No boosts no transfers on FRESH tbcservers

Please and thank you keep those microtransactions off the fresh servers please

FRESH IS LIFE BABY :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Keep it clean, keep it pure

Main thread pretty much asking for the same thing.


They don’t even have enough players to keep existing servers populated. I think they learned from classic that if they create new servers people are going to be complaining and whining that they want free transfers to more populated servers after the launch hype dies off.


The life on current servers has more to do with mismanagement than actual player interest.


“Fresh” isn’t going to stop the “mismanagement”.


A fresh server needs to have no transfers. Ever.

Or just recreate the private server experience.

Make 1 fresh server, no transfers in or out.
/roll 1-10000 every day, if you roll a 1 your character is deleted with the message “We’re sorry, Blizzard has sent a cease and desist so we’re shutting down.”
Chance on death in Orgrimmar or Stormwind to spawn Ragnaros for 30 seconds.
Phases last for 2 months.
All characters are deleted 2 weeks before Naxxramas releases.
Wait 3 days and repeat.

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Epic. Ty :slight_smile:

No boosts at all


Great news! There will be no boosts or microtransactions on the fresh servers as those are “Classic Only”. Yay! Every anti booster out there can glory in the beloved world of Classic in perpetuity.

And yet somehow, people are still complaining. Weird.

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I don’t think anybody really wants a stagnant server that doesn’t ever progress. People are asking for Fresh TBC servers with standard progression.


Well, Blizzard will most likely not dilute the player base like that. If it helps, many people asked for boosts, too.

So blizzard should make all new servers for a subset of a subset of people? God just give each player their own private server at this rate so you can level exactly how YOU want without affecting anyone else.

No fresh servers also

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We’ll see about that

They can just merge the low pop servers or do the cross-realm group thing with them that they did on retail. There is a demand for fresh servers so they would be foolish to not make at least a couple of them.

It will be pure, with boosts and a bunch of returning players who loved TBC.

Not on the fresh servers sorry but enjoy your boosts though :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


You forgot the shady GMs you could buy stuff from.

Will do, I hope they do start some fresh servers for people like yourself… I personally think it’ll show purists are in the minority. Could be wrong tho…

Yes but also this OP is actually not the main thread I didn’t notice this much larger one

So going to request this one be locked.