There’s a ton of people that would love a clean fresh server BEFORE TBC release. Instead of debating about boosting. The supposed pre-patch is May 18th, followed by another 6 weeks or so before the theoretical TBC release. So why not open up a server now with a month and half to go? Tell the community this will be the last chance for a fresh start. Disable boost on these new realms, disable character transfers. 1 for each coast for each continent for both pvp/pve.
There’s a ton of people that would love to come back for TBC release and grind in a casual pace to 60 before the TBC launch knowing everyone is starting on the same level. Bots and farmers will follow every server, it’s not preventable. But at the very least, it’ll stop people pestering for a new server or debate about the morality of a char boost to 58. Just make a server NOW and tell them they’ll be no boost.
How is a 70 billion dollar company not going to be able to afford opening up 5-6 realms as a one time deal for the new expansion?
For those that don’t want a new server, just exactly how will this server affect you if there are no character transfers allowed? It’s a win win for everyone. The longer this goes on closer to release date, the more the talk will be focused about boost or no boost when we could do away with the argument right now.