A Call for WoW 2.0 Improvements

They were? That’s quite possibly one of the worst rational for a WoW 2.0 that I’ve seen. And I’ve been on MMO-C

You didn’t have friends who could solo dungeons on a frost mage and were impressed by them?

It felt like back in the day because both good and so so players were all doing the same content together if you were amazing you got to really flex in content. Now days it feels the population is segmented into various bubbles.

I wouldn’t call the worst class design in the game a good reason for WoW 2 either. Mages being able to solo a max-difficulty dungeon and some raid bosses, while warrior was the bar none best tank and dps, are not things to aspire towards.

Why are people triggered by someone saying they played from the start. One of the oddest things in context of a game forum to read.

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Not really highlighting class design of wow in vanilla (they have come along way) just that back when content was easier the same folks who would be doing mythic raid prog today would have been doing stuff like 5 manning UBRS / Speed clearing raids.

Difficulty tiers aren’t necessary and mythic track gear doesn’t need to exist to incentivize those players do find fun things to do.

I’m not sure where you got the idea that I was triggered by it from

In other words, you want the game to be casual-friendly while still offering an experience that doesn’t feel entirely casual—a sort of illusion of challenge that avoids burnout and excessive effort. I must say, I agree with you because the difficulty of content is always relative. We’ve all faced failures back in ICC, and it felt challenging at the time. But now, “difficulty” means being slightly off the correct pixel and wiping the entire raid. I much prefer the old-school PvE difficulty over what we have now. I’m with you on this one.

I’m doing Mythic raid prog today, I quit vanilla WoW after a couple months. Because it was a bad game.

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Agreed felt like you were just getting ready :popcorn:
for all of this wonderful conversation to unfold :smiley: I am just scratching off bits of my bingo card

Person pretending free speech is ruined because of community clause
People saying if you don’t like it get out
Semantic argument about my “credentials”
Accused of being a chat bot
Wow was better in X expansion

He was supposed to save us all!

That’s awesome @Brewa and good luck on your 8/8 :slight_smile:

I definitely don’t think vanilla in 2025 holds up as a fun game, but I think that has more to do with content / quality of life updates that didn’t exist at the time. I do however think if we had a modern version of wow where everyone was doing the same content difficulties that you would probably be one of the players showing off to their friends / guildies.

Maybe you wouldn’t though and the lack of challenge would cause you to become bored with wow and you would go try to find challenging content in other games.

I personally think fun game design centers around a game that everyone can play but takes real practice to master. Right now if you are a mythic raider it is a chore to run heroic dungeons with a friend (even if that is challenging for them) so people don’t do it, and what ends up happening is you only play with other high key pushers / mythic prog raiders

How is this supposed to be a thing if

this is a thing?

Like Syndrome said:

“If everyone is Super, then No one is.”

In Vanilla everyone of various skill levels could go to raid and get tier gear, there wasn’t difficulty levels introduced to raiding or gear. There was just the game and everyone was playing it.

The difficulty levels aren’t taking anything away from you, they’re just adding for those who want more.

You’re still able to do normal raids if you want, in fact it’s even more accessible now with LFR.

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Why would I do normal raid when I can do heroic raid and do M+10 for mythic vault gear? Now I am doing that content, while some of my friends want to do mythic raiding, and others want to just run normals. We are all playing the same game but not together and that doesn’t feel as fun as back in vanilla when we were all playing the same game (just some of us were better at it then others)

This disconnect / division is a problem IMO in game design.

Would your friends running Mythic raiding stick around was LFR? If M+ was dead and the gameplay was easy raids with easier rotations I certainly wouldn’t stick around for that.

That’s a conversation you need to have with yourself and your friends. If your primary goal is playing together, you can all do normal raids together, it shouldn’t be a problem.

But you want the reward from the system you claim to hate, so you do it willingly.

Please tell me why this wouldn’t lead to people being bored with higher ilvl and accomplishing little else.

Taking off gear to scale content because content by default is too easy, is not what I call fun.

We do it mostly because it is the most powerful gear we can get for the amount of effort we are willing to put in because that is what’s fun for us. If there was only one tier those same players would still be playing they just wouldn’t have to put in as much effort to get to the top gear.

Games where you’ve beaten everything lose their appeal rather fast.