A Call for WoW 2.0 Improvements

So what is fun for some of you isn’t fun for others? Why do you think that would change if they cut out heroic and mythic raiding, heroic+mythic dungeons, and made normal raids the difficulty of LFR?

Right so it exists because it’s more fun for some.

Would they? Or would they find a game that’ll be more fun?

Which is why there is a social aspect to wow, I don’t think anyone would play wow if it was a single player game. It isn’t compelling in challenge (souls games are better for that) and it isn’t compelling story wise, it is the social aspect that makes the game fun.

Without something to bond with. I’ll just go socialize with people using other hobbies as a medium.

If anyone can fulfill a role, there’s not much to bond over.

I disagree.

Making everything trivial and making everyone quit is a much worse problem.

Its ok for there to be challenging content. WoW’s strength has been having content that appeals to a variety of people.

So one thing I think about is the subscriber base in retail over time

Vanilla → BC → Wrath had steady growth

Cataclysm is where blizzard started introducing harder raid mechanics and dungeon mechanics, mop continued on that trend, and hit an all time low when they introduced mythic raiding.

Now days its difficult to get a count of active retail subscribers and with so many players playing on classic servers there seems to be something about those old design philosophies that would make the horrible quality of life of those games worth chugging through.



even with 0 CEs, every individual mythic kill achievement that I can see falls in the years of the next (or later) expansion

so, you did legacy progression? lol

regardless I fundamentally disagree with the entire op, as someone who has also played on and off since vanilla

A true battle of giants here now

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It’s cool to disagree, it’s weird to go look through a stranger onlines achievements in a video game and (poorly) look for dates to cross reference when content was “valid”

I have done Mythic bosses while they were difficult and current content, I was however not a CE player. I am sorry I made light of your life achievements in a post you disagree with

Incorrect, WotLK plateaued. The growth stopped.

After WotLK there were no longer any more jousting mini games.

Obviously, WoW is crumbling because there are no jousting minigames.

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I hadn’t even considered the jousting mini game fan base :smiley:

Well its just as ridiculous as pointing the finger at any other singular aspect of the game.

WoW was a trendy thing. The people that left, didnt go to other MMOs. They stopped playing MMOs completely.

I think wow was on a dying path since Shadowlands and I think a good number of players who came back to the game (and eventually tried out retail again) are here because of SoD.

I know I personally saw a ton of people I hadn’t seen online in years once SoD came out, it was also super popular in phases 1 and 2 and only started to decline again after phase 3 due to the poor leveling fiasco and also a more challenging 20 man raid which caused most people to not want to play.

I think long term health of the game, if they keep tailoring to Mythic progression people (like the wonderful people in this thread that have researched my raiding history and found it lacking) you will end up in Shadowlands again with very few people to play with an ultimately probably a dead company (maybe its better that way but I enjoy the game and the world and the friends I made here and would like to see it succeed).

if they keep?

What makes you think they are tailoring to mythic progression people?

The big new thing in TWW was delves. The big thing coming is housing.

Mythic progression has NEVER been what they tailored WoW to.

More difficult boss encounters, more challenging dungeon design, there is a huge shortage of healers and tanks right now in M+ because its not rewarding for the challenge level and honestly wow is one of those games where being suboptimal is a burden on your party so people are more likely to lash out for wasting others times.

And there are still easy options.

no there isnt

No they arent.

You know where the most “toxic” people seem to be, based on forums? Trivial content. Queuable content. leveling dungeons, normal dungeons, heroic dungeons. The best way to get away from “toxic” people is to do challenging content.

or be social, make friends.

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So if WOW was easier, and those game people move on to +10s, what about people in +9s?

How does making the game easier solve the tank / healer shortage rather than move the problem somewhere else (if there was one.)

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Because it has no bearing and you mentioned it. lol.

So the guy said I played since vanilla. Big deal.

I already play it like a single player game. :rofl: