A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

you realize this happens on alliance too literally all day ever day right?

But yet 98% of Ally are the ones fighting against 2 separate Q’s. Seems there maybe a reason for this. Just a observation…

i dont understand

We don’t want two separate queues because we like our short queues and still get honor from pugging. It’s not as efficient as premade honor, but it’s a good filler while you wait for your group to form.

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I see so many horde saying ‘‘if alliance are so good why don’t they queue AV’’, maybe because we have an innate map advantage that’s only overcome by how bad we play, and not how good they play?

Also, if you separate queues you separate rewards, that simple. You recognise there is a requirement different for those queues. Can’t have it both ways, either everyone shares the items, and thus the queues, or the items are separated to account for the skill and prep difference.

If the big problem, really is just ‘unplayable games’ (and I remember those from Vanilla, being told to stop ressing so the enemy would cap) the gear distinction should be no issue. If it is an issue, it’s you wanting accessibility to gear you’re not willing to organise and work for.

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False, there’s players of both sides that weren’t prepared for Classic’s meta. I’m horde and stand by no changes.

Bro all we do is press the “join battleground” button, go in and pvp.
Quit crying like a baby.


Look at you do math good!! I guess you need to see it again here let me help you… 98% of Ally…

Why don’t you do a tally in this thread of how many of each side are complaining, I can’t be bothered.

I just know it’s not 98%.

2 queues hurts horde far more than it would to alliance, by the way.

Cant be bothered but yet you replied. Not only did you reply, but you by passed a whole 2%. You should really read before typing and also bring something to back the argument you are trying to make…

Can’t be bothered to complete a tally, more than bothered to reply to you. Why you being mean to me? Happy to converse :slight_smile:.

Fair. I made mention that splintering queue would have a larger affect on horde. It takes 20 min for a WSG q to pop and over 40 for AB. How much longer would it be to fill a game if we were to splinter who will enter it?

Sorry, I’m tired. My brain isn’t keeping up with my eyes. Got you to sort me out though, aye. I enjoy sharing experiences with other players, it’s a little therapeutic.

That’s not me being mean. That is just me pointing out that, I did not say Ally are the only ones against it but a very hefty amount of them.

It is hard to do a tally on a forum that allows you to switch between characters/names so the numbers would be screwed in that scenario.

The only thing 2 queues hurt is not in order here, the try hard’s, min maxer’s, those that want to have bragging rights, speed runners, those that want to impress their significant other, those that do not want to grind anymore then they have to.

20 min Q WSG? My Q’s last around 1-2 min… AB 1 min to a max of 5 mins. AV 1h 45m to 2h 30 min…

Ye, I was just being cheeky.

You said 98%, to be fair. Bit of a huge exaggeration.

Is it not? it’s entirely relevant. You believe that alliance are largely the ones advocating for split queues, but their queue times would be more practical.

These players shouldn’t be generalised. You’ll find players who follow these mind sets with varied opinions on premades.

Dang, is this the norm? I’m not US.

Nah, we gonna keep feasting on yall in BGs. You had your chance to lobby for something more casual and yall passed on it. So this is the game now.

No take backs.

I love your mog even though it’s just default, lol.

I leveled two characters to exalted with Frostwolf and lost three AV battlegrounds total during that time. I’m fine with that

I am hard against splitting the queues and I play both factions. Premades have pretty specific times they are more prevalent I’ve realized for both sides, either play around that or stop crying and dont queue.

Also a lot of horde even in this thread don’t want it split, you just sound dumb trying to go so far to make a point you say 98%. Let me reword it for you “I’ve seen more alliance typically advocate against splitting queues than horde.” Until you go through this thread and tally them up and hit us with a number you’re just making it up. Not really how you convince or make a statement seem creditable to anyone but yourself.

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You and me, mate. We’re the 2%.

This part I meant. Not in order as in how I listed the people it would effect the most. Advocating, means they are for split Q’s and that is not what I said. I said they were against it.

Not really look through out all post on the subject of split Q’s 98% of them Ally are fighting against it, not for it.

Yes the Q times I mentioned are between those times in the US. AV has a huge timer because Blizzard did take out the ability to pre-made. Though Ally players will argue it has to do with the map, but I argue they had nothing to really say about it until pre-made Q’s were no longer a thing they could do ( Don’t get me wrong possibly 1-2 players may have said something but it was not over used as much as it is now to argue the point why pre-mades vs pugs is a good thing).

AV isn’t worth the honor per hour for alliance, they have it too good in the other 2.

You’re right I had your statement the wrong way around, my bad.

Those are really good queues for horde. I’m very surprised.