Nah, my guild was struggling on Normal Sindragosa 10 man because we were bad.
I had a dude write me a castsequence macro for my dk that I could spam just so I wouldn’t be so bad
You don’t see stuff like that these days
These were random people who just wanted to be nice
This doesn’t exist in current wow
I can make a cast sequence macro, and I wager, people can probably use it to get cutting edge.
You’re completely lost on what I’m saying.
People used to invite nubs and help them out out of kindness.
I haven’t seen that in years mostly because they made the game more difficult
No, you found a single group that did.
But in general? No free carries.
You’re so lost rn.
Things are so different community wise.
It’s not even a debate
WOTLK of Gearscore was certainly the pinnacle of acceptance.
Yeah. A lot of people dont want to put any effort into a community, and want it delivered to them on a silver platter.
I barely noticed GS was even a thing.
It was nothing compared to today’s wow.
You don’t even have to link anything anymore because they built it right into the game for you
They made it necessary for the players to do it because they made the difficulty higher for all content.
Idk who asked for that but it wasn’t me…
It used to be effortless
If you play with your select group of totally not friends who carried you in 10 man ICC out of a random act of kindness, sure, you won’t notice anything.
Just because you didnt take GS seriously doesnt mean the community wasnt overwhelmingly obsessed with it.
It was because of servers being separate. But I am well aware how lazy people are nowadays with demanding other people entertain them through “community”.
I was a brand new player…I didn’t notice most things back then.
I clicked my abilities
To get back on topic, the community in wow is much worse today than it was back then.
It’s not even a debate.
And the game WAS easier back then and that absolutely contributed to that
I would say the community is the same as it always was.
People aren’t doing charity then and not doing charity now.
No, it really wasn’t.
You got carried by elite players on a whim, just as those elite players can also choose to carry someone today.
These guys weren’t elite
We wiped all the way to the battleship fight most weeks
So, you didn’t clear 10man icc? that makes more sense.
Oh sure, it was cleared eventually.
But nobody cared if we had a bad night
Because it’s just a game
So you just described progression raiding, something that happens even now.
Raiding is dead friend and the M+ community is aids 99% of the time.