A Farewell To Plunderstorm

Destiny clone when?

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where is the vendor to buy the items?

In fairness, you did in 3-4 days what we’ve been given 5-7 WEEKS to complete.

Pacing is a thing… (but grats!)

This is the part that’s upsetting me. I wish the Achv was simply “place in the top5.” Because I’ve finished top3 almost ten times. The RNG of these “wind-up” abilities just hasn’t favored me enough.

At this point (esp now with increased rep) I just feel the weight of completing the grind… and still won’t have a single win. All of those top3 wins, I didn’t feel I lost because of a SKILL issue. To quote another thread, it just feels I rolled a 17, rolled an 18, rolled a 19 … when only a “20” counts.

That’s not skill, that’s RNG. And it’s not fun. >(

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Once I hit 40 I am never playing this again - the only reason I will ever play this is if there are rewards I want that are locked behind a tedious grind

the sole purpose of this grind is to farm player time


As others have pointed out… I was concerned that as soon as everyone reaches 40… it would be impossible to find matches. Or at least, the queue time will be long.

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That’s fair.

But the overall point of pacing is fair, too. Especially when 90% of complaints about how things are implemented in WoW are people simply trying to brute-force things in a day or two that we’ve been given an entire season to complete.

So many of WoW’s problems… are inherent to the PLAYERS, not the game.

It’s why I’ve said, and will keep saying: Not all time-gates are bad.

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Personally this is why I’m pumping it, I just wanna hit renown 40 by end of the weekend and quit, it’s best to do it now while queuing is quick.

Gonna reach renown 20 tonight, close to it, tomorrow 30+ and Sunday I’ll finish it.

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Cosmetics for playing their other games have existed for years.

Their BR is literally accessible from inside of wow.

Because you can’t finish any of their grind in two days but weeks to months.
And the event in question is 6 weeks.

Jorreno, You deserve commendations. The most I ever did pressuring in WOW this year thus far was the Outland Cup Gold in all categories. But you… You did something which anyone could’ve impeded you in and something which anyone had impeded you in.
I would lift you on my shoulders, but My lady here would likely die, so her pitlord will parade you around.


Congrats and that armour/mog looks really good on you.
Good job. I did it for about 2 days, died a lot and got bored.
I might go back, Idk. It’s kind of annoying to me.


No to all that but they advertised a wow patch and we didn’t get a wow patch, we got a separate game of a different genre wearing wow’s skin.


The hilarious thing is you’re not seeing the writing on the wall.

Day 1, servers aren’t even up yet = HEY WE GOT MERCH YOU CAN BUY!


Day 3 = Hotfix after hotfix quicker than anything in retail WoW for a long time now.

Day 4 = We learn the thing has an MMR system. For a TEMPORARY EVENT?!

This isn’t a limited time thing at all. This is a trojan horse they’re going to attempt to spin off into its own standalone game, hoping to take a bite out of Fortnite. The rewards and the claim that they were time-limited were just the carrot to get people to jump and front-load the numbers for the report sheets so it’ll look real good to the shareholders. And when they do spin it off, you can bet your butt it’ll be monetized to hell and back and that includes a Battle Pass.


This “game mode” or whatever it is, is awful for me. I gave it a try for a couple games, and it just isn’t fun as far as I’m concerned I’m gonna take a hard pass on this. As much of a mog fiend as I am, it’s not worth the torture.


If anyone ever called me mature they’re a fool. Also I barely read your post, and do not care.

Tbh I kind of wish they add more renown with more rewards later on so I have more of a reason to play it. It was a lot of fun.

Good content is supposed to be paid for. Sounds fine to me.

It’s completely relevant.
You can take as much time as you want with the actual reps in WoW, you cannot take as much time as you want in Plunderstorm because, whether a few weeks or a few months, it’s time-limited and there’s no guarantee it will return.



Seems like a weird conspiracy theory to me.

You know what is rocket science? When you lose content that your subscription pays for. Using wow players as testers for your future monitization standalone instead of giving them actual wow MMO related content is deceptive and disingenuous at worst.

We could have had a new pirate theme epic pvp map and some pve content islands.

This is what happens when you have games being designed by marketing and blue falcons.