A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

-passive 45% stun resist


I honestly can’t imagine being both this dumb, and this frustrated. This guy must literally toss and turn in his sleep at night over this. He has to be sitting at work or school or whatever during the day just stewing on it.

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I think the grind is getting to you buddy. You’re here spewing the same crap everyday.

It happens on both sides.

orc has 25%, warrior has 3/3 talent for 15% more. That’s 40%, and they have to be a warrior for it. So yes, 40%.

But on the flip side, when your side is has a majority of warriors in it. Guess what. Every battleground of ab and wsg i’ve seen 6+ warriors in for horde (My side), we’ve always lost. I would say take a guess to why, but rather than offering the question, i’ll let you puzzle it out.

Then petition Activision / Blizzard, to open up a dedicated group battleground server, that has a few open instances for each one. You queue as a group, you get put into that server for pvp. You can kill other high ranking players, for much more honor, or die to them for the same.

They could probably host all the currently open bg’s, in excess of 20 each on just one server.

Alliance for the most part boycott AV as it is right now. The reason horde have to wait so long, is because there’s so few people in alliance doing their instant queue.

when i imagine bruttalis

i imagine your typical fedora nice guy who complains about chads all day.

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lol and im guessing you consider yourself a part of the ‘chads’ even though you’re only capable of preying on the weaker pugs and you concede games to the real alphas(horde premades)……and you’ve played on a pve server for 100% of your time. you are a joke

hey there lvl 10 alt of spamtallis, teach us more about hiding behind things :joy: :rofl:

Coming from the dude grinding rank 14 on a pve server…


Wait is he actually on a PvE server? Like, he’s playing the best class/race combo in the game and the dominant PvP faction and he can’t handle 1v1? Lmao. Can’t handle the one downside of Warrior - being hard to solo anyone in the world.

I’ve leveled 2 warriors on pvp servers and did most of my grind on whitemane. also I have to grind damn near 800k honor BY MYSELF while matching premades for most of the week and I still get standing 1. so get on my level. im on a pve server to avoid getting my buffs dispelled by trolls and to avoid mobs of alliance players rolling around in groups of 10 farming everything in sight in high level zones, its much less stressful

As a pugger, I supported the stop to the AV alliance premade rush meta and I support this. I don’t even beg anymore, it’s just not fun to get stomped by premades and have half the pug team afk.

I can promise you this isn’t a problem specific to horde - all PUGs suffer because of the honor system in Vanilla. The PVP community suffers in general because of the honor system, to be honest.

I can honestly say that I enjoy Classic’s PVP - a lot of these servers are dead because people more interested in PVE pollute the population and use PVP as a means of more efficient PVE. Obstructing the other top guilds from server best clear times by purging world buffs - so they can say they’re the best on some irrelevant website, farming honor to get gear they’ll only use to clear raid content faster, etc.

I would imagine the same sentiment applies to BGs - people only play them to farm honor - they don’t care about PVP, they care about the most efficient route to PVE.

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Not only that, he chose the only Horde dominant PvE server out there.

why the hell would I go to pagle or westfall? so I could struggle to make gold with a dead auction house? use that thing in your cranium that you aren’t so accustomed to using, if you have one that is, your brain. also why would it matter which faction is the dominant one on a pve server. you salty nerds jump at any opportunity to flame me just because ive played a part in this revolution against premades and youre afraid to lose your ez pug farm. pathetic. btw you play literally the easiest and most broken class in the entirety of wow just fyi

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Everyone should be boycotting BG’s. Why do you play something that you hate?

Sunken cost fallacy among rankers, most of them hate it but by the time they’re ready to throw in the towel they’re too deep into it to quit.


pagle has a solo que R14 and you know what…

he didnt whine and complain all day about premades because he isnt a neckbeard nice guy.

No he just queued endlessly and afk’d a lot.