I came here to answer the “What is a Seasonal Server?” question. Not rehash the same talking points, over and over, again. I’m NEVER changing my stance, and IK you lot aren’t, either.
I answered the question “What is a Seasonal Server?” Take it or leave it, thanks.
Oh, IK this. Y’all are asking for three things:
-NEW Servers
-No Level 58 Boost Feature
-No Server Transfers
EDIT 2: Like I’ve been saying, NEW Servers are going to happen (as much as I don’t want them to), but the extra sprinkles you’re asking for? That’s not happening.
okay, lets say you start half way thru a semester on how to build your own computer, and most of the population is already done with main frame, ram, graphics card, motherboard, sound card, keyboard, speakers and mouse. all thats left is the monitor and software. so while you run around trying desperately to catch up, other students are being added to the class but difference is, they are given the main frame, ram, graphics card, motherboard, sound card, keyboard, speakers and mouse, already completed.
It is very easy to validate your own desires and deny another persons desires - even if they are somewhat shared.
As I said, if there were no RP realms to date - your stance would likely be similar to ours. You’d most likely want RP realms to be forged into existence.
Mind you, I am very happy you got what you want. But what you do not see is that you are now the “nay-sayer.”
Back when people made these same requests for RP realms so many flocked to the forums saying they were not needed. There is no point in this. The demand is not great enough. This would hurt other servers. etc. etc. etc.
The difference is real. Just as Rp is different from Pve and Pve is different from PvP; so too, is fresh-non-boosted different from concurrent-boosted.
Fact is that you have your RP server designation and I am thrilled that you do. But you do not need to be the naysayer thwarting our desire which is just as valid as yours was at the time - if not moreso simply judging by the amount of response ours has in comparison to what yours had back then… but I digress as this is not the point I am trying to make.
As I said, were there no RP servers I would strongly wager your stance would not be:
Your narrowminded viewpoint that somehow makes RP different, and therefore valid, while rendering ours indistinct and therefore a potential to harm your perma experience may grant you perfectly good reason for being our “naysayer” but it does not make you right. I am sorry, as this may sound harsh but it is not intended to be derogatory or condescending.
They’re NOT the same thing! And, it doesn’t make me a
Either. And, calling me out of my name (or at least about my character) is NOT an argument, either!
RP Servers don’t, but NEW Servers do. There would be no existing RP Servers on Perma, at all. Meanwhile, your NEW Server movement has Server Types to pick from on the Perma List.
I do NOT have to support NEW Servers in order to support RP Servers. Likewise, I do NOT have to support NEW Servers in order to support Seasonal Servers. Seeing as how they are all DIFFERENT requests!
You haven’t proven me “wrong”, either. You’re just saying that I’m “wrong”. And, I don’t think the NEW Server movement is “right”, either and I’ve explained (NUMEROUSLY) why I think NEW Servers are harmful to the Perma Server Listing.
For the ZILLIONTH time, I AM NOT CHANGING MY MIND! IK, I’m not changing your’s, either. That’s not what I came here, to do. I came to answer:
That’s it! I didn’t come here to rehash the same talking points, over and over, again. We will NEVER see “eye to eye” here, EVER.
RP servers don’t because they already exist, and because their ruleset is different…
Yet NEW servers do - if they are “just that” new servers… We are asking for a different server distinction… As I said before RP is different from pve, just as pve is different from PVP - so, too, is concurrent boosted different from fresh-non boosted. It is a different ruleset.
You’re right. It is not argument. It is fact. Just how calling piper a mage is fact. Or calling the nay-sayers that spoke out against the RP servers, despite some of their reasons being valid, what they were - naysayers… It does not mean your points are necessarily less valid. It only gives a genuine label. No argument to be had here…
Never said that I proved you wrong. I see how some of your points are valid, even if they are askewed based on your own personal biases and opinions. I also never said that you were wrong. I merely said that your narrowminded viewpoint, or other argumentative points does not necessarily make you right. It is a shame that you are taking these things as a personal slight when they are not intended as such. You need to be able to strip emotion out of your argument and strictly use reason.
Well, sort of…
If you had stopped after providing the answer then this would be accurate. However, you continued by injecting your opinion. Therefore opening yourself up for response. I am not saying that you are not allowed to respond, or that you should not feel 100% open to responding… That would be silly. However, when you do - it closes the door to the “I only came here to do one thing, and I did.” You cannot back peddle and expect us not to have our response as well.
There comes a time when reason flies out the window and a combination of pride and stubbornness take over.
I personally believe this time has come and gone.
You’re simply not willing to see things from another point of view other than yours. And that is okay - perhaps a little sad, but it is how most people operate all the time. Your viewpoints are 100% valid in your own mind and I even take the time to validate many of them from an outside perspective.
I’ve defended your posts despite disagreeing with some of them very vehemently. I step outside the box and empathize and take my best effort to see things through your shoes. I don’t feel like your best effort is made in the same fashion. That, or your best effort to empathize and see things through anothers’ perspective leaves a little to be desired.
I fully anticipate I will get another response from you attempting to dissect this post and “defend yourself or your stance” because you feel as though in some way it has been slighted.
I was awaiting a reply to this older one but in truth neither is necessary. If your stubbornness and pride have cemented you so firmly into your belief so much that you are unwilling to consider another persons perspective then the replies are pointless and add no value to this thread.
Before you say I am putting words in your mouth by saying your stubbornness and pride keep you from considering changing your stance at all - allow me to quote a recent example where you admit this yourself through different words.
If this is not an admission that you are simply unwilling to change your mind then I’m blind to a more pure example.
The very statement, very vehemently stating that you are not changing your mind means that you do not come here to debate - you come here to argue.
Before you argue this point allow me to glean some of the differences:
Debates are a contest of formal discussion about a topic where two opposing view points are discussed and considered. Arguments are a non-contested but still competitive rise of disputes and disagreement.
What is the nature of an arguement? It is to express your viewpoint in a formal or informal manner.
What is the nature of a debate? It is a formal discussion meant to contest two opposing viewpoints - meaning both sides are considered by the opposing party.
What is the decision process of an argument? The argument does not lead to decisions. It merely expresses a viewpoint - often, but not always in a heated disagreement.
What is the decision process of a debate? A conclusion arrives after both sides have democratically, or diplomatically reviewed the opposing viewpoints of either side. At that point a decision is reached - and not before.
Your decision is already made as you said yourself. Also by your own admission, you have no intention of changing your viewpoint.
Thus, by reason of deduction you come here to argue and not debate. An argument does not add value to this topic.
This may sound incredibly callous and for that I pre-emptively apologize. But your presence here in making these arguments is not needed and does not add value.
I am, by no means, saying that you are not welcome here. And there are things you can still do to add value, such as answering the question that is aforementioned in this post. But to go beyond that and offer your arguments -rehashed or otherwise does not add value as you are unwilling to debate. You come here with your narrowminded viewpoint cemented in place.
I’ll probably take the time to reply to whatever dissected responce I get from this - but my replies often do not add value as well because I am engaging in an argument at this point - not a debate. I simply have too much free time on my hands as I await TBC launch - hopefully with our own fresh, non-boosted servers to play on
Goodness gracious, by the time Perma happens, NEW Servers will no longer be “fresh”, at that point. Whereas, no matter how old the PvE, PvP, RP and RP-PvP Servers get, they’ll NEVER stop being PvE, PvP, RP and RP-PvP. Your Server “distinction” quest in “fresh” doesn’t last long, THAT’S why it’s DIFFERENT. And, Blizz isn’t going to make TWO different BC versions of the Game, either (one with the Boost and one without it). As much as I wanted “fresh” BC, that is NOT what we got, and I’ve accepted that. It’s time you (I do mean you, specifically, and anyone else like you) accepted that, too.
Talking about my Character is NOT a “fact”. That is your own perception which doesn’t reflect reality. Also, it has NOTHING to do with what we’re talking about, so please STOP talking about me, I would REALLY appreciate it.
It’s not a “genuine” label, at all. It has NO barring in the conversation and just devolves the conversation into people DEFENDING themselves from the “labels”. So STOP doing it! I’m going to argue AGAINST labels because I (personally) HATE them. I’m NOT a “nay-sayer”. If you’re going to call me, anything, you’re going to have to EXPLAIN WHY you’re doing it. Even though you think you have, I disagree that the “explanations” are me. So, it’s best NOT to label anybody, where we get sidetracked into what we’re actually talking about. Please REFRAIN from labeling and trying to talk about one’s character because it has NOTHING to do with the conversation so STOP IT!
EVERYTHING said here, on these Forums is NOTHING but EVERYBODY’S personal biases and opinions. NOTHING out of everybody’s mouths are actual “facts”, unless they provide links.
Which means you’re inferring, implying, etc., that I’m “wrong” which doesn’t prove nor even makes me “wrong”. You just keep saying it, over and over, again. And, you know how that makes me feel “backed into a corner” to where I get on the DEFENSIVE because I’m simply not being heard nor listened to.
Geez, IDK, I keep getting slandered, CONSTANTLY being labeled a “troll” (which causes others issues, that I can’t talk about on the Forums), etc., and you expect me to NOT feel “slighted”? Maybe STOP with the labels and ACTUALLY converse with me WITHOUT the ad hominems (because they’re NOT talking points).
I HAVE been. Not ONCE have I put any LABEL on ANYONE. I’ve said NUMEROUSLY with logic and reason why Blizz is going the route that they are. And, why creating two different BC versions of the Game is NOT happening. Why NEW Servers requests are DIFFERENT from RP Server requests. NEW Servers NEVER will “forever” remain “fresh”, “until the end of time”, the way RP Servers will “forever” remain “RP”, “until the end of time”.
The only way for “fresh” to be “fresh”, “until the end of time” are Seasonal Servers which sounds redundant, but Seasonal Servers are “forever ‘fresh’”. It’s hard to explain, but that’s the best way I can put it.
You keep bringing up RP Servers, it’s because the expectation of those Servers is DIFFERENT, than what NEW Server advocates are asking for. NEW Servers LOSES their “fresh” appeal. RP Servers will NEVER lose their “RP” appeal because they are FOREVER “RP” Servers (unless Blizz changes that). Then, there’s the other part of a BC Game WITHOUT the Level 58 Boost Feature. As much as I would want that, that’s NOT going to happen.
And, the only thing you say against ALL of that is that I’m a “nay-sayer”
DEFENDING my position, like I ALWAYS do. Repeating myself, ad nauseum, and these conversations are NOTHING but circular, and I’m TIRED of it which is why I have to state that I only came here to answer the question, until we’re back at arguing with Piper, again because she said something that we didn’t like
NONE of you can move on AWAY from me, DESPITE knowing I’m NEVER changing my mind. I simply state that I disagree with the particular statement and trying to keep things SIMPLE. INSTEAD of having these LONG drawn out side conversations, that don’t NEED to be had.
No because I have a right to DEFEND myself from ALL the accusations, slanders, personal attacks, “gotcha moments”, etc.
I’m NOT “back peddling”, goodness gracious!
ENOUGH, already! I would APPRECIATE EVERYBODY to BACK OFF, ALREADY. We know where each other stands, and I do leave this thread “alone”, and I ONLY wanted to answer the question and NOT go back into some long lengthy IRRELEVANT conversation that has NOTHING to do with the subject matter!
I DEFEND myself from A LOT, in this thread, CONSTANTLY because NONE of you know how to BACK OFF. I say one “wrong” thing, and we’re back at it with the circular arguments, AGAIN.
Goodness gracious, PLEASE STOP!
I (of ALL people) understand MORE than you think. I understand some (not all) want that “fresh” appeal. I understand that some (not all) don’t want the Level 58 Boost Feature (I’m one of them). I UNDERSTAND. Just because I UNDERSTAND doesn’t mean I CONDONE, those are two VERY different things.
I (also) UNDERSTAND (even though, I do NOT condone) that Blizz is NOT going to make two different BC Games. That’s just NOT going to happen! What I do know and see are NEW Servers (even though, I don’t condone, but I UNDERSTAND) WITH the Level 58 Boost Feature still turned on and Server Transfers (quite possibly on hold, for some time, but they won’t be turned off, forever). How do you keep GLOSSING over this point of mine? I’m practically conceding that NEW Servers WILL happen just not in the EXACT way you’re looking for. DESPITE me being AGAINST them, THAT should tell you something about my deductive logic and reason skills. If I’m (one AGAINST NEW Servers) expressing my “acceptance” (relunctantly, but I digress) that NEW Servers are happening (or a HIGH chance of them happening) WHY are we STILL nitpicking at EVERY LITTLE thing I say?
I take the same approach, as well.
They are, but when I’m CONSTANTLY on the DEFENSIVE because you lot can’t do ANYTHING else but nitpick EVERY SINGLE “wrong” thing that I say and completely DISREGARD the ACTUAL good things I’ve said, such as:
Giving hope that NEW Servers will most likely happen (just reminding you, they’re NOT going to happen in the EXACT way you’re looking for), even though I’m fully and wholeheartedly AGAINST them, deductive logic and reason points in NEW Servers being a thing.
Deductive logic and reason (also) dictates that there’s no freaking way in hell Blizz will be offering TWO different BC Games: One “non-fresh” BC Game with a Level 58 Boost Feature, and one “fresh” BC Game without a Level 58 Boost Feature, that’s just NOT going to happen. The CLOSEST thing is providing NEW Servers with the Level 58 Boost still available, so “freshers” can jump straight into Outlands (and hold off on Server Transfers, for a bit) and be “fresh” that way.
Can we (at least) agree on that?
That is true, and that I will apologize for, for not getting to.
I UNDERSTAND the perspective. Just because I UNDERSTAND doesn’t mean I HAVE to AGREE with it. Which is why I simply put “I agree” or “I disagree”. I don’t say anybody is “wrong” nor “right”. I accept EVERYBODY’S opinions and their biases as their own opinions and biases. EVERYBODY has a right to feel what they feel, who am I to say that you’re “wrong” for feeling the way you do? Which is why I feel “slighted”, when I don’t get that same “treatment” (not that it’s “required”, but I digress), if you will, when I get told that my thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc., on the subject matter are “wrong”, when I NEVER said that about anyone else’s thoughts, feelings and/or opinions.
I UNDERSTAND the thought process behind NEW Servers, I just don’t AGREE with it. Doesn’t mean I don’t understand, I just don’t agree. It’s that simple.
The example is not an example of not understanding. It’s an example of not agreeing. And, you are putting words in my mouth by CONSTANTLY spreading how I don’t UNDERSTAND my opposition, when I actually do.
Once again, just because I UNDERSTAND, doesn’t mean I then have to AGREE. NONE of us are “wrong” nor “right”. We just have our own opinions on things.
It means, I’m NEVER going to AGREE with the opposition.
No, I said it to END any FURTHER useless and pointless arguments forcing me to AGREE with the opposition. I’ll NEVER AGREE to it. Doesn’t mean, I don’t UNDERSTAND, I just don’t AGREE, DIFFERENCE.
Again, I’m NOT trying to argue, anything. Nor even debate, honestly. I just say whether I agree or disagree with something. Doesn’t mean I don’t understand. Here’s the best part, I do AGREE with arguing for the sake of arguing gets us nowhere which is why I said what I said, that I didn’t come here to circle.
I’m agreeing to disagree, at this point.
LOL I’m sorry to say that it’s just not going to happen. As much as I want EVERYONE to get what they want, I do see reasons where certain wants and desires clashes with other people’s.
The best case scenario would be NEW Servers (even though, I don’t want them, but I’m only one person, and Blizz still wants to cater to the most people, as possible, very lazily, but I digress) with the Level 58 Boost Feature still turned on for straight up Outlands gameplay with Server Transfers on hold.
Do we agree or disagree, on that?
EDIT: Had to re-word something because it was inappropriate, my apologies, but the formatting and point still remains in tact.
Sounds similar to "I am ALLOWED to have an opinion and state MY opinion on these forums and ARGUE my points… but if YOU have a point that is not aligned with MY perception then don’t. Everyone should BACK OFF, ALREADY.
You should BACK OFF, ALREADY. I have to have the LAST WORD. I am NOT changing my mind EVER.
Again, your defenses have been heard. Your need for validation and to state your narrowminded opinion and have the last word keep warranting a response, Piper. I am defending my stance as well. Somehow you do not see it this way. You see it as me attacking you when I make observations.
Similar to how they, themselves said that they would not be spinning up RP servers. Yet they did after being shown via forums that enough people wanted it. This is what we are trying to do. Sorry you are not in agreement, and it is okay not to be.
I have no qualms with it.
It is less about this as these certain wants and desires clash with blizzard’s/activision’s wants and desires…
That being money more than customer satisfaction these days.
This server ruleset, by simple design, would provide less revenue than the current projected server rulesets beyond anything other than the monthly subscription amount.
This is the only business-legitimate way in which the RP servers and our requests differ. At the time the RP servers did not stand to lose any addition revenue streams. Our server, one could argue, will do just that by shutting out boosts and transfers.
It is for this reason alone that I am confident blizzard may ignore our request. It has nothing to do with any threat to other existing servers.
We disagree on that.
Specifically this line:
It is not the best scenario - but it by far the most likely. If you are asking if this is the most likely scenario…? We agree on that.
A compromise would be a “seasonal server with a projected end date and available character continuance via transfer options” OR “a fresh server without boosts or cash shop for a specified term of time.”
Either option is a compromise - and would likely have at least a majority of the players content.
As an aside. I do not feel my statements were slanderous or in any way have wronged you. I apologize for projecting this feeling on you or forcing you to feel defensive. Once again, in order to for people to “back off” you need only stop the responses. At this point I am confident anyone who has read any selection of our book-esque responses to one another, or other non-targeted posts are very well aware of our positions.
Goodness gracious, that is NOT what’s happening here, OMG
I want people to just simply BACK OFF with the slanders and the whole “I’m ‘right’, you’re ‘wrong’” because I guarantee I NEVER said any of you were “wrong” for feeling the way you do. I would appreciate that same courtesy (though, it’s not “required”, and IK at this point, some, not all, may want to continue down that road just for aggravation purposes because they think it’s funny)
So have your’s.
No, it doesn’t, Gorrith.
We can keep it simple with “I agree” or “I disagree”.
Because the most you have is talking about me and my character which has no relevancy to the conversation.
Because you do nothing but talk about me, when I don’t do that to you, so why are you doing it, to me?
Again, it’s NOT the same thing! NEW Servers cannot “forever” be “fresh”, the way RP Servers can “forever” be “RP”. When, you pull up the Perma Listing, there’s no “fresh” option except for what once WAS “fresh” via some old NEW Server which is why I don’t agree with the NEW Server concept because the ONLY way to achieve that “fresh” appeal (under the NEW Server umbrella) is to CONSTANTLY create NEW Server, after NEW Server, after NEW Server, after NEW Server, on the Perma Listing which leads to my problem of too many Servers on the Perma Listing.
Which is why I prefer Seasonal Servers.
Cool, we can stop arguing then.
I understand your thought process there, however Customer Satisfaction does lead to more money, so I can see how the clash of wants and desires could eat into Blizz’s pockets.
Not to mention, that NEW Servers can NEVER remain “fresh” forever, the way RP Servers remain RP forever.
Something I didn’t consider but agree (to a certain extent) with your opinion there
Maybe not the main reason, but a good PR reason LOL
EXACTLY! If I don’t say something “correctly”, we just HAVE to nitpick at it. How are YOU not arguing for the sake of arguing? LOL
Seeing as how you knew EXACTLY what I meant, I don’t understand the NEED to argue over semantics
Which is EXACTLY what I proposed!
Yet, there are some (not all) that disagree with that, and that’s OK, too. I just want people to know that we’re NOT going to get EXACTLY what we want out of this. Which is why I keep asking what is MOST important, to you?
I’m ALREADY compromising enough for what I want ('cause I don’t want Seasonal Characters saved/archived, but it’s a compromise I’m willing to make to preserve Perma Servers from being CRZ’d and the like), and I’m just asking for the same to be done, here. What sacrifices are y’all willing to make because believe me, I’m NOT the one being “stubborn” here.
Appreciate that.
If it gets to that point, where I can tell it won’t reach there, I will. But, I don’t sense that with you and some (not all) others here. Otherwise, I’m confident in some (not all) being somewhat “mature” (I say this lightly) enough to NOT nitpick every little thing I say and try to bully me into submission and formulate and structure my responses more to their liking
Precisely, why I keep saying, I’m NEVER going to AGREE on NEW Servers, doesn’t mean I don’t understand and trying to find the CONCLUSION, here because we’ve already beaten up the horse to death.
To put it as precisely and as not “nit-picky” as I can. I am not doing it for the sake of arguing but to be concise because people quote others in this forum nearly all the time when attempting to prove a point for themselves or against others.
So I want it to be 100% clear what I am agreeing and disagreeing to so that it cannot be quoted out of context by anyone, not specifically saying by you.
Don’t have an issue with this proposition. And I am not trying to steal credit for it either. I am saying that IF this is blizzards method of appeasing us I would personally be content with it. Consider it a boon for you or me agreeing with you on this.
I just cancelled my account. I personally will not play unless they open a fresh server. I don’t find spending the majority of my time playing farming gold so that I have a chance to get a raid item to be fun. Guilds aren’t recruiting anymore because why recruit and create more raid groups when its expected now to GDKP your items if you want to raid. I’m certainly not paying real money to buy gold so I can enjoy the game. With a fresh server at least it gives people an opportunity to make friends and create bonds before the GDKP takes over again. I started had to take a break from classic when my guild was raiding MC and by the time I came back everything was dominated by GDKP and I could no longer even find a guild to raid with. Personal opinion and choice if others find the pay to win fun then that’s is there choice I however do not and therefore will not continue playing without a fresh server.
So, only 3 people said their stance on that proposition, and only 1 said it wouldn’t work for them. That 1 doesn’t seem to be wanting to sacrifice, anything, it seems.
It’s interesting how different the NEW Server advocates (and, I don’t say this, as an insult, to be clear nor classify this as a “label” but a category) intentions really are, when you really get down to it.
It’s no wonder Blizz doesn’t know how to tackle the “fresh” issue, and why it makes sense for them to “not do it, right now” (though, I still assume that as an answer to Seasonal Servers over NEW Servers), until they can figure out a way to milk the “freshers” for more money, but I digress.
I’m just going to say, while I understand I disagree with this.
I, and some - not all, of my gang still intend to play even if they do not make fresh servers. Unfortunately some of my friends are in the same boat you are in… but for differing reasons.
I will tell you like I have told them - you’re welcome to come join in, we’re going to revive the guild as it was in its hay-day with several raid groups.
I was not a fan of DKP back in TBC - and there was no such thing as GDKP back then. I am equally, if not moreso, opposed to GDKP.
We used an honor system back in TBC. If you showed up, you had a shot at loot - that simple. If someone religiously joins every week for months and it comes down to just 1 piece of loot that is an upgrade for them then soft reserves become considered at that point. But beyond this more extreme situation - if you show up, you have a shot at loot.
If people fussed about gear back in our day I would simply remind them. We are mainly a pvp guild. We come and pvp, or pve in these raids for FUN. Do not stress over gear. Gear WILL come, eventually. We do not tolerate drama… very simple stuff.
Agreed. Neither will I. Now we have a Collector’s Edition. Thanks to GDKP, plenty of players ready to transfer 200k gold into TBC “Classic.” How long will we have to argue the same points? And STILL no blue post on this. Bots. RMT. GDKP. Economy pre-wrecked. This TBC is anything but Classic. Retail TBC. WoW Token inbound. Calling it.
Gorrith… So many people have told me there were GDKPs in the OG TBC. I played 40 hours a week. I don’t remember any GDKPs either. If there were GDKPs, there weren’t near as many as there are now. Smh.
I honestly never even heard of the concept of GDKP until Classic WoW, and I’ve been playing since just after release. I actually had to lookup the term the first couple of times it was thrown around in Classic WoW when I did some research for my guild as to different loot systems. The earliest document I found for GDKP was from 2010 on a blog called “Gold Capped” which was written for the game at the time of Wrath of the Lich King. The article itself was written around the concept of gold farming and GDKP was one of the “new” ways it cited to help get you gold capped. Needless to say, it wasn’t one of the systems I recommended to my guild at the time as a valid loot system.
I always tend to doubt people who tell me that things happened that I don’t actually remember happening back in “the day” when I played. I tend to just group them with that one poster who was really upset that he couldn’t play a Blood Elf warrior in TBC Classic because he darn sure remembered playing one back in the original Burning Crusade.
For my own sanity, as much as I didn’t want to, I did have to place certain Users on ignore (unfortunately). Maybe one day, we’ll reach a place of forgiveness. For right now, that’s not happening, anytime soon.
It wasn’t you, though. I’m just tired of getting notifications from people that just want to argue ad nauseum, and some of them aren’t even from this thread. And, you and I talked about this, too. I don’t try to write people off, but there’s just certain people around here (Forums) that really are just arguing for the sake of it.
Anyhoot, you’ll probably notice. If somebody is addressing me, and I don’t respond…good chance they’re one of the people I placed on Ignore LOL I tried to have patience, but it wore out, unfortunately