[A] Dalaran <Keybored Heroes> Tue 730pm-10pmEST/Sun 430pm-730pmEST

Keybored Heroes is a group of 25-35ish year old adults who love to login and kill e-dragons. We’re a recent transplant to Dalaran and the Alliance. We were 12/12H & 5/12M last tier on a 4 hour raid schedule (total).

We’ve got a decent roster but are looking to fill our last 2 dps slots & healer with good players. We also do a lot of mythic +, and enjoy some good PvP. Our atmosphere strives to be drama-free, has a heavy sense of humour (oh yeah, we have lots of Canadians), but that doesn’t mean we aren’t focused about killing raid bosses and increasing io scores.

We’re looking for folks who come to raid prepared and on time. That means they know their class, and have a good understanding of each encounter before we pull. Our raids consists of ex-CE leadership, and plenty of Mythic experience. That being said, the goal for T1 is to AOTC quickly, then decide if we want to kill Mythic bosses while we explore the fun new dungeons of SL! Where we go from there will depend on guild feedback and desires. If you’re interested in M+ but have never pushed keys, we’ll help you to have a solid understanding of dungeon mechanics, and what your classes role/responsibilities are.

We raid Tue 730pm-10pm EST/Sun from 430pm-730pm EST. Yes, it’s only 5.5 hours, but we will get a lot done during that time. Most of us have careers, families, and just don’t have the schedule anymore to be able to raid 8-12-15 hours/week. We always hit AOTC, and usually some mythic progression each tier if we’re enjoying that raid - but if you’re goal is CE, we probably aren’t your bag.

The core group has been together for over 5 years, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to add a few more great people. We’re not pretentious enough to say you need to be an ‘exceptional player’ to join us - but if you want to kill bosses and have a good time, and want to work towards a decent raider io, give us a shout!

AOTC and M+ to start the tier

Raid times-
Tues- 730-10pm est
Sunday 430-73ppm est

All great dps (Especially a DH)
(Will consider roster adjustment for Vengeance DH)
Anyone who wants to hang out and do dungeons with no guaranteed raid spot.

Kardnall#1658 (B-tag)
Kardnall#2396 (Discord)

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This looks interesting!

Come join the party!

Bump. This is a good place to be

Last 3 dps spots will fill fast - give us a holler! Would love a warrior, ret pally, hunter or another shadow priest!

Would love a DH as well!

Come join us!

Another DPS joins the ranks - down to our last 2 raid spots! DH’s where are you?

Sent you discord and btag adds, I would like to main DH this expac , specifically Veng DH as tank. I have been tanking since legion start exclusively and was 6/12M in Nya way back in June. I usually multi class tank for both raid and M+ to be flexible also.

Still looking for those m+ types. Come do stuff

I am very interested in joining and have similar raid experience to what it sounds like your guild will be running. I have raided on and off since Classic with my most recent Mythic raid progress 5/8 Uldir and with heroic clears of everything in Legion with a long-time group of friends who no longer play. Currently I’ve have been working on a Resto/Boomkin Druid and a Warlock, but if it better fits your needs I would be happy to switch to a Rogue or Warrior.

I’ve sent you an add on BNet, hoping I’ll be a good fit in your team!

Hey, any room for a Elemental/Resto shaman?

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New people are joining everyday!

are you recruiting destro locks by any chance? I love your raid times

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Hey, yeah add me (both of you) - btag and disc tag are in the post! We can chat.

This is starting to look reaaallly good

Add my b-tag if you’re still looking, lets chat!

Back to the top we go!

A guild of adults? With jobs, families and real life obligations? With a passion for WoW and clearing raid content?

Those are all good questions. But the most important one is, are you looking for a 180 Prot/Ret Pally with no preference for spec? :slight_smile:

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Add kardnall!