You’re probably right.
I was having a legitimate conversation with the Druid. I can’t say the same for Kelliste.
EDIT: At least, I think so anyway. :L
You’re probably right.
I was having a legitimate conversation with the Druid. I can’t say the same for Kelliste.
EDIT: At least, I think so anyway. :L
I don’t see the counter argument at all. Having 2 stacks would just be a nice QoL change that wouldn’t take much effort from the developers and requires no balancing/tuning.
If it’s near impossible to get 2 natural KM procs back to back outside PoF which is what was argued, why on earth would you be hitting obliteration 3 times in a row since you would need fs to generate 2 of those KMs?
And in terms of resource management, what’s the difference between using oblit>oblit>fs>fs, and oblit>fs>oblit>fs? Both have the same chances of replenishing a rune.
It’s not a massive deal, but all xpac I have been stung by sneaky natural km that procs just as I’m pressing FS and it is frustrating. But also the times I manage to just press oblit twice in a row there has been no problems with resources.
Burning all 6 runes within an Obliterate window. I dont know why people cannot grasp the simple concept of an example to make a point.
Its not like these are some crazy formula in physics class. Grizzle is trying to show the importance of resource management.
Not to mention that I get double Obliterates all the time from natural procs within an Obliterate window. I guess its just another benefit to DW or im lucky in that respect that it usually happens to me right after I use up a KM proc.
Because Oblit>Oblit>FS>FS will get you labeled as a bad player if done within the Obliteration window. You should know that because you deemed people that were way ahead of you in terms of clearing mythic SotFO bad players because 2 frost strikes were used within the Obliteration window.
With a 2 stacking KM it’s fine. If you double FS during PoF now, yes that’s is bad. But the question was referring about resources. The answer is both rotations give you the same chances at regenerating rune.
Go back to your cave.
Understandable. One is just a place holder for when one is triggered right before one is forced.
Correct, which is why I said it doesn’t pertain to 75% of game play (thus, everything outside of PoF).
Only if you’ve got the runes for it. And you’ll only have the Runes for it (unless it’s upon the opening of PoF), by dong proper resource management and alternating Oblit / FS. And the passives for generating a rune for consuming a KM proc is 30% and 50% (Obliteration and ME respectively).
When done properly yes. But when you’re now granted multiple stacks of KM and want to use back to back Obliterates, you’re using up runes without trying to properly replenish those runes before spending more.
You do know that DW would be allowed the same number of stacks of KM too right? This wouldn’t be for Obliteration build as it applies to Frost and Killing Machine as a whole.
You can only regenerate 3 runes at a time. Back to back Obliterate = 4 runes, meaning 1 is left out without trying to regenerate one.
Oblit > FS > Oblit > FS = 2 runes down, chance to have 1 come back up, 2 down, 3 runes regenerating (max you can go at a time), chance to have another rune come back up.
Oblit > Oblit > FS > FS, puts 4 runes down, meaning 1 rune is left not regenerating, and if you don’t proc a rune off that first FS, you just wasted a proc and a rune.
This is why I keep going on about resource management and how it would play into this whole 2 stack ordeal and why it doesn’t solve as many issues as you think it does.
On the flip side it also means you would have that third rune on regen faster too, rather than sitting there idle.
What’s worse, having a rune sitting there not doing anything, of have it used with a chance of it being refreshed?
I just don’t see any real issue with having a single extra stack on KM to alleviate double ups in KMs. All it does is add some flexibility to your rotation during PoF.
And this is why I talked about mismanaging resources. Thank you for making that obvious
There really is no issue with having 2 stacks. Like I said before, I’m not against it. My whole take on it is that it’s not going to solve the issues you all think it will. I mean it will, to an extent. But then it comes with its own issues as well
You’re trading one problem for another.
You know, moments like this kind of reflects how it feels to spend a global that’s NOT obliterate.
Obliterate Global with a KM proc during PoF window to follow up with yet ANOTHER Obliterate? GREAT!
If not, oh well. But dang.
Yes. But it benefits Obliteration the most and is the main culprit behind the possibility of a wasted KM proc from it proccing twice.
We talked about this, man.
Oh no more suggestions I am a troll even though you cant even understand what an example is.
Yes stacking twice in perfect scenarios would allow you to obliterate twice and then frost strike twice, but the perfect scenarios is how often? This whole damn spec as RNG based, there is no consistency with it. There is no guarantees that after you do though double oblits and double frost strikes that you would be able to continue because resource generation is random. If its not random why do you think they have had to put in all these chances to get runes back or to generate RP? ME is a chance, RA is a chance, RC is a chance, Obliteration is a chance as well.
Not to mention we are in inflated crit numbers with the 2pc. Once that goes away you wont be seeing this happen nearly as much. DW has a much higher chance of this happening with Obliteration windows yet its always the 2h people complaining about something. You wouldn’t feel like you are losing a lot of damage without the 4pc and MotFW and you know it.
The 2 stack is not needed at all. And remember the key word here, needed. QoL is just for wants, not needs.
Agreed, and logs have been shown with the top parses/players not getting their runes back with their first FS and other means, making them go 2 FS in a row to get what they need. They’re not using the second FS to proc KM, they’ve already got that. They’re doing it for resource management.
Im so glad this concept is graspable to anyone with wrinkles in their brain. Its literally not worth talking to kelliste whatsoever and the grizzle guy is just trolling coming to the dk forums to discuss dk on his druid lmao i bet this guy barely plays dk just like kelliste
Careful. I stopped playing my dk and people would easily call you out on bias there since I post on my mage now
Meanwhile my guild needs a Holy Pally and I’m currently leveling one.
Of course, I’m just chillin on my DK OBLITERATING at my heart’s content!
This person is a troll… that person isnt on a dk… do you have any real arguments or do you just have these authoritarian arguments and trying to create an echo chamber?
Blizzard should not listen to you ever.
KM stacking to 2 is literally not worth the time so you dont see something that only happens probably 1% of the time. How about RE can only refill a fully depleted rune because it sucks getting an RE proc when there is only 1 second left recharging on the rune.
a troll naw, im okay with discussion but not from you lmao, if i could ban you off my forums i would instantly
I like the idea, it defiantly be improvement to frost, I felt for years frost has been pretty weak, I almost feel that its the one class Blizzard tried to keep in the mud while other classes climb to glory with ease.
Even now for raiding to even deal decent dps you need so many procs and being CD reliant. One of the classes that feels like this, I mean some others have this issue, but I feel DK suffers most. it definitely needs a good buff. Maybe the new Talent tree will be our Savior.
Praise the Talent Tree!
This is a good suggestion. It feels bad to overwrite oblits in your obliteration window, especially since it’s difficult to react quickly enough to when they come through or because they just overlap silently.
See, authoritarian. And these arent YOUR forums, they are Blizzards forums.
You want people that agree with you, and again your crappy attitude came from me just asking a simple question that still hasnt been answered so who knows what the hell you are actually talking about.
Pretty much everything benefits from 2 stacks.