A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

As a rank 13 warrior? Are you joking?

I thought you were bragging about how you’d wreck everyone, and now you literally lose every fight?

As an orc warrior in r13 gear?

That’s just astounding amounts of bad, there’s a reason half the playerbase are warriors- and most of those are orcs. They’re the best class/race combo in Vanilla WoW.


I don’t know how you can simultaneously be the best player in the world that’ll wreck everyone, be the worst player in the world that loses to everyone, be the scourge of premades and pugs, and never be able to win in BGs. All at the same time.

I think you’ve managed to be every single archetype in the pvp spectrum by now, it’s truly astounding.


I can smell this thread.

Cancel your subscription and play a new game and/or a game you enjoy then. They /Blizzard will NOT change premades. You are stuck with it forever. I’m not even trying to be snarky here. Just the way it is.

And yes I cancelled my subscription, a few days left i think. For similar reasons you are complaining about.

But friend you won’t see a change in premades ever so this is why i replied.

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maybe if you didn’t camp our gy in 90% of your premades. alliance definitely doesn’t do that to you enough

Just a random musing- this guy (the original OP, Brutallis) joined my guild but quit because we were “too sweaty” for him lol. The guy that plays 18 hours a day said we were too sweaty, I had a good laugh.


make your own premade or enjoy me stomping on you with mine lol


I wasn’t about to drop my professions to improve your raid clear times by 30 seconds. Sweating in pvp is one thing, sweating unnecessarily to clear easy content doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. To each his own tho, also you’re a GM and a loot hoarder which was the real red flag.

he’s obviously 12 years old. you dodged a bullet.

Well there are no hard feelings here, and I did the warlord grind myself so I’m familiar with both types of sweat lol. Side note, our GM is our MT, but our loot council decides who gets what only for weapons(and the council rotates). All other items are Round Robbined and then rolled. We’ve had surprisingly very few complaints over loot. That being said, I think it’s tough out there for every warrior in raiding trying to gear up, there are just too many people out there.

And regarding the sweat- to each his own, we are going to try and set the server BWL speed record this week,but different things motivate different people.

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why are you still salty, blizzard doesn’t care enough about your pug farming loot extravaganza. you can keep getting your easy honor with impunity

they don’t care about 12 year olds making threads every single day to cry about not having friends either.

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But there’s a reasonable chance they do care about casual players who are currently unable to play BG’s because of pug stomping.

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no…no they dont

you’re able to play
just like they aren’t going to release a “friendless solo player” version of Molten Core, they aren’t going to release a “friendless solo player” version of bgs.

they are team-based multiplayer game modes. you are perfectly able to play them if you choose.

make friends
join a guild

if you want to force a game to play the way you want it to be played, maybe you should find a different game that satisfies your needs and wants.

I love this so much.

Sorry but blizzard has already made multiple changes to BG’s to try to prevent pug stomping. At this point there’s no reason not to just make it a hard rule in the matching system and be done with it.

this is false

Except it’s not, both AV and WSG had changes made to them to deter premades from pug stomping.


this is false

You’re wrong lol, I see this all the time