A Case For Two Handed Enhancement

It looks like they’re making changes next patch in 11.1 that will make it so stormstrike can be used with two handed weapons. It doesn’t seem to be applying to other things such as lava lash of course or hail strike and a few others, but I wish it would. The biggest reason I was playing around in classic or hardcore between these patches was I never I got to expierience two handed enhancement shamans.

There’s something about using a two hander and smoking things with windfury that just hits right, it’s a really fun burst playstyle and with some of the loot tables ahead including two handed weapons with agility a shaman could use, it’d be great if that option opened up again.

Change some coefficients on some spells to balance it for two handed weapons or make it act differently and it not only opens up that playstyle but also gives me one more class the ability to take advantage of two handed agility weapons again.

I think their intent is just to let lower level characters play with stormstrike earlier and have more options for weapons but man, it’d be really cool if they opened it up again. I’d switch to enhance in a second instead of ele if I could bop monsters with two handers again lol.


Pretty sure it still requires 1h weapon on PTR

Windfury doesnt work like that anymore. It wont if 2h is brought back.

A lot would have to be changed and balanced. 2H would have absolutely horrible MS generation, for examplke.

But what you are claiming you want to do will not exist.

The windfury 2h gameplay you reference, was one of the worst class design decisions I have ever seen in a MMO. The burst style gameplay you are referencing would not exist if shaman could use 2h. It shouldnt either.

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I got my hopes up about this as well and also made a thread about it. But the actual change they’re making is that stormstrike can be used without an offhand and will be based on your main hand weapon. But thinking on it more it is likely to still face the other restriction of enhancement abilities which is that it requires a one hander to use. That’s the case for ice strike currently I believe. Which makes sense really. A new player will probably have a 1 hander and a shield when they hit level 10. It would be a bummer if they had to find a second weapon before they can use their chosen spec’s headline ability.

I agree completely 2h enhancement shaman would be so rad.

If Frost DK can get 2h so can Enhancement shaman.


People with Enh Alts : I would totally play enhance more if they upended the spec and had to drastically change its design…again.

People that play Enh : No, it wouldnt work

We already have like 4 different playstyles within enhance. Branched by the elemetnal/storm styles.


Oh my gosh they might have to break out a calculator. The horror.


And redesign the spec trees, lose abilities, make new ones, etc.

I like enhance.

I dont want it changed because someone might play an alt a little more often. I definitely dont want it changed into what the OP is implying.


Your reasoning seems to be “They shouldn’t do it because it would require work to do it” which is bologna. 2h enhancement shaman is just plain cool and that’s worth it by itself.

I am saying we have enough playstyles without having to tear everything down and redesign everything.

Especially since what the OP is asking for would not be the result.

Just institute 2h mogging so the enhance tourists can feel cool.



What was the point in removing the restriction for SS if Lava Lash requires an OH?

To let Shaman players troll or it’s all a WIP?

Idk if you noticed but they redesign every spec every single xpac. Next time they are gonna do that anyway they can redesign it with 2h in mind.

But yeah 2h mogging would be sweet. I’ll also do a 2h mog on my outlaw rogue, that would be killer.

It still requires a 1h weapon.

Tbf, only problem I see with that is it would make Enhance loot drop convoluted. Fury Warrior has to use Arms loot preferences to avoid getting one handers.

Honestly that’s fine. If shaman drop tables only drop 1h that’s perfectly acceptable.

Then how do you get a 2h?

There is no way the 2h crowd would find that acceptable

Better than nothing.

besides that the 2h mog idea is actually a sound plan.

You understand that two hand wind fury shaman looked cool in compilation videos but thos forgot to mention the countless times wind fury wouldnt proc making your white DMG hit like a wet sponge or died before you even managed to get close to anything besides a half dead target right?

Seconded for two handed enhance shaman. There’s an entire totem weapon enhance Tauren can’t use.


So what about a tankier playstyle by keeping the shield? Is Maelstrom generated on melee hit, or ability usage? Because of its hit then I guess losing the off-hand in favor of a shield would slow down Maelstrom generation quite a bit. But if it’s on ability usage it shouldn’t affect it too much since you’d only be losing Lava Lash.

I don’t understand the obsession with 2h enhance

Was a meme in classic doing no damage outside of extremely lucky multiproc Crits

Mays well being back spell power rogue then cuz that actually worked

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