A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

There’s a ton of people that would love a clean fresh server BEFORE TBC release. Instead of debating about boosting. The supposed pre-patch is May 18th, followed by another 6 weeks or so before the theoretical TBC release. So why not open up a server now with a month and half to go? Tell the community this will be the last chance for a fresh start. Disable boost on these new realms, disable character transfers. 1 for each coast for each continent for both pvp/pve.

There’s a ton of people that would love to come back for TBC release and grind in a casual pace to 60 before the TBC launch knowing everyone is starting on the same level. Bots and farmers will follow every server, it’s not preventable. But at the very least, it’ll stop people pestering for a new server or debate about the morality of a char boost to 58. Just make a server NOW and tell them they’ll be no boost.

How is a 70 billion dollar company not going to be able to afford opening up 5-6 realms as a one time deal for the new expansion?

For those that don’t want a new server, just exactly how will this server affect you if there are no character transfers allowed? It’s a win win for everyone. The longer this goes on closer to release date, the more the talk will be focused about boost or no boost when we could do away with the argument right now.


I gotta admit… For a first forum post, that was a really good one!!! :smiley:



And, the RP and RP-PvP Servers get outcasted, yet again LOL

Also, the likelihood of the Level 58 Boost Feature being turned off is slim to none. Blizz has already stated multiple times, that they feel BC begins in Outlands. The Level 58 Boost Feature allows for that to happen.

However, there’s no doubt in my mind that NEW Servers are going to be avail for both PvE and PvP. Those of us on RP and RP-PvP Servers will get shoved to the side, like always 'cause a lot (not all, but a lot) don’t take us, seriously.

Yep, that’s why they’re allowing for Belves and Draenei to be avail before the Dark Portal opens. To give them time.

'Cause the NEW Servers provided such as RP, RP-PvP, Oceanic, etc., Servers didn’t do so well, after they were implemented upon request. They’re Low populated with the exception of 2 of them, however the Alliance to Horde ratio on 1 of them is terrible. GL being a Horde on Bloodsail Buccaneers.

That’s a lot of Servers spread thinly by the time Perma arrives. It’s not going to affect just me, but ALL of us.

No, it’s not.

I already know NEW Servers are going to be avail. Without the Level 58 Boost feature, is an entirely different story.

Early on it could be a overpoped area as many people move to come back and not want to deal with established economies or guilds. As all the players complain about GDKP and other things the idea of a place where there is no real gold creation yet becomes popular. One of the big things about information spread is how people start to evaluate.

So there is a possible period of Boom early on. Will everyone stay? Whats the population going to be like after people get max level? Its hard kinda of hard to tell. If it becomes a big enough server we can guess it will be fine.

If we look at PVE servers though overall it would seem that it could be decent … you know unless everyone leaves

Like everyone that accuses me of “speculation”, this is all “speculation”. There’s no actual proof that they will (in fact) “flourish”.

However, the other proof that I do have, that is non-refutable is the state of said servers that were implemented, upon request via the RP, RP-PvP, Oceanic, Latin America, Brazil, etc., Servers.

The data I’m about to present to you is according to Ironforge Pro. However, I’m logged in, right now and looking at whether or not said Servers are either High, Medium or Low Pop. But, the Ratio and Players accounted for is all according to Ironforge Pro: https://ironforge.pro/servers/

US Servers
Grobbulus (RP-PvP): High Population (5,220 Players)
59% Alliance and 41% Horde

Bloodsail Buccaneers (RP): Medium Population (1,712 Players)
80% Alliance and 20% Horde

Deviate Delight (RP-PvP): Low Population (1,073 Players)
58% Alliance and 42% Horde

Oceanic Servers (4 Total Servers)
Arugal (PvP): High Population (4,967 Players)
45% Alliance and 55% Horde

Yojamba (PvP): Medium Population (3,800 Players)
44% Alliance and 56% Horde

Remulos (PvE): Medium Population (2,103 Players)
78% Alliance and 22% Horde

Felstriker (PvP): Low Population (227 Players)
100% Alliance and 0% Horde

Latin America Servers (1 Total Servers)
Loatheb (PvP): Low Population (521 Players)
54% Alliance and 46% Horde

Brazilian Servers (1 Total Servers)
Sul’thraze (PvP): Low Population (Ironforge Pro has no Data on how many players, we’re looking at, here)
Ironforge Pro has no Data on the Alliance and Horde Ratio.
All we know is, this Server is “Low Pop”.

Aside from Grobb and Arugal (that’s 2/9 Servers), the rest of the Servers requested, aren’t doing that great. Two out of NINE Servers requested! That’s not good.

Of course. There is no way to say for sure how things are going to go. I mean TBC could flop just as much as it could flourish. Maybe blizzard will see it AS a flop if we dont get to the numbers classic brought at the start or not enough boosts are sold. The future is entirely speculative.

That being said though, we can look at the past and speculate how things ~could~ go. Overall peoples inclination to do fresh servers is always a high. I think there is more at the moment because of the issues people parade around here and on reddit. Beyond the start though its all up in the air. It could be as popular as Pagle or mankirk… or it could just be the least populated server as people flee to said servers.

I dont really like your definition of what is a “good” server. The idea that some how 2100 people is not a good server is strange consdering that vanilla servers thats near cap and and for TBC its about 1.3k away from cap in historical numbers. Saying that the game is BETTER because blizzard stuffed severs to the gills is a personal preference of play.

I will give you though that servers like Felstriker and Loatheb (and others not listed that are below 1000 raiders) are all dangerously low. They all seem to have that one thing in common though which i would agree should NOT get any new servers. Sorry PvP people, i think you are out of luck because there are so many fundamentally dead servers.

That being said you listed 2 pve servers and one of them has over 2k players which is more than enough based on Classic population standards. The other is RP which has its own stigma because RP people for some reason. To that end, using your data set i would say that A PvE server could be put in and do well. Maybe not as well as you would ant it to, but it would do well relative to what normal population numbers would have been at the time. But again thats speculation.

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Exactly! I take issue with the fact that some (not all) keep using this baseless argument as a “win” for NEW Servers (by claiming NEW Servers are going to “flourish”). There’s no evidence to support that claim. I’ll meet you halfway and say that’s a speculation, just like I have my own my speculations based upon what IK. Yet, nobody has come to me disagreeing with my speculation based off of their own deduction and/or reasoning. They just say “that’s just a speculation!” or even “a conspiracy” without actually logically breaking it down how my speculation is “wrong”, in any way.

I’ve been saying, as much as I (personally) want to support NEW Servers, I fear the outcome of said implementation, by the time Perma Servers hit. We already know this about Classic, so why is this logic not being considered for BC? I (genuinely) don’t get it.

Correct, and we see how many Servers Classic has and know that it’s quite A LOT of Servers to remain Perma. Can we agree on that?

Then, let’s define what makes a “good” server, then. I based it off of “High Population” (only), since that’s the only CLEAR read we really have that Blizz is willing to hand out.

Ironforge Pro is only based off of Raid Logs, so there could be more players, than what is being presented.

I will give you Yojamba but not Remulos. Reason why is because Yojamba is more balanced than Remulos. Remulos might as well be another Bloodsail Buccaneers with its Ratio. So, that’s 3/9, still not looking good.

But their Alliance to Horde Ratios is terrible. Unless, we want to discount Alliance to Horde Ratios…I don’t.

Being skeptical is healthy. There are a lot of fresh birds that may come in and leave as soon as that Fresh feeling wears off. The hope is you get enough of the disenfranchised people that left between BWL and AQ who dont want to compete on gold or GDKP to come over. Which is a big question mark overall

Yeah i think that high is a good indicator of very healthy while full is a but unhealthy since its going to have problems. Overall i do think the Med is also healthy but its more of a toss up of how people want to play in Classic world. Super servers or more… “Normal”

Low is clearly unhealthy to me. This is leaving server balance aside for the most part.

Ironforge pro is decent but has the additional problem of Alts so can be a be nebbulus data. Are there really 1700 raiders on Blood Sail or are a quarter of those people alts running raids as well? Though for the most part as you get lower i think the numbers are more realisitc since lower numbers usually would indicate less people being able to even do alt raids.

No some of them are terrible but theres also those issues on bigger servers to like Skeram for example. A one faction pvp server is a PvE server by another name.

When i do look over the data i think the most you are going to get is one PvE server in the US and EU regions, and maybe oceanic. I do not think there will be PvP New Servers because there are some very low pop ones across all regions. Nor do i expect any RP servers.

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Again, I understand and agree, however can we agree that too many Servers would be a problem for when Perma arrives? 'Cause the next snippy remark is usually “hOw DoEs ThIs AfFeCt YoU?”, when it’s not just me but ALL of us, by the time Perma arrives. What’s more important? That “fresh” appeal or trying to keep the Perma Servers, as “healthy” as possible? I’ve asked this, over and over, again. Like I said, I want to support NEW Servers, but I can’t because preserving Perma Servers is most important, for me. And, I’m going to continue fighting for that. I don’t think some (not all) grasp that concept.

And, Pagle and Mankrik are (also) terrible Ratios. But, I do see your point. 4/9 is “meh” while 5/9 is better. So, I will concede to the point of “flourishing” (depending on how people want to agree to our terms of “flourishing”). This doesn’t have any weight nor barring to my main and overall concern towards all these Servers, and their long term affects, by the time Perma hits/arrives.

But, nobody wants to talk about that.

Hi Piper. I 100% agree with wanting a separate TBC game that is in no way linked to existing servers. I may not agree with your posting style >.> but we can agree on that.

They could still monetize a new/separate TBC game by allowing paid transfers onto select servers. In other words, players could pay to transfer their existing level 60 characters onto new TBC realms, and also pay for the “copy” option. If they had gone that route, then this thread would be more like, “A Formal Request for a Small Batch of No-Transfer TBC Servers.” And we would all be hugging and laughing and having a great time in here.



It’s fine, we’re not going to like each other 100% of the time, and that’s OK. We have the same goals, here. We just want to go about it, differently.

In a way, that is what this thread is asking, and the reason why IK we’re the Minority here is because of the many conversations I’ve had and doing my own personal research in who wants to do what. There are A LOT of players that want to bring their Classic Characters over into BC and believe BC begins in Outlands and disagree that the old world is BC.

So, no, I don’t believe Blizz is going to give us two different BC Game options, that’s why they gave out the Poll/Survey to figure out who the Majority is, in order to avoid losing too many people, if they were to implement BC a certain way. Which is why IK for a fact, that there will be NEW Servers, but I wouldn’t count on that Level 58 Boost Feature being turned off. And, then, later on down the road, BC will likely suffer similarly to Classic, by the time Perma arrives.

I’m not “crazy” nor “wrong” in thinking this, and I think deep down, y’all know this, too.

Yes too many servers has been bad will be bad and will always be bad for games. The question is have we reached saturation point on PvE? I am not sure honestly. I am willing to test that and be wrong going into TBC and taking the fine for being wrong (transfer cost).

I would your one of the more enjoyable people to talk with overall. You can see the good and bad of things and for the most part the differences are not that far apart from my perspective on where we are at.


Appreciate that. We really do share the same perspective. I just have my concerns for when Perma hits/arrives. For the most part (not by you, personally), I have been called a “Troll”, been put on Ignore and quoted into other threads to invite more harassment (in my direction) merely because I’m not blindly going around chanting “‘Fresh’ Servers, no Boosts, no Transfers!”. I have my legit concerns and would love to support the NEW Server movement, but I cannot because how (at least, in my mind) it’ll affect Perma Servers.

Which is why (and I’ve said this, over and over, again) the “better” (may not be the best) solution is for Seasonal Servers (for that “fresh” appeal) and then paying to save/archive those Seasonal Characters onto the Perma ones, by the time the Seasonal Servers self delete. Instead of creating endless amounts of NEW Servers, that’ll never be deleted, and we just have a bunch of “dead” servers that the Majority (IK it’s the Majority) don’t want to play on.

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This isnt a wrong outlook. There are for certain people that are going to be fair-weather to the game as was very clear in classic since all servers were near high or full for a long period of time. Now … not so much.

Anyone calling you a troll for the outlook that the server could die, is not looking at a potential outcome. I think it could be popular (as most things are) at the start. I think it could die and its a risk im willing to take. Some people dont really leverage that risk or… are the people who are going to leave.

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Not that this matters, but you just proved my other hypothesis I was working on about players on RP Servers just being a TAD nicer than those who aren’t on RP Servers. Not saying there aren’t any Players that don’t play on RP Servers “aren’t nice”. In fact, I kind of disagreed with the notion that those on RP Servers are a TAD nicer, than those who don’t play on RP Servers. So, I began experimenting, and there is a little ring of truth to the statement. Needless to say, I had proven myself “wrong” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Why are players that play on RP Servers a TAD nicer? That’s another question in and of itself, but I just think that because we enjoy to RP. RPing, in some sense, requires us to slow down, a little bit and just enjoy the “now” moment compared to other Servers that are usually in a hurry. Not to say there aren’t slower paced players out there, but I think RPers tend to see the moments, as they are easier, I think. All my opinion, ofc :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Come BC, I’mma go Horde, so we might run each other, in BC. I won’t be Alliance, this go around :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Hah Might be hard i was thinking about going alliance this time for TBC but friend is talking to me about hode guild so who knows.

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I’m still going to have my Human Mage in BC, but I definitely want to go Belf, this time around :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Amusingly i didnt play BE the first time through TBC since there was no War option for them until later. Still get annoyed from some of the early promotional art that had a BE in T2 only to have this idea “They can be War”.

Either way going to be a different TBC than i originally did. Which should be fun!

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I think my group of friends are still staying Alliance, so you’ll still have a community :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ll probably gain more friends, along the way, in BC, I’m sure of it, as I main Horde, this go around. You should join my circle of friends! You don’t have to, ofc :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Maybe, i know Mankrik is pretty high pop i do worry about queue times for PvE there unless youre looking at other pve servers.