A Farewell To Plunderstorm

As to why I didn’t ‘pace myself’… I wanted to get it out of the way so I could focus on WoW stuff. I had a few free days which I decided was best served getting this done.

Obsession with pirates. It’ll be my downfall one day.

Yes but they aren’t time limited. And there’s various ways to complete them. I did the Tuskarr one with fish.


Did they charge you for a battlepass? Charge you to play the new mode? Charge you for any match past 10 in one day? Charge you for a boost?


Or is it just something you don’t like so it must be bad because pouting is vogue? Perhaps it’s just jealousy.

And people say the average WoW player is mature.

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Fortnite you didn’t have the unfairness of levels impacting your damage like Plunderstorm does. :sob:

  • Fortnite had weapon upgrades, like you do with the different levels of items in Plunderstorm, but that was it really.
  • You could make it to endgame and be on equal footing with someone who’s killed scores of people … Whereas in Plunderstorm, you could make it to endgame & face off someone 5 levels higher than you. lol

The levels need to be removed if it’s to continue. One game we got to the final three and my team mate said ‘we are out-leveled, so we have to third party’. We were 7 and the other teams were 9 and 10. We lost easily.

Friend, I would wager today is that day. I cannot imagine doing this event for as long as you did. I reached 7 tonight.


It was scumbag for the following reasons, Quenya:

  1. Secrecy: Had they said “its going to be pirate themed, yes, but PvP only” a month ago, you would not be seeing the backlash.
  2. The clear ignoring of the main PvP inside of main WoW. For the past two years, I have seen nothing but “We are being ignored” from the PvPers. What do they get, instead of actual changes/new maps etc? A mode that doesnt even give them honor/conquest.
  3. The clear ignoring of feedback about this event. That needs no further explanation.
  4. Making it a FOMO event when it could have literally been a rotating mode like Comp Stomp.

I think you are fully aware of these points, too.


:rofl: (10 character)


I bought a 12pk and smoked a few bones and it took away the pain. I almost at 40!

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I decided to give it a try today.

I did 4 matches and died inside three minutes each time to another player. Then had to sit there for another 10-ish minutes falling asleep otherwise lose whatever gains I had accumulated which wasn’t much.

I’m still only at Renown 1.

At this rate… I doubt I’ll see Renown 10.

It’s a terrible use of my time, and I see no point in continuing.

But then I’’m not a PvPer, so I’m definitely not the target demographic.

Hopefully, they’ll put a blue version of the mog on the Trading Post.


You can leave the event after you die and keep the plunder you looted. Button is on the bottom right after you perish.


I wish instead of getting two parrots that are practically the same one of the mounts was that pirate dragon. Would have fit perfectly.

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The event is lasting six weeks and you grinded to 40 on the 4th day… people man.

Wouldn’t that be (somehow) the first real full dragon mount in the game? All we ride are drakes and protodrakes. That Cap’n Hooktail boss uses an adult dragon model.

It would be a very unique mount.

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You said hundreds of matches. How much of an over exaggeration is that? Am I actually in for that many games?

I averaged 1 Renown an hour, at 5 matches.

So at least 40 hours, 200 matches.

This was by dieing within two minutes of the match starting, so naturally the match count gets inflated.


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Damn a week of work.


5 renown a day, you’ll be done in a week. Second match of the day (Don’t ask) after daily reset gives a LOT of rep.

Or go insane and do 20 a day like me and you’ll be done in two days.



I am at 30 right now but taking it easy.

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I am at 5 renown. Earlier in the week it was kind of fun. Last night, not so much.

Several times I died in seconds, lucky to even get 17 gold. Spent more time in the pirate lobby than playing.

I also was getting double teamed by players, so it was far more of a slog to meet the quest requirements.

Felt far more like work than the fun I had earlier in the week. Not sure what changed or if was just bad luck.

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I’d easily say I played between 100 and 200 matches. I’m counting matches where I dropped in, got ganked, and quit instantly(you get zero plunder).

Foxhound summed it up pretty well. I’d say 4-5 matches for 1 renown. Each match would be between 10-20 minutes. So yeah, an hour per renown roughly.

Good luck. Hope it’s as painless as possible.