[<Mediocre> | Alliance | NA | PvE | Pagle | Casual Raiding Guild]

Introduction: “Mediocre” is an all inclusive “raiding” guild. We will have the most casual as possible approach to raiding through the various raids in Classic. If it takes us 6 months to kill Rag for the first time so be it. We require nothing more than a general knowledge of your character and a willingness to put in effort to any content we are attempting. By all inclusive we mean that any spec and class is viable so long as its not a total detriment ( Ex. Holy priest dps ) . Want to Ret pally ? Go for it ! Oomkin? go for it. This is a place were we believe being “mediocre” is okay! While this might be a bit of a hindrance bringing even 10 sub optimal classes will not be the difference in a boss kill. Skill and execution will be. There will be no required amount of play time per week all we ask is you put your best foot forward

Recruitment: We are recruiting any and all friendly enjoyable people. We don’t discriminate against specs or classes and our philosophy is pretty much our guild name. Want to play an OOMkin … go ahead as long as its pretty reasonable we have no quarrels with it.

Expectations: We are open to any class, and any spec. We believe it is the player that truly matters. Currently, our raiding rosters have room for any dedicated player no matter what class they want to play. We expect main team raiders to put in the required effort during progression that is needed to push forward. We will be using Loot Council when we have a full roster. When not raiding, we expect our members to uphold themselves with manners and respect.

Raid Times: Friday and Saturday - 7:00-10:00pm Central / 8:00PM-11:00pm Eastern / 5:00-8:00pm Pacific Please note these times are subject to change based on if the majority desire to raid more or longer.

Please reach out to Light#6052 on Discord for a link to the app and the guild discord!

This sounds interesting.