yes, LFG/LFD/LFR contribute to that dramatically. It makes entering groups super convenient.
I dont think people understand HUGE drastic changes to wow like this would probably kill wow if it dosent land just right.
Its just weird because before m+, getting top end gear was raid or die. A much more gatekeepy and inaccessible aspect of gearing for many people.
think removing LFG/LFD/LFR will improve community because people will be paying attention to green text instead of no text chat.
I care, because as I’ve already stated for your slow brain:
“please fundamentally change something I don’t participate in!” is your stance here.
another GD(-GPT) mouth breathing take
either way it’ll be fine cause what youre asking for will never happen
I participate in the wow community and I think the content you are running and the elitism it generates (obvious in your posts) is what is killing the game. So I am sorry but I think the content you get meaning out of should be removed from the game, in order for the game to be more enjoyable by everyone else.
This so much!
Retail is wow 2.0
Comparing the War within and classic is insane
Every last detail is different from moving from a to b. To lvling and pvp
Not to mention zone design and scale.
Hallowfall and eastern plague lands
Wildly different tech and art style
Wow 2.0 started with dragon flight
Yeah they have definitely been migrating art style and systems over. I think what they need to do though is just compress gear to one tier of gear, if you want to do heroic or mythic raids it should be done exclusively for transmog / achievements.