A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

Oh so neither AV or WSG were changed in classic because of premades?

lol no you don’t liar

goalposts moved, nice try kiddo

you stated

this statement is false

Wow. Speechless. :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

The changes to AV and WSG were both aimed at preventing premades from pug stomping.

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100% I do. Yesterday in fact. The horse rushed out, fought once, then must have ran away from the graveyard because we never saw them again. Except for like two of them that weren’t part of the premade

No the change to the scoreboard was a direct way of stopping Q dodging. Which is done to stomp pugs and not face other premades.

The AV change was made to prevent premades in a battleground with no premading. You can argue there are also other reasons, like preventing 5-10 man AVs from back filling, but they were also to deter the toxic levels of honor farming premades go to.

I’m just going to say again, I’m not against premades, but acting like the extreme ends people go to in order to farm honor isn’t causing a problem for battlegrounds overall is just being dense.

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Man you sure have been wearing those rank 10 shoulders for long time.

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how do I update the image

Log in and out of your forum account.

didn’t work

Try having them equipped in game when you log off.

They tout #nochanges, as they hide behind that since they can farm pugs for easy honor.

So you guys who tout #nochanges want #nochanges? Well…

Get rid of cross realm battlegrounds. :slight_smile: Fixes the premade situation at the same time.

I no longer queue any battlegrounds on my Horde & Alliance. PvP can rot in a dumpster for all I care! Don’t give any of those in premades any honor off pugs. Pull the plug on it all. Both sides. STOP PUGGING. It’s clear premaders want to kill PvP for a lot of players, so let’s just put it out of its misery.


I am a “casual” player on retail and my gear is not the same compared with people who play alot- at all. I have like 130K health atm compared to 300 to 500K on other players. Retail also requires intense end game gameplay to get the best gear.

As for you saying that games shouldnt be designed so players want to play is the real wrong answer. If I was a game designer and a player started talking about boycotting content I created I would feel like I failed. Some games are still played by players 30 years later. A example is the NES Zelda.

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I still have my original Nes Zelda cart in box, and I still play it to this date. Remains an engineered master piece.

I have builtlevels for all sorts of games over the years, and if players reviewed it and said what they didn’t like, and that they were avoiding it, I listened. I’d also be very concerned if I learned my content was being boycotted if I was in a paid development team! It really is annoying how so many premade players constantly insult pugs. A pretty rude gaming community, and that is exactly why I don’t want to premade. Most of the people I’ve met who do it aren’t very nice.

EDIT: one thing I strived at creating was balanced game play. One of my maps for Battlefield 1942 was noticed by EA Games. They wanted me to go to Vancouver for an interview. I turned them down because… it’s EA, and I was insecure and didn’t feel up to the challenge. Anyways, point is… bad design is rampant in classic, and it really is disappointing that so many people exploit it for their gain at the expense of many others.

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I rolled the overpopulated faction so I could have an edge and I’m upset because I have ques.

Typical Horde :slight_smile:


Too much zug in here… whining and complaining about having so many advantages. Shut up and queue or don’t queue. We don’t care. If you don’t think horde premades stomp alliance pugs then you have the mental capacity of a door knob.

See you in BGs this week, thanks for the honor


Well you’re right about the first part, guilty as charged. I’m not upset about the queues as much as I am about facing 20 premades in a row after those long queues. The queues are actually a nice break in-between games.

what does the rank of the player have to do with the skill of the player?

Let’s face it pvp is broken on the mankrik discord the horde openly discuss taking alliance alts to razor Hill for hk sharing these are the people doing high warlord. Pvp is no where near where it was in vanilla

Thats why alliance premades quit, when they come across a horde premade right?

You all get stomped, rolled, and smeared repeatedly. So rather than fight it out, and take your chances on a hard win that requires effort. You would rather take the easy way out, let the horde win, and then re-queue hoping that you get a horde pug instead. That is, provided you just don’t outright leave the bg.

But then again, if premade is all you do 24/7. Well, that speaks volume’s.

I spent nearly 3 weeks straight doing pug bg’s as a horde. Every match, not in av. That being AB or WSG that i was in, was a alliance premade. Seems your side, Toughlove, can only win if their all on discord, from the same server. All the time. But then again, if that’s the ONLY way you can pvp, maybe you have the mental capacity of a doorknob. Gotta have your friends, feed you right?

You can talk big all you like. In the end though, a loser is still a loser, and regardless of how they end up, its the journey that got them there that matters.

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