A Case For Two Handed Enhancement

My point is it exists already.

Doesn’t matter how much of a balance crapshow it is, WoW will never be balanced.

Might as well let players have their flavor and stop worrying about it.

It doesn’t break the game, and so what if players want to be weaker but look cooler?

I’m playing a Lightforged Draenei rogue- none of the racials work well for rogue, but I’m playing it anyway.

It’s an option. One I’m sure people appreciate regardless.

that’s actually in line with how blizzard thinks.
They refuse to add druid and paladin race combos to certain races because it would mean having to make new druid forms and paladin mounts. No matter how much their own lore supports it.

Undead paladins have been in the game since vanilla but here I am 10 expansions later and I still can’t make one.

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Bro, I can’t even dual-wield like Rexxar from Warcraft 3 on my Hunter lol.

Hunters haven’t been able to wield weapons like that, since well Vanilla for the most part, we got pushed into 2H weapons onwards.

I wish I could be a double 1-handed Survival Hunter, but for whatever reason I cannot.

All it needs to be is a cosmetic choice, so they wouldn’t have to balance it, because they’re bad at it lol.

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I played enh in vanilla and the 2hd casino of lucky wf procs is garbage.

The spec is so ungodly boring andumdane with zero upside. Oh my, you get one triple crot windfury every 2 weeks and it’s not worth it.

Never bring back 2hd enh ever.

I don’t think that’s actually true tbqh.

Cool. You can equip a 2h now if you don’t care about balance, gameplay, and numbers.

You won.

Finally (Lol I do not care about “winning” on forums.)

But my point stands that it doesn’t have to be a balance nightmare like everything else.

I’m still waiting for dual-wield survival hunter so I can be like Rexxar.

Cosmetics are all most are asking for- it doesn’t have to be like Single-Minded Fury.

But it’s kinda hypocritical for those things to exist for some classes, and not others.

Nah nothing new.

Put on your 2h now. It’s what you asked for


Not everyone is an endgame raider, some of us just want our RPG in our MMO and that’s it.

Not every decision in this game has to be about balance.

It’s not like things are horrid in that regard anyway.

Racials are terrible, but will they ever be made fair? Unlikely.


So nothing needs to be added. Since we can equip 2h now.

There’s no downside, not that I can see.

Some high level players don’t wanna use it because it gimps their cutting-edge DPS?

Cool, then they don’t need to use it! It’s not for them!

It’s for everyone else.

Just like Single-Minded Fury isn’t used by anyone except those who really like playing that way.

It’s just adding more options, I see no downside.

And, again, it can be a cosmetic choice. Doesn’t have to impact everything else.

I see no “losing” here if it’s added.

Nothing needs to be added.

What you are asking for exists right now.

Can you really play as a 2H enh shammy with one weapon, and do low level keys/PvP? And do decent damage?

Single-Minded Fury warriors can.

That’s all folks are asking for.

I only play Resto these days, haven’t played Enh in years.

They could literally add a glyph that lets you mog 2h over you 1h, and that’d be enough.

Nah. That’s balance. Which you said you to disregard.

And you choose to ignore the part, every part, where I said it could be cosmetic.

Man, some of ya’ll have really weird hang-ups on what should and shouldn’t be in the game.

Again, Single-Minded Fury exists, so why are you so upset about Shaman getting what Warriors already have?

Weird because I brought it up before you

“Enhance tourists” lol and ofc you had to disparage people that wanted 2h weapons.

You’re just weird man, against cosmetic stuff people would actually like.

I’m 100% sure you’re against housing for the same reasons.

How am I against cosmetic stuff when I literally brought it up first in this thread?

Nah I am fine with housing

2H enchance simply doesn’t exist right now.

And you want it to not exist, because it existing apparently would effect balance even if it was cosmetic-only.

You are something.

I never said it had to (Single-Minded Fury), but there you go again, latching onto stuff and not letting it go, because you’re strange.