A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Goodness gracious, that is NOT what’s happening here, OMG :roll_eyes:

I want people to just simply BACK OFF with the slanders and the whole “I’m ‘right’, you’re ‘wrong’” because I guarantee I NEVER said any of you were “wrong” for feeling the way you do. I would appreciate that same courtesy (though, it’s not “required”, and IK at this point, some, not all, may want to continue down that road just for aggravation purposes because they think it’s funny)

So have your’s.

No, it doesn’t, Gorrith.

We can keep it simple with “I agree” or “I disagree”.

Because the most you have is talking about me and my character which has no relevancy to the conversation.

Because you do nothing but talk about me, when I don’t do that to you, so why are you doing it, to me?

Again, it’s NOT the same thing! NEW Servers cannot “forever” be “fresh”, the way RP Servers can “forever” be “RP”. When, you pull up the Perma Listing, there’s no “fresh” option except for what once WAS “fresh” via some old NEW Server which is why I don’t agree with the NEW Server concept because the ONLY way to achieve that “fresh” appeal (under the NEW Server umbrella) is to CONSTANTLY create NEW Server, after NEW Server, after NEW Server, after NEW Server, on the Perma Listing which leads to my problem of too many Servers on the Perma Listing.

Which is why I prefer Seasonal Servers.

Cool, we can stop arguing then.

I understand your thought process there, however Customer Satisfaction does lead to more money, so I can see how the clash of wants and desires could eat into Blizz’s pockets.

Not to mention, that NEW Servers can NEVER remain “fresh” forever, the way RP Servers remain RP forever.

Something I didn’t consider but agree (to a certain extent) with your opinion there :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe not the main reason, but a good PR reason LOL

EXACTLY! If I don’t say something “correctly”, we just HAVE to nitpick at it. How are YOU not arguing for the sake of arguing? LOL

Seeing as how you knew EXACTLY what I meant, I don’t understand the NEED to argue over semantics :unamused:

Which is EXACTLY what I proposed!

Yet, there are some (not all) that disagree with that, and that’s OK, too. I just want people to know that we’re NOT going to get EXACTLY what we want out of this. Which is why I keep asking what is MOST important, to you?

I’m ALREADY compromising enough for what I want ('cause I don’t want Seasonal Characters saved/archived, but it’s a compromise I’m willing to make to preserve Perma Servers from being CRZ’d and the like), and I’m just asking for the same to be done, here. What sacrifices are y’all willing to make because believe me, I’m NOT the one being “stubborn” here.

Appreciate that.

If it gets to that point, where I can tell it won’t reach there, I will. But, I don’t sense that with you and some (not all) others here. Otherwise, I’m confident in some (not all) being somewhat “mature” (I say this lightly) enough to NOT nitpick every little thing I say and try to bully me into submission and formulate and structure my responses more to their liking :roll_eyes:

Precisely, why I keep saying, I’m NEVER going to AGREE on NEW Servers, doesn’t mean I don’t understand and trying to find the CONCLUSION, here because we’ve already beaten up the horse to death.