A Call for WoW 2.0 Improvements

i mean, every mythic achievement attached to you is in the years following the relevant expansion

wouldn’t say it’s weird as it takes about 3 clicks, and its absolutely relevant as you are aiming to tear down the difficulty without ever having done it

“life achievements”
what a sad sad way to think about it. I’m sure you thought that was slick lmao

This forum is filled with terrible takes. Its like you want a trophey for participation.

You dont get bis gear by doing heroic raids that for some reason you think are difficult at all. You should never be awarded bis gear for doing trivial content. You want bis stuff without actually putting any effort in.

I actually started raiding in Dragonflight season 3 . I barely scratched mythic raiding in that time. I found it very easy to get into a guild and form a raid team. It comes down to effort, and you havent given enough. The gear track is fine, theres no reasons for casual players to be geared out in bis anyway. Lol.

Technically with the world revamp, Cataclysm was WoW 2.0

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it would be great if people would stop using chatbots to write their forum posts.

I am just saying you took time out of your day to go look through my achievements and go day by day for each mythic achievement and cross compare it to when it was relevant content.

I imagine the only reason you would do that is because you are emotionally invested in your achievements not being claimed by others who didn’t put in the work (like stolen valor type thing). So it clearly means a lot to you, which is why I was apologizing for making light of your life achievements.

If you didn’t care you wouldn’t respond.

My brother in Thrall.

I could easily say they were very important to you, since you made them up.

If you didnt care, you wouldnt make them up.

This is a parody of a general statement showing why they arent good.

You should really check again :slight_smile: originally when I was called out for not progging enough I corrected my statement.

Very well put.

By turning it into a competition/esport and by removing server identity, they’ve destroyed the community. People weren’t so terrible to each other when they knew they’d get blacklisted from the raid they did every week because you were easily replaced…because the content wasn’t too difficult for a nub to learn

I used to run into nice people all the time as a new player pushing heroic dungeons and normal raids.

Now? There is no community in wow anymore. Just people who want to finish their m+ or arena push so they can be “done”…

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You’d have to completely get rid of LFD, LFR, and block the premade group finder from working cross realm/faction without bing btag friends to have any chance of that.

What made that in vanilla was that access to content was part of the reward for being able to play nice its others. What killed that was adding things to allow players to opt out of being social.

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Thank you for getting the intent of my post.

Most of these folks are just very sad Mythic Raiders who feel the need to diminish other peoples raiding experience because “Thats not as difficult as the content I have done”

These are the players / mentality that have been causing wow to decline for the past couple of years.

It used to be about the loot drops, not the achievements and “flex”

The loot WAS the flex and everyone could earn it EASILY if they put in the time.

This has never been the case.

It absolutely has.

I was raiding h icc in greens

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You joined a guild, and got carried. Grats? Anyone can do the same right now, if people are willing.

Lich King wasn’t defeated until Cataclysm on many servers.

10 man was

And the point is that you could get those invites because people would bring you just to fill a spot…

That’s how easy it was

You got carried whether in 10s or 25s. The reason that you can get carried doesn’t make stuff easy.

The fact that they could carry means it was easy for them.

I didn’t have to pay anyone
They did it just to fill a spot

The top guilds sell carries for Mythic Ansurek right now.

Clearly, game is still too easy.

They sell them as a “top guild”

Everyone used to do this to be nice

The intent of your post was to overly generalize and insult people?