So you are trolling… No point is reading any more of your post to be frank.
Just because more people play something means absolutely nothing. Its a fallacy. There are more people now that believes in flat earth than 20 years ago, that doesnt mean the earth is flat.
Halondrus has more Obliteration logs than BoS but they are all pretty much at the bottom.
Its a non-argument.
Biceps what do you think about moving icecap to a different row in the talent tree to synergize with obliteration? These two talents synergize super well idk why theyre in the same row. (tuning subject to change as always)
Could be an interesting change. Think you quickly end up with issues of desyncing with things like Breath though. Would be cool to see and experiment with.
Its not intended to be as synergistic with breath though, itd be for obliteration mainly since there are already talents in our tree that synergize with breath more appropriately
The talent system is changing, at least thats one thing Blizzard talked about for the new expansion. Who knows, Icecap could be kicked out the door because no one uses it.
I don’t know why Pestilence and Defile are in the same row either despite them synergize with Death and Decay/Death’s Due. :L
Even with Pestilence moved into a different row, I doubt it’d still barely see play.
Hope DF changes everything and grant us a lot of things we wish for.
-Cough- Necrotic Plague -Cough- Gary -Cough-
I think I’m sick…
-Cough- Icy Citadel -Cough-
but it shouldnt be, It has really good synergy with obliteration and should be able to be used alongside with it to compete with breath or at least be better than breath in ST
BoS shouldnt be as good in ST as it is, Dks should have options in their builds to pick between ST and cleave/aoe and breath fills that cleave and aoe option, But in pure ST breath should be worse than obliteration, That should be the pure ST choice.
BoS is risk vs reward. There is also nothing about the Obliteration talent itself that says “this is a ST only talent”. The same goes for BoS and Icecap. There is 0 about any of the last tier talents that says this has to do this and only this. The rest of the kit just isnt there because people went “hur dur Obliterate!” and the rest of the kit was overlooked. Obliteration could have been used with Frostscythe. Icecap works well with Frostscythe as well in AoE scenarios. The rest of the kit just blows and has been neglected for Obliterate.
Not to mention in the new expansion and with everything changing, we might lose mastery just because I dont know how they are going to make mixing and matching abilities from the other specs possible while the masteries are still present.
You could possibly be able to mix Obliteration with BoS, you could possibly be able to mix all 3, you could be able to only get the 2 main Frost abilities from the class tree that the specialization unlocks for you for free and then go down the blood path of the class tree. Who knows what we will be able to do. Might be able to do something with Dancing Rune Weapon as unholy. With what the system has showed and their design goals… its kind of a waste of time. They could be doing a complete overhaul, they could be going back to actually being a class with specializations within how that class plays overall.
I mean from what Blizzard showed balance could possibly choose to not pick up moonkin form and starsurge. That means frost dks might be able to not pick up some of its core abilities as well. Its not going to release that way without serious changes, like mastery going away or changing. With frost and unholy masteries there is no reason why you would ever want to get stuff from other specs. Frost could possibly get army and garg if they wanted, or even festering strike. Why, i have no idea, but you can according to their goals.
I bet Icecap won’t leave and the new talent system will allow you to pick it and Obliteration.
I also if ICY CITADEL returns and other supplemental passives like WHELPS, Icecap would be competitive once again.
While I’m in for PoF being strong in all, there should be another option than just Obliteration go brrr.
The new talent system is probably going to have very poor balance. Not to mention if you can pick up 2 or even all 3 talents thats just going to reduce the power of a lot of stuff. Icy citadel, whelps, icecap, obliteration would just end up with everything being nerfed to compensate for you being able to pick it all up.
That would depend entirely on how everything would work with each other for certain situations and what’s available in those trees. From these interviews they seem to be open to having talents and build that would offer different things for different situations… unlike earlier in this expansion where that was the opposite mainly with covenants.
Its a tree though. So that could only really be achieved with limiting options and creating different paths to go down. Like going down one brand would prevent you from going down a whole other branch limiting options and not meeting their mix different abilities that could never be done before.
Ill have to look at their example again but talents would lead to other talents and not unlock a row like it used to. Optional paths is probably more restricting than what we have now.
You haven’t read their blue posts and interview on this have you?
There’s going to be more than one option in a lot of the traits.
So what if there are going to put 2 traits into one. Rime 300% increase damage and +5 yards to howling blast isnt something that matters when you have certain paths to go down.
For instance if you look at their example that they shows, in the class tree there are 4 separate paths to go down, there are some crossover but its looks pretty straight forward that you want to keep continuing down a path. Balance would want to do gown that balance path. But even the specialization tree branches out. There are some connectivity, but its not like you spend 5 points and you can unlock a new row of talents that you can spend anywhere you want to unless there is a prerequisite talent like Icy Talons and Improved Icy Talons had. Even Ebon Plague had Crypt Fever as a prerequisite. You were more free with that system than this with its path progression.
I dont really trust Blizzard either. It says the class talent tree features utility skills for your class… but there is Moonkin Form, Starsurge, Starfire, Sunfire and Sunfire Rank 2 (one of those could be Scythe of the Stars). At least thats what the icons look like and they have been known to use the same icons for different things.
There just isnt enough utility stuff to make a whole tree out of.
We also don’t even know everything that’s there for druids and all other classes as well.
But we can make an educated guess of how they want the system to play out based on the information we have.
Its looking like they just took abilities and put them places, have it so you might not have what we have just baseline right now because you didnt pick it up in either tree. The more I look at the system the more I dont like it because we had something with more options already.
So there could very well be things we lose that we have baseline that are turned into a talent that we just wont want to pick up depending on where it is within that tree. Could also be a mandatory to pick up to advance further into that path within the tree.
Hey, sorry to necro but the time has come for me to try out the Defile and DD build to help out a guildie’s peeling for Necrotic.
Shambler seems fun! But I’m also wondering how practical Death’s Certainty is in terms of rolling Defile.
Phearomones seems like a good option for this build also.
I don’t recommend deaths certainty. The opportunity loss of not pressing epidemic is too large I think.
Hi I’m Kelliste and I am on the forums 24/7 and like being negative to everyone.