It does if you ignore balance, which is what you said to do
Willful ignorance doesn’t look good on you.
Look man.
You’ve been making up things I said for a while now.
Don’t try to take the high road now.
I am just gonna move on. Just make up some more things I said or make up things I believe so you can continue the conversation.
You offer nothing other than clinging to other people’s points taken out of context.
Single-Minded Fury already exists, adding something similar for Shaman wouldn’t break the game.
What the hell have you been doing?
Good, because you’re going in circles and I’m tired of explaining content that already exists to you.
Hang on a sec - I don’t play Warrior or Monk. Is this true? Can you xmog a 2h over a 1h/dw with these classes?
I know you can with an artifact appearance I’m not sure about whether it works without it though
It’s the Legion artifact, and yeah I can, weirdly enough when I zone into battlegrounds, it still has me mogged as the staff instead of my WW weapons. (When I swap over to WW, it generally swaps my mog over to my fist weapons.)
I play WW in PvP, BrM outside of it, but it lets me use my BrM appearances.
Right now I’m in Wintergrasp as WW, and it currently has my BrM staff mogged.
Whether or not it’s a bug, I hope they leave it as-is lol.
It’s specifically because of the artifact.
The issue with “2h enhance” is it’s not a cosmetic choice, it’s shorthand for an entire playstyle that emphasises different parts of the spec’s toolkit, as well as doesnt even use spells like lava lash.
As purely a cosmetic choice is might work. But enhance is already a spec with multiple branching talent options and playstyles to work with, it does not need another one.
Well, because Single-Minded Fury already exists for Warriors, I support them adding it even if it’s not purely cosmetic.
Will it be balanced? Probably not, but neither is SMF lol
If it’s too much of a hassle, purely cosmetic is fine.
SMF may as well be cosmetic though. It doesn’t functionally change the rotation, just what weapons you’re wearing.
2h enhance is an entire build and people’s memories of it are attached to a style of gameplay that hasn’t existed for over a decade.
I guess that’s what I’m getting at.
I still want my Hunter (Survival) to be able to dual-wield like Rexxar since Warcraft 3.
Cosmetic or not, I’d like the option.
This game already lacks in the cosmetics department.
I don’t recall if frost DK has to do anything to it’s spec depending on whether it’s using a two handed weapon or dual wielding but I feel like whatever solution that was for them could hopefully be used for enhancement with some proc tuning around it perhaps?
Also Yeah I think if survival is going to be based on melee weapons, it’s kind of a miss hunters can’t dual wield
It just feels bad.
I was using two 1h weapons back in Vanilla with +15 agi enchants on 'em lol.
Didn’t know I’d lose that entirely over the years.
As a cosmetic option I could see it, but when people say “2H Enhance” they’re often talking about the Vanilla-TBC enhance gameplay which revolved around big stormstrikes and RNGing windfury weapon chains with a low speed 2hander. It did not have access to lava lash and it’d generate a miserable number of maelstrom weapon stacks.
It was certainly a goofy playstyle, but folks certainly have nostalgia for it.
(Honestly it feels like it’d fit right in with 11.1 and the whole goblin gambling theme.)
I’d be rocking a 2h if I could, just so I could mog Hand of Rag or something.
Also Gladiator Stance, it was the best in WoD for warriors in terms of fun. Removed for balance’s sake.
It was a horrible game style with so much of your damage based on rng. It should never return.
People are nostalgic for the big hits, but conveniently forget the droughts and how badly it played.
Cosmetic. Fine. Whatever. I can deal with that
Actual changes to bring that vanilla playstyle back would be horrible.
That’s literally all folks want, and not just for Enh Shamans but most classes in some form.
Warlocks want more demons (or to ‘tame’ demons like hunters do pets), DKs want more ghouls and other eye colors, and so-forth.
Right now folks complaining about MM being forced to have a hawk instead of a pet of choice that fits for the race.
Cosmetics matter a ton, it’s why people bother doing anything in this game lol.
The OP of this thread is literally asking for something different
My hope if they were to do it, would make it to perform essentially like enhancement does today, using the same abilities, but they wouldn’t be restricted to offhand attacks. Perhaps make windfury proc more often if not dual wielding since you won’t benefit from flametongue in the offhand.
Bigger storm strikes and windfury hits overall with a similar Maelstorm generation but it’s damage profile would be more spikey instead. Still got that awesome feeling of WHEEE when your windfury flys off nicely but not feel like you’re sitting around doing nothing in between hits. Vanilla and TBC where there wasn’t enough to do isn’t ideal but I think the choice between big bursty two handed damage and more consistent and steady dual wielding would be a nice choice.
It’s mostly speculation on their part, but they end it with saying they’d love 2h again, which could just be cosmetic but it serves what they’d want.