Well, “undeniable proof” is a really low bar for you with your huge over-generalizations. However I use my ignore function in LFG chat as a filter. Sure there are some genuine lowlifes on there, but the majority of my ignores are for people using LFG to advertise services. If Blizzard properly kept people from violating the ToS, I wouldn’t really need it. But since it is not a monetary loss for them, they are not really interested.
Thank you once again for being Activision/Blizzard’s authorized representative and official spokesperson. I do hope your pay doesn’t affect Bobby’s bonus though or they might have to reduce you to keep paying him.
Peoples’ obsession with fighting against the prospect of fresh servers is fascinating. Especially since Classic itself has proven these arguments to be invalid. But once someone takes a position they’ll spend hours and hours a day defending it, no matter what. Welcome to the WoW forums.
Anyway, Blizz would be utter fools to ignore the immense call for a fresh, boostless server option. After being proven so wrong about their condescending attitude toward a Vanilla servers (“you think you do, but you don’t”)…you’d think they would have learned better. Hopefully they have.
Arguments are worthless against fanaticism. The lure of convenience and ease are strong which is why cash shops do so well in MMORPGs. Fortunately, Blizzard saw an opportunity and took a chance with Classic WoW. Here’s hoping they do the same with some fresh new servers for TBC Classic. It is definitely a win/win option in my opinion. The RPG’ers get new fresh servers to play on and the min/max and Retail tourist crowds keep their servers with all the cash shop conveniences on them.
Yet another gross overgeneralization from you based off of limited evidence or facts. At least I now understand where it originates from. Might I suggest you read more books than just that one? It will help widen your rather narrow view of the world and the people in it.
Why are there even people against this? It poses absolutely no harm and opens up more options for players. Those who want a fresh start with tbc endgame, and those who will continue on a current server with their friends will. Those who want boosts will head to those server and those who don’t can start fresh.
I think it is the suggestion that those who use cash shop conveniences are somehow playing the game “wrong”. I have noticed that any time I mention that I still have all of my boosts on Retail showing on my logon screen and will never use them, I get accused of all sorts of things. The truth is I simply enjoy the leveling and character building of an RPG, and Retail stopped being an RPG long ago.
There is no “wrong” way to have fun as long as no one is getting hurt, in my opinion. Most of my objections are due to the way Blizzard has handled (or more accurately, NOT handled) the botting, gold farming, and RMT that has occurred on the WoW Classic servers. From what I have read, many of the min/max and Retail crowd who play TBC Classic are planning to do nothing but dungeons from the start. That will allow the bots to prosper since there won’t be anyone out in the world to report them and Blizzard does a poor to non-existent job of policing their servers. New, fresh TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences will most likely not attract the min/max and Retail tourist crowds to them and I think that this will help with the bot problems as there will be more people out and about leveling and adventuring to discover and report the bots.
Of course, that all depends upon Blizzard being a lot more diligent with respect to actually policing and caring about their server environments.
It does seem that every time someone asks for a few new, fresh TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences on them that it acts as some sort of insult to many people. Why, is a matter of their own internal demons as you are quite correct in the fact that it does them no harm.
So we’re at more than 2000 replies now with tons of support for fresh realms and still no Blue Post? Can somebody message Kaivax on Twitter or something? It’s so difficult to feel like your voice is heard with Blizzard compared to companies like Riot Games that constantly interact with their community. Just give us anything: a yes, no, or maybe. I absolutely hate the idea of boosts, but if they introduce even just a single fresh realm per region that doesn’t allow boosts, I wouldn’t mind. Both parties would be satisfied.
Saying anything can be interpreted as “yes”
Saying NO only feeds the rage. Business never says no to customers. If they had to open new server because of TBC popularity, then it could be used against them.
Saying maybe is useless.
It’s best to say nothing, wait for TBC reaction, and act.
Sadly, I have to agree with this assessment of the situation. While I would love to know in advance if Blizzard is actually considering new, fresh TBC Classic servers, from a business perspective it is just best for them to sit and wait to get a “feel” for the TBC Classic community. I think it would be good customer service to post something either way, but Aran is correct about this decision to remain silent and wait from a business perspective. It may make them look like they are ignoring us or don’t care, but jumping the gun and making a statement of position right now is not really in their best interest.
I would still love to hear from Blizzard about the issue. But I am not really holding my breath. Other than placating us, there is really nothing in it for them at this time.
I can assure you they are not blind. They have seen our requests - and are likely noticing just how often it is coming up and what a hot-topic it is for us.
I can agree with the aforementioned assessments that it is not wise for them to reply - unfortunately… However, it would be foolish of Blizzard to utterly disregard our requests and potentially lose a reasonably large group (albiet a minority) of players.
That said, Blizzard has shown in the past that it can be foolish.
You have to understand that before blizzard decided to release classic many private servers where pumping out new servers and from my experience they where all packed. As we speak private tbc servers with thousands of people. We can look back at the hundreds of vanilla/tbc server that have released and fresh always gets the most hype. It’s the best way for blizzard to pump out the rest of the private server players.
Of COURSE the new, fresh, clean servers draw a large crowd. It’s the same concept behind seasons in a game. People like starting fresh with the pack. They enjoy racing to server firsts. They like seeing that race happen even if they’re not personally taking part in it themselves. They like the feeling of newness, of freshness. It’s a fresh chance to meet new players and level with their mains, instead of random alts and swarms of bots.
And if we’re going to be making new characters, anyways, with Draenei and Blood Elves being released, why not just go all in on a clean, new, unspoiled server?
Who cares if 50% of all characters on the server for the first month are likely to be either Draenei or Blood Elves? It’ll balance out over time. And, besides, that in itself would be a hell of a lot of fun to see and experience.