A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I really like this idea


Very will said. (or typed in this instance :wink: )

Let’s let the min/max and Retail tourists keep their servers and cash shop conveniences and give us RPG’ers new, fresh servers to experience TBC Classic with. Both communities get what they want this way. :smiley:

23.5K view with 4.7K likes. Still seems like a win/win to me Blizzard. :crossed_fingers: :smiley:



Just want to add my voice to this, whatever good it does. I never was able to level a character in classic to 60 during launch, and after launch it felt like leveling zones were abandoned because of boost culture, so I never felt motivated to return in a meaningful way. Fresh TBC servers give me the chance to try again and take that character through the dark portal when I finish leveling, ideally they would do one of each type, as I really want to roll on a RP-PVP server myself.


Doesn’t sound like you would even play fresh if it were offered. Why all the nay saying and speculation on something you aren’t interested in?
You and the others making points against it just can’t stand if others are having their own kind of fun. Truth here is, the people who want fresh aren’t going to play with the min maxxers, so get over it.


This right here is the most crucial aspect of the whole thing. The divide in the community is getting bigger and bigger and its resulting in some very unsavory behavior. Adding these different servers with different rules allows everyone to play how they want to play.


Also just for laughs get rid of evade spots on fresh servers :sunglasses:


Yes, because history has shown how well it works when we segragate people who do not like each other and make special arrangements to cater to the “I don’t like those kind of people.” attitudes.

If there’s such a small amount of people that want this then why you worried about such a great divide?

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this is the epitome of a strawman against the idea lol what does isolation within a server have to do with playing against players across realms? I can compete with you on a real server while you are botted/gold inflated to death. thats like saying you cant go out in public away from your family since you dont like strangers as much as them lol. absolutely terrible logic

So you want fresh/new servers. What is the end goal?

Let’s look at this from a presepctive of, you get them and 1 to 2 months have passed

Will the fresh server have gold farmers and bots? Yep
Will the economy be overinflated? Yep
Will they be any different from any other server? Nope

The idea of a fresh server is a temporary thing, within 1-2 month it will be exactly the same as any other server, the only difference is that it does not have people you do not personally like on it, people who boosted. That is the only difference, nothing more.

You are not magically creating some system that prevents gold-farmers and bots from joining, you are not implementing some system to prevent inflation.

So to boil down the reasoning for fresh servers is because you do not like someone. So you are in favor of segregation and isolating people you have some personal bias against.

That is some seriously messed up reasoning.

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theres no logical argument to dispute any of these points aside from fallacies. +1. perfectly articulated

So it is a fallacy to not support the imposed segration of a population based on the personal biases of one group?

is it a fallacy lol a textbook Strawman. what you’re saying has no bearing whatsoever on server population. So youre more worried “old” non fresh servers will die while people move to “fresh?” if so the idea is welcome and natural selection plays out because the game state is so bad currently. Also could introduce merges between lesser existing servers, just like they could for any new fresh servers they monitor after the opening months. Its disingenuous to even believe the current game and fresh servers of the game at the same game at this point tbh. the only way I could see this being any issue related to what youre saying is if you assume a lot of current servers will lose a lot of their players to fresh (even tho seemingly everyone on here keeps insisting those servers will die? so kind of oxymoronic) as well as assuming the current mega servers are lively because these disenfranchised players are currently amongst the players on them, which I would again dispute because a ton of those players such as myself stopped playing this modern rendition of classic long ago/only play sparingly.


I think it’s a fun idea they should try.

I personally wouldn’t play on them but I can see the appeal.


this is honestly the most refreshing and sensible comment ive seen a while


Oh strawmanning huh?

Lets recap shall we.

You then respond with:

I then point out that it is not a fallacy to be against the isolation of one population from another.

And you respond with:

And you think I was strawmanning? I do not think that word means what you think it does.

Now look, let’s not make this complicated man. This is simple. We don’t want boosts in our game. What can you do for us? Why you gotta cater to one community and not to the other?

This ain’t rocket science


listen I could get into the semantics of this for hours and we’d prolly never see eye to eye. Case and point of it all is players like myself who are more traditional and dont like the boost/the state of the minmaxed gold bought classic servers want an opportunity to have fresh servers. This is indisputable unless being gate kept by people who feel insulted that others wont be partaking in their epic conquests that weren’t even 1% authentic. And honestly it becomes more glaringly obvious with the counter posts I read WHY these servers failed so many and why so many players like myself are willing to relevel and redo ALL of our time put into the game to isolate from players. Ive seen only a handful of legitimate responses and all the rest have been completely confrontational/smug attitudes about opinions, but still nothing you said disputed a single solution I offered. I can immediately tell you’re one of the players thats making others want fresh servers to avoid them lol


Trust me, the feeling is mutual!!!

if thats true you should be pushing actively for fresh servers! lol but the urge for others to witness the gold bought gdkp t3 set is too strong