[A] [EST] [PAGLE] <Triumvirate> | Community & Raiding

My wife and I are looking for a place to call home. I plan on maining a DPS Warrior leveling with my wife’s HPriest. We haven’t reserved names yet but should do that in the next few days. We are both altaholics so outside of our main toons we can possibly fill other needs in later phases. I am really looking to raid MC and Ony but my wife may or may not commit to specific days/times.

Heya Bash! You and your wife sound like a great fit for us; we’d love to have you both along. If you use Discord please hop in if you would like to hang out on the guild server until it launches (discord.gg/tUzfXZw) or add me (Vish#1912) or Cryptic (Gamble#11866) on bnet and we’ll flag you for joining us after we get the guild formed post-Classic launch!

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Im rolling as a Human, holy preist, and have experience in raid healing, and tanking. Very interested in this offer.

Heya! Please feel free to join our discord (discord.gg/tUzfXZw) and read through the FAQs and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

one coveted hunter spot… who will step up?

Bumping because though the raiding slots are filling quickly, we still really want an involved social and community presence! Social/casual players, we have a home for you! <3

Don’t forget the second team!

Second team would be amaaazing, I bet we can have one ready to go shortly after if not at the same time as the first squad, mid-Oct!

I predict we’ll have a second team not long after launch!

Wow, if that isn’t a punch in the face … No thanks. I seriously did not believe this elitist douche-baggery would continue after all these years. Good luck in your endeavors to make players feel left out.

Please remove your posting about boomkins being welcomed. It’s a lie.

I’m sorry you feel that way. I don’t have any specific part of the post referencing boomkins in anyway.

Unfortunately, Classic is not Live and there are specs that are very underwhelming, Boomkins being one of them for a competitive raid environment. I did however find a guild that is wholly accepting of them for you, as I have a greater desire to help you find a home than to leave you feeling left out.

Have a look at Mediocre : [<Mediocre> | Alliance | NA | PvE | Pagle | Casual Raiding Guild]

Faeolyn, I’m glad you found a home. The guild link was not in jest… they are one of many Alliance guilds, but the ONLY one I’ve come across to mention “all inclusive” and “boomkin” in their advertisement.

I’m sorry you have had poor experiences from Proudmoore, most of those I know there are wonderful people. I do hope to find you on Pagle so I can offer you some flowers. Best of luck to you!

once more into the breach! Recruiting for our second team and socials!

Will there be transportation to and from raid entrances? If so, what kind? I require travel via only the finest of hand built British coaches.

I can offer you a piggyback ride on someone that I’ve polymorphed

If we have a second raid team does that mean that 4 out of 7 nights a week I have to go full vending machine mode?

Is it Aug 26th yet?

Applied and counting down myself, I’ve only been waiting for this for 2+ years. Can’t wait to go all in!

I am so happy for the dedicated vanilla community to have a safe place to play without fear of random shut down! :smiley: