I see the Retail tourists are back to troll a thread that has no consequences for them. I haven’t been on them for a while, but I am guessing that the Retail forums have gotten a bit too slow for them to troll adequately over there?
I see the Retail tourists are back to troll a thread that has no consequences for them. I haven’t been on them for a while, but I am guessing that the Retail forums have gotten a bit too slow for them to troll adequately over there?
Sure the difference will be if they start linking realms on whatever the most current classic is.
Not to mention that if your fresh realm gets linked to another realm, doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?
If Classic is any judge, it won’t be linked until well after the final phase of TBC… so… no… it won’t defeat the purpose.
Right so it’ll just remain dead for months like what has happened to classic realms.
You can’t have it both ways
If it becomes a dead server, it becomes a dead server. I personally don’t think it will before Wrath comes out.
If, when all is said and done, all the realms will be connected, I don’t think it matters if there are 30 dead servers or 32 dead servers that get connected.
So basically you want to roll the dice on whether it might or not? What if you couldn’t reroll off until wrath?
I mean… that’s the chance we all took with Classic isn’t it? Some of those servers are now considered dead. So, yeah, I am willing to take that chance, as are many in support of fresh servers.
But a lot of those fresh servers did have high pops initially which then dropped off.
Why wouldn’t that happen again?
It could very well happen again. I just don’t think it will if they only introduce a small number.
Again, the point isn’t that they won’t be dead, it’s that it doesn’t matter if they turn into dead realms because eventually, all the current servers will probably be connected down to 1-3 servers.
fresh vanilla pls
That too.
What about seasonal servers? Then there can always be a fresh server coming up soon enough without just having masses of dead servers.
I would not object to seasonal servers as they would provide the same experience for me personally. I can’t speak for everyone that wants fresh servers though.
I think they will wait to release those until after the next expansion comes out, though. If they do them at all, that is.
They can do it for any system hosted in Blizzard’s Cloud.
The difference here is how to escale it and how the system does respond to the scale.
World of Warcraft does not respond well to high populated areas (shards, realms etc). Even retail still lags the hell out of a zone when there is a World Boss in that given zone. Blizzard still ignores it.
Anyway, the difference here is the trend:
TBC tends to grow higher. So, they will look on how to responde to it:
Adding Layering most likely > checking if it goes down > queues > free transfers to existing realms > new realms to receive those.
And they are only doing this for Classic to drive people out of pirate servers. There is no reason for them to add the nonsense request of “fresh servers” to Battle.Net. At all.
Displacing the fact that the post has a toxic attitude for a second I will go ahead and respond to this one.
The majority…
I never got a poll or a survey.
I have over 150 people in my discord server that plays wow with me. I asked 18 people specifically who I consider very close acquaintances - 16 replied back saying they also never got a survey - 2 did not reply.
I sent out a message to the entire server.
Got back 21 more replies saying they never got a survey - not a single one said they did get a survey - though many never replied.
So obviously the majority of the players who got the survey allegedly showed their interest which blizzard is acting on. But exactly what is the criterion for this survey since no one I know even got one…?
If the servers are becoming dead servers for months after a final phase and prior to the next expansion then perhaps Activision/Blizzard should consider keeping the final phase short.
The original Nax came out in June 20, 2006.
TBC original came out in January 16, 2007.
After all - the final phase in original classic and release of TBC was only 6 months apart. That was back when players had to discover everything organically.
I realize they want the phase to last as long as possible but with all this time organic discovery is not a viable option. The first people who ever downed Naxx did it approximately 90 days later. (Allegedly some people downed him in late august but the first evidence we have is from September 7th 2006.
That’s 3 months. The last phase should be reasonably short. Giving everyone a chance, but not with the expectation that it will take as long for the majority of people to complete.
Been leveling a bit in Classic. It’s kind of ridiculous how all the chat is spammed by buying boosts, selling boosts. It would be fantastic to have a leveling experience where that’s not happening. Where everyone is actually grouping up, playing together, working together. That’s why I play an mmorpg.
People say that’ll just happen again but at least we’ll get an authentic leveling experience…for a while. Also, I believe a fresh server at this point will in large part attract a different type of player who actually values the journey and the social dynamics of an mmo. So such a server in the long term will have a better, ‘more healthy’ community.
I think it’s at least worth finding out, if the demand exists. And the demand clearly exists. I feel bad for any new player starting right now if this is all they see and experience.
Yeah, it’s strange…
I came back to WoW Classic hoping for that very same community of people who actually enjoy the RPG part of an MMORPG. Yet due to the spamming of the LFG channel on my server I had to download an add-on to expand my ignore list past the 50 that Blizzard allows. I never had so many people on ignore in Retail or during the original Vanilla WoW as I do with WoW Classic.
Oh, the irony eh?
Here’s to Blizzard hopefully opening up a couple of new fresh servers for TBC Classic with no (or limited) cash shop conveniences on them. They could label them “RPG” servers to go along with PvE and/or PvP much like the “RP” servers.
If we can take anything away from this thread it is Godtier is an absolute moron. #FRESH
I don’t really mind the in game Power leveling because it’s just a transaction through players. My favorite game DAoC had power leveling and many other games have some form of it. However, it was always a player to player interaction and never company to player.
I would honestly just make a level xp cap so that high level players don’t get exp from greys, or if they aren’t within said 10 or 15 levels they wont get any exp from the high levels kills. Though I really think the power leveling isn’t that huge of a deal and can’t be compared to boosting.
A few fresh servers isn’t going to ruin any of the current servers so I really don’t see the issue. I honestly think these anti fresh server people are just trolls.