No, I raid, it’s very much alive. You only need 19 other people for mythic.
It’s not dependent on if other people raid.
No, I raid, it’s very much alive. You only need 19 other people for mythic.
It’s not dependent on if other people raid.
The community as a whole was better in the past.
You can believe whatever you want but for me…it’s a fact.
I’m done, this is going nowhere
You sought out a guild then, decide not to do so now, and wonder why your game experience changed.
You can’t exactly clone guild environments, so filing this under “got lucky.”
I’m know exactly where you can file it
What have I done to insult people? I stated my opinion about wow being better back before there were mythic raids, and a bunch of mythic raiders got salty, spent time looking through my achievements and then tried making my lack of “prog” experience the focus point of discrediting my POV.
Despite the fact that by acting like this you are in fact proving the original thing I stated about WoW 2.0 needing to cut the content out. By creating divisions in content difficulty you create a caste system where you only play with people in your bracket. This has been killing the game since Cataclysm
Even if the game is easier, doesn’t mean I’ll start carrying randoms who don’t belong.
And if there were no challenges in the game, I can quit wow and find a new one.
Playing with lesser skilled players is not a fun experience for long.
WoW traded community for convenience. “Community” exists within classic because despite it being an easy game, it’s still significantly less convenient than Retail.
There is no way to see 90% of the game with a click of the button and 5-10 minutes in a queue.
Getting rid of the difficulty in retail wouldn’t bring back the community, it’d just erase the last actual community that WoW still has left since the difficult content is what the remaining community revolves around.
MMORPGs aren’t really supposed to be about skill. They were never about that at all…
They’re supposed to be about community and coming together and having fun. You used to play them to socialize and make friends. Now it’s all about being the “best”
It was way more fun whenever the ENTIRE community played together and not divided into 50 smaller groups
Then you should avoid WOW, including classic. Maybe play a MMO that caters to that design philosophy (not FFXIV either.)
People killed rag at level 58 in greens…classic is a terrible example.
You’re just exhausting to talk to honestly.
Believe whatever you want. I’ve said my piece. I’m done for real this time
People killed rag at level 58 with skill of players today, not skill of players that classic had.
She deep breaths more was something born out of ignorance because people didn’t care to understand boss mechanics.
The socialization was built around having a common goal that you needed to build a community to achieve. Even if it was easy content, networking to get to know the Tanks or Healers so you could hit them up for dungeons was important.
But the only content in retail where that’s important is difficult. So skill becomes an important factor in this networking.
Being known as a good player wasn’t unimportant in earlier iterations of WoW, but like you said, you were just playing at a level where you were unaware of it. But today, it’s noticable because it’s the only real form of socialization and community building that exists.
You only need to know someone if they’re good, because for content where you just need warm bodies, you can pull them infinitely out of the ether.
When you overly generalize anyone that disagrees with you into petty insults.
This is an insulting statement which has no basis for fact. Just a way for you to generalize and dismiss people.
Every MMORPG I have played has had a form of skill involved for progression.
I disagree that WoW needs to be watered down into a trivial game.
You may want others to quit, but I always have felt that WoW’s strength was appealing to a variety of people, having its content be diverse.
People could just stop being insecure about their own accomplishments and realize its ok not to have BIS gear.
The pursuit of bis at all costs and the rating push is just as much to blame for the downfall of the community. It’s the “You can only bring the best” mentality that excludes a very large portion of the community.
When there was one raid difficulty this wasn’t a problem.
But times change. People in general just aren’t as friendly as they were in the past. I’ve given up on any chance for a return to what it was. It will never happen
So we need to go back to classic or burning crusade where few people saw top end content.
And there still was a problem - it was raid or die, so many people didn’t progress because when people got geared, they hopped to better guilds.
This is, at most, self exclusion.
People arent being excluded otherwise.
Yes, people dont want to put any effort into a community. We went over this.
They want all the effort performed by someone else, and “community” handed to them on a silver platter.
After all, if this is about a very large portion of the community being excluded, it means it would be very easy to find a guild/community/etc of like minded individuals. But expecting the bare minimum of effort from people to better their own lives is apparently too much.
Community sucks because blizzard made it suck.
The removal of server identity, the addition of toxicity in the form of rating and leaderboards… this is on them.
Hell, Ion himself seemed bent on ensuring the “elites” were never even in the same instance and anyone else
Even going so far as to remove anything that would get you even remotely close to the same player power with the removal of things like titan forging.
This is all by design.
This is intentional division that creates hierarchy as a reward for the “elite” players.
It lets them distinguish themselves and gives them a dopamine hit when they ascend. But it’s at the cost of the community.
You do realize that Ion has done more for the casual player than like…
any other game director WoW has ever had?
So to make community better, you want LESS players to play with?
No, I don’t think that’s really a reason. There’s a reason most people flock to megas. Then you have the too poor to transfer crowd.
You can blame existing of LFG/LFD/LFR however.
Maybe everyone spamming trade leads to better outcomes.
Agree to disagree I guess
The community isn’t what it used to be. Even Classic has been corrupted with the retail mentality once it goes on long enough.
Times just changed I guess
Gonna reread the wheel of time again since it’s a much better use of my time.