A Farewell To Plunderstorm

I have just now reached Renown 40. It was a horrible grind. One I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. I will never play Plunderstorm again.

I’d like to share some of my thoughts upon this cursed patch…

  1. I won ONE match outta hundreds. Even in Fortnite I can win 1 in 10.
  2. When you win, you get a tabard and eyepatch… but they go away when you die. To use Fortnite again as an example, you get an umbrella when you win your first match. And you can keep it forever.
  3. Why is the mog all red? It looks nice, don’t get me wrong, but Keg Leg wears brown. Perhaps instead of the pointless Plunderstorm items, they could’ve given variants? Maybe on the Trading Post one day…
  4. The quotes spewed by Keg Leg and his First Mate(Goblin Lady) will be ringing through my head for a good while now.
  5. I really do feel for those PVErs and Collectors. This was a slog… painfully so. I hope there’s a patch that makes the grind a bit more friendly to the non murder hobo gentlemen.
  6. Pirates… I guess…

There stands a broken man. It’s recess everywhere but in his heart…


dont lock wow rewards behind other games please.


WoW Kul Tiran look amazing with that mog… :heart_eyes:

Sorry was lost in thought… Looking at your beefy eerr I mean cool character.
Ehem carry on, yes horrible, terrible… dreamy, er I mean what a nightmare!

LOL joking aside, your Kul TIrain is rocking that transmog… your sacrifice will be remember, soldier!





I will not give in to the temptation. I will not increase engagement with it, even if I like the rewards. Must. Resist. Company. Scumbaggery.


Doesn’t Fortnite match you against bots if you’re bad enough?

Winning 1 in 100 games is uh… rough.

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Thank you for the kind words. :smiling_face:

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They have to try to cross sell games.


Wolf… I mean EEE… I mean you look cool too!

Ok, ok Ill let my self out enoght with the jokes, your character looks cool too!

Hmmm this transmog is really well made. (IMO)
Going to go to WoWhead to check how it looks on other races… might have to endure… gulp :nauseated_face:… ugh. :face_vomiting:… PvP :sneezing_face: to get it! :mask:

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Here’s the kicker… we won by default. The other two teams killed each other whilst we watched from 50 feet away. :sweat_smile:


You likely purchase store mounts but something that’s actually good is scumbaggery eh? :joy:

Uuuuuuntil they add more things you want and then you will do it again cause you fall for the FOMO.

Just sayun. :slight_smile:

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First of all, congrats! I’m 3/4 into 17, so maybe I’ll be done by next week. And great feedback, btw. I agree about the outfit, I’d love brown and black versions.

Your mog looks great!


Dollars to donuts there will be another, more easily obtained version of this set at some point in the future.

Grats on your achievement, and your release from time limited Hell!

You really do really sick in that mog.


can’t wait for the afk auto run bots in plunderstorm for just rewards

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Good luck and godspeed, king.

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Must have enjoyed it if you played it til renown 40. That or you have a mental problem or a pixel addiction.

I don’t think it’s terrible personally, but it’s not for me and I definitely won’t play it enough to hit renown 40 cause why would I keep playing something if I don’t like it?


Congrats! I’m at 28 I think. Finishing it up tomorrow. Never won a match, stopped trying after getting top 5 a few times with no bonus, so now all my plunder goes to the storm.

I hope Blizzard never does anything like this again.


Wait… Can I get this by just killing myself into the storm? lol

I can do that, Ill entertain myself looking at other players! :laughing:

Yep! You only lose plunder if you quit mid-match. So killing yourself against the storm (or NPCs) is quickest if you’re just grinding Renown. Can usually get 500 a match easy in 2-3 minutes.