[A]<Clan Battlehammer> WPVP/PVP/RP

Interested in this guild. I'm moving my toon to Emerald Dream tonight and will be looking to get in touch.
Been playing this game since day 1 and have to say this guild right here blows my mind. They take all my money because I've fallen in love with the family like atmosphere and keep paying to faction change/transfer all my characters to the guild Trust me if you have a Dwarf you need to transfer on over and join the ranks! If you don't have a Dwarf then I think you know what must be done! CBH is the only place to be! ❀
Just adding another 2 cents: if it were not for CBH, I would be playing another game, or no game. The good times, the great company, the epic AVs, the immediate assistance against camping (last night in the new zone for instance) keeps me happy and returning to WoW. Long Live Clan Battlehammer! Join us, both friend and adversary, onward to glory!
What in the world has happened... CBH just went into ToS for a CTA..
Oh I member when instanced raid action meant a march of angry drunkard mammoth-riders in Alterac Valley.
I'm in your brewfest killing all your revelers!

A moment of silence for a brave CBH paladin, fallen within Ironforge.

Lol Tickle, Glad some of you showed up to give us a right an' proper fight.
Aye, I saw that fellow. Then I gave him a CBH welcome!

That dirty mage interrupted me while I was trying to conduct business with your auctioneers. THE NERVE!
08/31/2017 04:38 PMPosted by Yajin
Just adding another 2 cents: if it were not for CBH, I would be playing another game, or no game. The good times, the great company, the epic AVs, the immediate assistance against camping (last night in the new zone for instance) keeps me happy and returning to WoW. Long Live Clan Battlehammer! Join us, both friend and adversary, onward to glory!

Yajin! How are you? Why do I remember you as a rogue?
He's still got em, Yagin currently is his rogue. I'll poke him and let him know he's being spoken to though :)
Fine guild. I used to have my old dwarves, Obmi and Narvi in CB.


Hmmmm .... hoped he was ok with Houston flooding and all?

I'm going to have to look him up. I left WoW in Sept of 2015. Now I'm back.
Err I meant Sept. of 2014.
Aye lad, Darkale is still around but has to use Darrkale now. So if you /who then add the extra R
I just wouldn't feel right about this forum if CBH weren't on the front page. UP YOU GO!
Are yeh lookin fer a home in tha mountain? 'Ave yeh grown a wee bit weary a'battlin the Horde off on yer own? Do yeh thin' nothing's finer than braids an' beards?!

Then come on o'er tah Ironforge an' meet with a Battlehammer rep asap. We've plenty a Hammers tah knock the Horde off yeh and suds tah knock the weary road from yer mind.

- Bargrim
Man so many old friends here! Long story Yajin the Hunter vs. Yajin the rogue! Anyway great to see everyone here!
It’s a clan of Dwarfs, need we say more? If you’re looking for a home full of short, chubby, cute dwarfs then this is the place to be! Besides that I mean the consistent Horde domination this guild pushes out is unmatched by any other! It’s a place where you build new friendships and embark on new adventures! Join the clan today! <3
10/19/2017 05:04 PMPosted by Yajin
Man so many old friends here! Long story Yajin the Hunter vs. Yajin the rogue! Anyway great to see everyone here!
Speaking of old friends