 6 weeks to march to Selma to make this fresh idea a reality when its basic capitalism for a billion dollary corporation that is playing with fire given how badly they ruined their product less than 10 years ago


Then they have the data, and if you effectively know you’re getting fresh… why are you even asking for them?

^ a little transparency would be appreciated so people can prepare, manage their subscriptions, change servers/factions for RL friends etc.


How do you change servers/factions or prepare for fresh?

by doing literally exactly what youre asking us to do… change to some dumpy server/server transfer off mega servers that are overly ruined, relevel new guys on these dead servers with returning friends etc. if fresh isnt offered. If it’s offered then ya no preparation needed. would be nice to be told yes or no though so ppl can start leveling doing stuff they want in relation to the game moving forward that isnt preparing for the move into tbc, because im not leveling 3 guys on a dead dumpy server if theyre just gonna offer better fresh options for everyone. but then again i also dont want to have to pack leveling characters on those other servers into only the prepatch window


Remember no one would have even gotten vanilla until people spoke up. Blizzard is by no means good at making games anymore or even making good decision. “You think you do but you don’t” yea without a voice how will they know.

Vanilla was so good they actually changed the level cap to 60 to try and hooks more of the classic players to retail.


I really don’t feel like this is a big ask, just make a place where everyone can start from 0. Please blizzard just disable boosts and transfers for a few months even to let people have the fresh experience.