A Farewell To Plunderstorm

I’m at renown 14 in this modern day hell Blizzard created for the people who ACTUALLY LIKE WORLD OF WARCRAFT THE MMO and I don’t think I can take much more of it. What a cesspool.


Not necessarily.
You have to loot Plunder to increase your renown. You can also complete the daily quest, which is worth 800 Plunder, and a radiant quest that comes with each match, which rewards 250 Plunder.
The meta for pure renown gain, if memory serves, is to knock out those two quests ASAP, loot what you can in your immediate area, and hurl yourself into the storm.


The vast majority of players will never, ever, ever see Number One survivor.

A few people on these forums have actually won, and a couple of em have been posting on alts to make it seem like more people are winning. (Syntax, grammar, and colloquialisms are easy to track if you are looking).


If you don’t like it don’t play it.
It’s not rocket science.

There we are, another country heard from.

You self-appointed crusaders are REALLY boring. We are all allowed to have our own opinions including ones that don’t align with yours.


Anyone know how long the event will last?

The quest and suicide strat should be taken advantage of hard and fast because it would not surprise me in the least if it’ll be gutted before much longer. After all, the sociopathic tryhards who need something to feel big and mighty about to compensate for all that they are lacking otherwise need their hapless victims to get their dopamine ticks in while they can.


So your opinion is it sucks. Okay cool. You’re entitled to that and I didn’t say you weren’t.

That doesn’t explain why you keep playing it. You either lack self control, or you actually enjoy it.

It does have its own forum for feedback if you’re interested:

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Pretty dramatic. It came out like 2 days ago. It wasn’t that much of a grind obviously.

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Grind is annoying but hey, you’re rocking that mod and proved you have more patience then most. (Also Blizz will somehow turn that into a win on their part.)


WOW lol you din’t hold back on that comment… yeah I know I’ll probably be bully and crush into submission before I can reach the storm with my loot!

I’m going to check my friends and brother schedule to see if I can at least join and play with them to make it a bit more bearable. :sweat_smile:

Down with Blunderstorm!


All hale our Lord and Savior Stormwall .

It welcomes and embraces all


Look at all the hotfixes they rolled out, maybe if this wasn’t done in shameful secrecy we could have provided them feedback (not that they ever listen). how about devs spend time on actually tuning retail? majority of feedback has been poor, i hope devs never try this nonsens again.


Why are you whining this much about 2 days of something you could have just ignored?

I have to take my hat off to your dedication. I wish I could do it myself. Currently I am at renown 6 or 7 and playing a couple of games a day and that’s it. The positive is that I haven’t been this active on the forum since forever. Also once I am done with plunderstorm(for the day) I’m not even playing wow so that’s another good thing.

With all that said I do hope they at least tweak the reputation gain a bit more, look at the daily quest and bump that up would make for a HUGE difference imo.


Literally took you two days and you think this is a slog for a collector? Any renows grind atm in retail will take you weeks to months.

Not going to lie, the full transmog looks better than I thought and I’m rethinking my initial dismissal of Orcnite.


Sadly, I have a feeling they probably will.

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